Screw You (38)

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I feel so bad for the boys -Dick and Wally-, they were our personal clothes rack at the moment. Well, more of Barbara's and Artemis's clothes rack. I wasn't really buying anything, all I picked out were like maybe three more casual dresses. Maybe a pair of sandals, and some shorts and shirts. Either way, my point is that I only brought fewer clothing than the other two. 

"Wally, here," I look over to see Dick plopping the pile of clothes in his arms onto Wally's, "I need to head over to Elegante's Bridal for Serena's dress." 'Again? Really?' I thought when I heard him. Not that I'm complaining much, but those dresses cost a shit ton of money, I nearly had a heart attack when I found out how much my homecoming dress costed.

"Dick, I thought-"

"Nah ah ah." He cut me off by putting his finger to my lips. "I don't care, you deserve the best. Now, let's head over and meet up with Tina." He chuckled, going to the counter and paying for the clothes I picked out before dragging me to the bridal store.

"Ah, Dick, how nice to see you again." Tina greeted, walking up to us and giving us hugs. "So, please tell me she's your girlfriend now." Tina giggled, looking at me.

"Yep, six months." Dick grinned, taking my hand. 

"So, prom?" Tina looked back at us and smiled as she led us to her office. "I'm guessing he just tossed this on you right now?" She chuckled as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"Yep, always spoiling me when I tell him not to." I grumbled.

"I know the feeling, my husband does that and I don't like it to much. I don't like him spending money on me." She chuckled, opening her sketch book. "Alright, now what kind of style did you have in mind?" She asked, looking at me. 

"Hmm strapless, and I think I wanna try something new, so a high low dress." I replied with a smile.

"Flare or nah?" She continues as she sketches a strapless dress with a high low skirt.

"Maybe a flowing kind of look..." I pondered out loud. 

"Here," she pulls some books out of her bookshelf and hands them to me, "Sometimes it's easier to see." The two of us flipped through the countless books. 

"Oooh, how about the top like this, maybe less beading." I said, pointing at a picture. 

"How about something like this," she shows me the sketch.

"Perfect." I smiled. Then, we started to work on the bottom portion of the dress.

"He is going to die when he sees you in this dress." Tina giggled once we were done with the dress design. 

"I really can't wait to see it." I squealed in excitement.

"Alright, now the fabric and color, and we're done." Tina said, pulling out a huge ass book of of fabric samples. 

"Ooooh, I feel like this one would work just perfectly." I smiled, picking the fabric.

"It's really going to fit well." Tina smiled. 

"Damn, three hours already. Oh my gosh Dick." I started to freak when I saw the clock. I looked over to the other couch to see Dick snoozing away. "Dick." I sighed, shaking him awake. 

"Hm?" He shot up from the couch, "We done?"

"Yeah, we can head back now." I giggled before turning to Tina, "Thank you so much."

"No problem sweetie." She smiled before leading us out.

"Three hours? Damn." Dick chuckled as we got on his motorcycle.

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