Half Done (40)

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"Hello Gotham, have I got something good for you." Harold grinned into the camera. He walks over to us -Red Hood, Nightwing, and I- and grabs my face. "I am going to unmask our little vigilantes." He smirked, looking at me evilly. I scowled and spit in his face, making him back away. "You bitch." He slaps me.

Okay, let me tell you what's going on. The three of us -Red Hood, Nightwing, and I- stormed the place, and get captured and tied up. "Wait, we should capture the Batman and unmask him as well." Penguin cackled. Yes, the little fatso was working with Harold. Harold was the one who busted Penguin and Harley out, and he injected them with some disease. So, that's how he's controlling them. He's been having Penguin use his birds to stash bio-bombs around the city.

'You come up with a plan yet?' I asked Nightwing as I wiggled my hands a bit.

'Get free, and take on Penguin and Harold.' He replied.

'I can burn the ropes off.' I told him.

'Alright, just wait for my go. Once we're free, Jason and I will handle Penguin, you handle Harold.' He told me. I replied to him with a slight nod before turning my attention back to Harold who was digging through a drawer. My eyes travelled over to Penguin who was gobbling food down like some animal. "Go." Nightwing whispered. 

Smirking, I quickly covered our bodies in crystal ice to protect us from the fire. Then, I burnt the ropes off, and shattered the ice, freeing us. "Go!" Nightwing half shouted, lunging at Penguin with Red Hood.

A small grunt escaped my lips when I was tackled to the ground. I quickly swung my elbow back, elbowing Harold in the face. I kept on elbowing him a few times until he released me. "Where are the others?" I asked, sending ice shards at him. 

The shards easily bounced off his skin. 'Damn it.' I thought as I tried to freeze him. "You won't find them." He smirked, charging at me. I quickly braced myself, letting him charge at me. I quickly ducked and grabbed his leg and placed my hand on his chest. Using his force against him, I flipped him, sending him towards the wall. The cement wall cracked slightly when he made impact against it.

I quickly froze him against the wall. I scowled frustratedly when he broke free. "It's useless, I'm invincible!" He laughed maniacally, grabbing a nearby pipe and swinging at me as he advanced on me. 

I quickly summoned my bow, using it to defend myself. I used the butt of my bow to hit Harold in the face, making him stable back a bit. I used this to my advantage, and advanced on him. I swung and hit him where ever I could, not allowing him a second to recover. But, my blows didn't seem to have much of an effect on him. 

Harold scowled and grabbed my bow before I could land another hit, and lifted me up into the air. I scowled behind my mask, and swung my leg at his head, only to have him catch it. I let out a small growl as I swung my other leg, landing a hit. Harold screamed in pain, and dropped me. I quickly recovered, and punched his other ear, rupturing that ear drum as well. 

Harold scream in pain while holding his head, stumbling around. I decided to let him be for now, and untied the hostages. "Get to safety." I told them, turning my attention back to the stumbling buffoon. I approached him, and delivered a nice hard punch to his gut, knocking the wind out of him. "Where are the bombs hidden?" I asked, kneeing him in the face when he was bent over. 

"Not, telling." He wheezed, tackling me to the ground. I groaned when Harold stomped on my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. "Besides," he grabs me and lifts me up by my neck, "You'll never find all of them in time." My vision started blurring when he choked me. 

Gathering myself together as best as I can, I swung my leg up, aiming for his throat. I'm not sure if I landed my kick or not, but I was dropped. "You....... Bitch......" I heard him gasp as I gasped for the precious air that I was deprived of. I quickly got back up, and went over to Harold who was rolling around on the floor clutching his throat. 

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