Daenerys-ed B*tch (36)

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"Nooooo maybe these aliens are friendly." I mumbled as I froze another alien ship. "They won't be like the last bunch that tried to destroy earth, nooooo, they're friendly." I continued to mutter to myself. Anyone wanna guess what's happening? I'll give you one huge hint: invasion. Yep, guess what the aliens decided to do. That's right, they decided to attack earth today. Only one week after their visit.

By the time Bruce managed to sort the video and sound out, they had already started to invasion. Apparently they were going to take all the resources from earth, take all the women, and destroy the earth. Oh, we also found out what all the diamonds were being stolen for. They were being used as amo and to amplify their huge ass lasers. Also, we found out that they could phase through things, and camouflage. So, that answered how they got away with the robberies unnoticed.

"How is it looking up there?" Batman asked.

"Bad, there's to many." I replied as I continued to freeze the ships and take them down. 

"Duck!" I heard Hawkwoman shout. I quickly ducked, avoiding a whack from her mace. 

"Batman, there are to many in the skies." Hawkman told him.

"It's crowded down here as well." Green Arrow retorted.

"Just keep icing them, that seems to be their only weakness that we've found so far." I heard Captain Atom say. 

"No problem for me." I smirked, taking in a big breath and blow a bit gust of icy breath at the ships before me. "Ugh, this is tiring me." I sighed as I felt my energy draining with each attack. 

"We must push on." Hawkman said, knocking another ship into another with his mace. 

I let out a scream of pain when I felt something pierce my wings. "Angel's down!" Hawkwoman informed as my wings continued to be shot at. She quickly made a dive for me as I fell. I reached out for her as she came closer and closer. "Gotcha." She grunted, grasping my hand and slowly my fall. She gently placed me on the ground. 

"Ugh this sucks." I groaned in pain, tucking my wings so that they sank into my back. "Guess I'm grounded now." I bit out sarcastically, summoning my bow. "Nightwing, what's your location?" I asked, running around the streets, shooting any alien I encounter with ice arrows. 

"I'm on Feral." He replied.

"Heads up!" I shouted. Nightwing quickly looked back at me and ducked when he saw me released my arrow, nailing the alien in the head.

"Stupid government, didn't they learn what happened last time they accepted aliens from another planet into our planet? Ugh! And they're demanded you in trade for this attack. Ha! So fucking funny!" Nightwing bit out sarcastically. Yep, Ghal wanted me in exchange for Earth's safety. Total bullshit. "Maneuver 24." Nightwing said. 

The two of us gripped each others forearms. Nightwing smirks and swings me around in a circle, and I kicked down the aliens that surrounded us. Then, he swings me into his arms before flipping me over his shoulders. I quickly kicked the alien that was behind him when he flipped me. When I landed, I get on my knees and cup my hands. Nightwing quickly round kicks and alien before placing his foot into my hands. I launch him up in the air, and he grabs onto an alien ship that passes by.

"Hey, this is fun!" I heard Nightwing laugh before a ship swings around and shoots down the aliens around me. 

"I have located the bases. Alpha team: Dick, Serena, and Red Hood. Beta team: Superboy, Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Zatanna. Omega team: Robin, Wally, and Artemis. Alpha team, you will handle the base that's set up in Gotham. Beta, you will be transported to China. Omega, you have Europe." Batman gave us our assignments. 

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