First Mission (11)

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"I am never gonna get use to you doing," KF made circle gestures at me, "That." He's meaning me drinking blood in front of them.

"You rather me have a squirrel in my mouth and suck that dry in front of you?" I mused, slurping the last of the blood from the blood bag. It's been about two days since the dance, and Dick and I are still together. Yep, it wasn't just a fling of the moment that ended after the dance. And I'm glad it wasn't. I'm still trying to figure out a way to tell Dick that he's my beloved. You know, this is probably how werewolves feel when they tell humans that they're their mate.

Yes, werewolves exited. Keyword: existed. Most mythical creatures are extinct now a days because of hunts and such. To be honest, someone's probably hunting me out there, are is gonna. "You know, you never told us what you are exactly." Megan said. 

"Well, take your guess. I'll cook dinner if you get it right." I smirked, downing another bag of blood. 

"Some vampire hybrid dark angel?" She guess.

"No offense, but aren't they evil?" Wally scratched his head.

"Not all." I answered.

"Well, you got it some what right, so I'll make dinner." I said, chewing on the bag a bit because my fangs were itching. "Half fallen half vampire." I said before chewing the bag again. 

"What'd that bag ever do to you?" Wally snickered.

"I'm teething, simplest way to put it." I growled, glaring at him slightly.

"What are you? 2?" Wally joked.

"Ha ha, very funny." I said sarcastically. "My fangs are growing for the last time, and its itching." I told him in a serious tone.

"What did you do to fall?" Zatanna asked.

"I didn't. I carry the burden of my father. He fell from grace, and that will be passed onto generations after generations unless someone descends. Then it is broken." I explained, pouting when I noticed that I drank all of the blood bags.

Then, one appeared in front of my face. I look over to see Nightwing holding it out to me. "Here, just cleaned out the blood supply, looks like you missed one." He smirked. I chuckled and took the bag from him, draining it in seconds. 

"You just drank, like, a gallon of blood. In 15 minutes." Artemis said.

"I'm going through the last of my changes, I need it. I actually need more, but I'm to lazy to and tired to hunt right now." I groaned, throwing my head back on the couch. 

"Well, you and I have a mission. So, no being lazy for you." Nightwing chuckled, pulling me up from the couch. 

"What about us?" KF asked cheerfully with a goofy grin on his face.

"No, just us." Nightwing secretly smiled at me. Then, he dragged me to the bay to his ship. 

"So, where we headed?" I asked, sliding into his lap as he was flying the jet. 

"For a midnight stroll in Paris." He smirked, saying that in a French accent. 

"Oh ho ho." I chuckled in a French accent before pulling him into a kiss. "God I love you so much." I smiled.

"You have no idea how long I've waited." Nightwing smirked. 

"So, mission?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Those shipments you tracked. I looked more into it and found STAR labs shipping stuff to some where in Paris. They are rendezvousing tonight." Nightwing answered. 

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