Ascend (31)

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~No one's POV~

"Serena..." Dick's cracked voice squeaked as he shook the lifeless body of his girlfriend. He couldn't hold it back to more, he hugged her dead body close to him as he cried. He begged and pleaded for this to be some sick nightmare that he was having, that he was going to wake up any second in his bed with Serena in his arms. His heart ached and broke more with each passing second. 

The sounds of the fight woke up the priest that was in the housing next to the church, and curious, he went to investigate. When he got there, he saw that the church was a mess. Some of the pews were charred and broke, bowls of holy water knocked over, the stone floor was cracked here and there, and in the middle of the aisle he saw two bodies. A boy crying as he held a girl in his arms.

"Boy!" He called out to Dick, grabbing his attention as he approached them. "What happened here?" The priest asked, his face dropping when he saw the lifeless body that Dick was holding.

"She just saved the world from destruction, and no one will know of her sacrifice." Dick said in a drained voice. The priest noticed the black feather that Dick was holding in his hands, the black feather that was slowly turning white.

"God will take care of her." The priest told Dick, placing a hand on Dick's shoulders. "Give her a proper burial, she deserves that at least." He told him, smiling down sadly.

Dick gathered himself together and picked himself up. "I am sorry about the damage." He apologized, looking around at the place.

"That is of no matter, it can easily be fixed." The priest told him, waving him off. 

Dick sighed and started to make his way back to the manor that was only a five minute walk from the church. 

"Have mercy on the burdened soul father." The priest prayed when Dick left.

Dick was still hoping that all this was a dream, but the closer he got to the mansion the more real it seemed to him. He was surprised that his heart hasn't exploded or stop beating from all the aching. "Master Dick." Alfred greeted him when he stepped through the front door.

"Dick." Bruce greeted, taking in the scene that was in front of him. 

The moment Dick walked through the door, he collapse to his knees and started sobbing. "Hey! What's-" Damian couldn't believe his eyes. "No.... No, no, no, this isn't real." Damian gasped, slowly walking up to Dick. 

"What's everyone-" Jason didn't want to believe it either, he wanted this to be some sick and twisted prank that was being pulled.

"Can someone please finish-" Time couldn't finish his sentence either when he saw how much of a mess his older brother was in.

"Grayson, this better be some joke, or I will kill you." Damian seethed, getting down onto his knees and grabbing onto the collar of Dick's shirt.

"Go ahead, kill me, maybe then I'll be with her." Dick snapped, holding the cold body closer to him.

"What happened?" Bruce asked as he helped Dick stand up. 

"Can we talk about this later? I just want to be alone." Dick said dully before he made his way to his room. He gently placed Serena on his bed before going to the bathroom and grabbing a wet towel. He headed back to Serena and started to wipe the blood off of her. 

"Dick." Bruce said from the doorway of his room.

"Just, leave me alone, please." The teen pleaded as he shoved his emotions away, locking them away deep in his mind. Dick continued to clean Serena up until there was nothing left to clean. Then, he took the bloodied and burnt clothes off of her and changed her into something more appropriate.

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