HAHA (37)

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~Serena's POV~

"Babe, are you sure you did it?" Dick sighed for the up tenth time as he rubbed his temples. 

"Yes! You were right there next to me! For goodness sake you were doing it with me." Serena sighed as she dug through her locker for her paper. 

"Maybe someone broke into your locker." Dick sighed.

"But no one was here by the time we were done, so no one could have known that I put my paper in here." I whined, leaning my forehead against the self inside my locker. "Ugh, I worked so hard on that paper too. It took me so long..." I groaned, stepping back from my locker, and slamming it shut. 

Dick sighed and pulled me into a side hug, "Come on, let's head to class." Then, the two of us walked to our class. "So, have you decided what college you gonna go to?" Dick asked as we sat in class, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"I honestly don't know right now... I mean, Gotham University is offering me a full ride, along with Blüdhaven University. Have you decided anything?" I sighed, laying my head on my table. 

"I'm just waiting to hear back from the police academies that I've signed up for." Dick replied.

"You're serious about being an officer huh?" I chuckled, reaching out and grabbing his hand. 

"Yep." Dick replied with a grin. "So, while you're in school, I'm out working." He said. "What about you? Know what you want to be?" He asks.

"I don't know... I want to be a crime scene investigator, but I want to work in forensics as well." I answered.

"Why not both? Investigate crime scenes, gather evidence, and test them." Dick shrugged.

"I guess that could work..." I muttered. 

"Still salty about that paper?" Dick snickered.

"Yes." I replied with a frown.

"Alright everyone! Hand in your papers!" The teacher said as he walked into the classroom. I internally groaned as everyone handed their papers in. Class was a bore, I mean, we pretty much discussed about the reading that we had last night. "Oh, don't forget to vote for your prom theme, or no prom." Mr. Drot told the class before it ended. 

'Oh, yay, prom.' I thought somewhat bitterly. Don't get me wrong, I feel like it's nice and all, but the whole voting thing and such is all a popularity contest, and all the unpopular kids pretty much have their nights ruined by the popular kids. 

"So, when we gonna go prom dress shopping?" Artemis smiled as we sat at our lunch table. 

"You mean you two." I chuckled, pointing at Artemis and Barbara.

"No, you too missy." Babs chuckled. 

"I'll pass." I mumbled, eating my lunch.

"You don't want to go to prom?" Dick chuckled, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Not really..." I sighed.

"Come on, why not?" He asked, poking at my cheek with his finger.

"Popular kids are gonna ruin my night, my dress, pretty much everything." I replied.

"Not when I'm around." Dick said, puffing his chest out slightly.

"Besides, you haven't asked yet mister." I chuckled, nudging him slightly with my shoulder.

"Oh, just you wait babe." He chuckles, leaning down and kissing me.

"Diiiiick." 'God freaking damn it.'

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