Damn You (39)

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"That barely stung." I chuckled, holding my burning cheek.

"I can't go to prom because of you!" Leeann shrilled, shoving me into the lockers and slapping me again. "I am going to ruin you." She seethed, raising her hand to slap me again. Before her hand could make contact with my face, I grabbed it. 

"You know, I'm almost going to feel bad for you when your parents go away." I sighed, tossing her aside. Her friends tried to hold me down, but I easily shoved them away.

"Just you wait! I'm going to get back at you for all of this!" She shouted at me as I walked away. Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone to check it.

Dick: I hate being sick -.-

Me: Aren't you suppose to be sleeping mister -.-

Dick: The bed's to cold without you ._.

Me: Sleep -.- you need rest along with medicine

Dick: I can't sleep without you though :(

Me: You sleep right now or I'm making you take a night off of patrol. I'll go with Jason and Damian instead of you because you'll be in bed, recovering.

Dick: No fair ._. ugh fine, I'll try.

Me: Good, now sleep, I got your homework for you.

Dick: Kill me -.-

Me: Woooooow if you didn't want to be with me that badly then just break up with me xD

Dick: That's not what I meant xP

Me: I know :) luv yu

Dick: Love you too :* <3

Poor Dick is stuck at home, sick. Apparently he inhaled some of Ivy's pollen yesterday, and got sick. Bruce whipped up an antidote for him, but he's still sick. So, a day's rest is what he needs. Other than that, Leeann didn't get expelled, sadly. She only got banned from prom, and a month's worth of detention. Oh well, not that I care much. I'm too worried about Dick and I getting poisoned. 

Oh, and the auditions sucked ass. I tried to get out of them, but the stupid teacher wouldn't let me. Even though I didn't signed up. So, I had to go through with the audition. Although, I put like no effort into trying. I didn't even want to do this in the first place.

School was a big bore, like always. After school was over, I decided to walk home instead because the weather was nice and perfect. Of course, Gotham being Gotham, there just had to be a bank robbery. Groaning, I went into an alleyway and suited up. "Really? You couldn't have waited until night?" I sighed, standing at the bank's entrance with my arms crossed and leaning on one side.

"What are you waiting for? She's just a sidekick! Take her down!" The leader, I'm guessing, shouted, pointing at me. 

This ticked me off slightly. "Excuse you, I ain't no sidekick bitch." I scoffed, waving my right hand around and making ice shards. I sent the ice shards at the bullets that were shot at me. The shards shattered on impact with the bullets. I wave my right hand again, sending a wave of ice shards at the robbers, pinning them to the wall. Walking up to them, I smirked, "You know, I was having a peaceful day, kind of. Then you happened." I sighed and shook my hand before using my ice breath on them, freezing their bodies to the wall. Of course, I didn't freeze them all the way, I stopped at their necks.

"Did someone call the police already?" I asked, looking at the crowd. A few people nodded. "Alright, later." I said, walking out of the bank. I unfolded my wings, and took off. 'I can't believe that just happened, ugh.' I thought as I flew back to the mansion. "Babe, I'm home." I announced when I walked into our room.

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