Right (24)

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Five days. Five torturous days. I have been in lust for five days. IT'S HELL!!! I CAN'T GO ANY WHERE WITHOUT CONNER OR KALDUR HOVERING ABOVE ME!!! IT'S SO ANNOYING!!! "It's almost over, two more days." Kaldur encouraged me, as he unchained me. 

"It's been hell, it still is. But at least it's better, like it died down. I feel almost normal." I said, stretching my arms and legs. "I think we can bring Dick around now." I smiled.

"Nope, you nearly tried to jump me yesterday night. I have to admit, you caught me off guard, but that only proves that you're still not in full control. So, bringing Dick here would be hell." Kaldur chuckled. I frowned and looked away as I remembered last night. Okay, honestly, I was just to riled up. 

Kaldur was chaining me up for bed, and I used the slack from the chain to bound his hand and shoved him onto the bed. Then I straddled him. Pretty much it, nothing further than that, I came to my senses and stopped. I have to admit, now that I think about it, it was embarrassing. "But I regained control." I pouted.

"You still lost control. Now, if I was Dick, you would have had me stripped down before you came close to regaining control." I gotta admit, sadly, that he was right. "So, no Dick for you (anyone but me see the dirtiness in this!?!)." Kaldur smiled innocently. "I'll wait outside the door." Kaldur said, walking out. At times like these I wished these rooms had windows. 

'Good morning babe.' I greeted him through a mental link.

'Morning sunshine. Was wondering when you'd be up.' His voice chuckled.

'Had a rough night.' I told him, scowling as I stepped into the shower.

'Oh, so I've heard. Kaldur told me an interesting story this morning.' I have no idea if he was finding this amusing or that he was angry about it.

'Babe, I lost control for a second, and I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to.' I quickly apologized.

'I know, I don't blame you much. But I'm kind of jealous, he got to have my girlfriend on top of him before I did. Tsk, tsk. You owe me so much.' Okay, he's finding it amusing.

'It wasn't on purpose! I swear! I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you somehow! I swear!' I told him as I finished up my shower.

'You know, I could mess with you right now.' Okay, I can perfectly picture his smirking face right now.

'Do I want to know?' I let out a sigh as I asked him this.

'You don't want to know how I'm going to hug you, kiss you, and tell you how much I love you when I see you again? You don't want to know about how I'd run my hands down your body until I get to your waist, then I'd grab you by your waist, pull you into my nice hard chest. Oh, did I mention that I'd be shirtless.' His laugh echoes in my mind.


'Aww you don't want kids?' He joked back.

'I will give you blue balls for a week.' I threatened, although I don't know if I'd carry it out per say, but he doesn't know that. 

'You wouldn't. That's just evil. But then again, you're sexy when you're bad.' This boyfriend of mine, I swear. One day, I'm gonna sock him in the face. Okay, well, maybe not, I love his handsome face too much.

'Keep teasing me and I will.' I continue to hold my threat up.

'I love you, baby, and I'm sorry for teasing you like that.' He apologized. I grinned and fist pumped the air. 'Yes! I won! Ha!'

'I love you too, babe.' I replied.

'Well, I'll talk to you later kay baby?' I was sad that he had to go.

'Yeah, I love you.' I reply.

'I love you too.' I cut off our connection.

"I was wondering if you had dug a hole or something." Kaldur joked when I stepped outside of my room.

"Ha ha." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, heading to the kitchen with Kaldur. 

~Time skip 2 days~

You have any idea how happy I am to wake up feeling normal? I was ecstatic. Of course, Kaldur was skeptic. Couldn't blame him though. I tried to make another run for it yesterday. Almost succeeded to if it wasn't for Conner. Damn guy is like a mountain. "Kaldur, I swear I'm perfectly fine now." I told him for the tenth time.

Kaldur looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Sometimes I wonder what that boy has going on in his mind. I let out a surprised gasp when Kaldur back me up against a wall. "Kaldur, what are you-" My body shuddered slightly in surprise and slight disgust when I felt Kaldur's lips against my neck, and his hands running down the sides of my body. I quickly shove him away. "The hell!" I half shouted at him, glaring at him.

"Seems like you're out of lust." He smirked, walking away. 'That jerk,' I thought, smiling when I remember my jerk. I quickly took a shower and zeta out of the base to the bat cave.

"Hey Bruce, bye Bruce." I quickly said as I sped by him on the way out of the cave. I quickly ran up to Dick's room, finding him still snoozing away. 'This dork of mine.' I smiled, looking at his adorable sleeping face. Smiling, I slipped under the blankets before crawling on top of him. "Mhmm babe." I said in a seductive voice as I kissed his lips. Oh how I missed his delicious lips.

Dick groaned and turned his head away slightly. "Don't want me? I see how you are." I chuckled, lifting myself up to get off of him, only to have him wrap his arms around me and pull me to him. Giggling, leaned my head up and kissed his lips, and this time her kissed back. I felt Dick smirk into the kiss before I was flipped under him. 

Soon we were in a full blown out make out session, and let me tell you, it was getting hot very quickly. "God I missed you so much." Dick breathed as he trailed kisses down my neck. "You lips," he kisses me passionately, "Your body," he runs his hands down the side of my body before slipping it under the hem of my shirt and holding my waist, "You." His hands felt so warm, his skin on my skin. 

Things were getting so heated, so fast. Our clothes, mainly mine because all he slept in were some shorts and boxers, were sprawled out about on the floor in a matter of minutes. "We should stop," I panted, gripping his hair as he kissed me.

"If you really want to." He panted, nipping my bottom lip.

I nodded, "Some other time. I don't want to move to fast."

"Alright my angel." Dick smiled, getting off of me and laying next to me, propped up on his elbows. "You know," I shivered as his fingers ran up and down my neck, "Your neck looks so much better covered in my love bites." My eyes widened as his smirk widen. I quickly threw the blanket off of myself and ran into his bathroom. 

"You little dick." I growled through my teeth when I saw my neck and upper chest covered in hickeys. Dick laughed when I glared at him from the bathroom. 

"You're so cute when you're mad." Dick smirked, getting out of bed and going over to me, getting behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "You know, maybe you should sleep in your bra and panties from now on." 'This perv.' I rolled my eyes and turned around, smacking his chest.

"Did you shower yet?" Dick asked as I unwrapped his arms from around me and went back into the room.

"Yeah." I answered, gathering the clothes that were strewn about. I slipped my jean shorts back on along with my black tank top. "Where'd my shoe go?" I asked out loud, scratching my head as I looked around for my black converse. "Nyah!" I squealed when I felt something hit my butt. I turn around to see Dick grinning with my shoes in his hands. 

I narrowed my eyes at him and smacked his butt. Needless to say, we got into a butt slapping war. And it was so awkward when Bruce and Damien came in to this scene. So, awkward.


:) Yep, instead of homework this is what I did >.>

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