☆Chapter Two☆

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Let me just clarify: Chapters with music notes will be kind of long or just long, and ones with stars will be a bit short. Just to clear that up. And thanks for reading, everyone.

"Like I'm trying too hard again." -Try Hard


Now I was running for my life-not because I was about to die, but because I was being chased by a dog...which was kind of the same thing.

Dropping my backpack in an attempt to run faster, I picked up the speed, taking off down the street. I didn't get a good look at the dog, but I got enough to know that it was a pitbull. Where the hell was the owner?

I finally came to the point where I had no more run left in me, and had to stop. But just because I stopped, didn't mean the dog did...

"Wind! Stop!" A voice yelled across the street. My limbs felt like stone as I stood there motionless, bracing myself for whatever the dog was about to do to me. I squeezed my eyes shut, but still heard the dog's rough paws slamming against the pavement.

"I said stop!"

The footsteps finally slowed down until I heard silence. Cautiously opening my eyes, I was greeted by a guy my age, about my build, with black hair, and tan skin. He wore a burgundy tee, and black and red converse. His shorts were a little inappropriate for the weather.

"C'mon," The boy said as he petted his dog. "He's not going to hurt you."

"That's kind of hard to believe." I scoffed.

"Well, yeah." He agreed, chuckling a bit. "Sorry about that. But here's your backpack." The guy said, throwing me my checkered pack. I caught it in my hands, and checked the screen of my phone. Cracked... Great.


"Hey, don't you go to Hemsin high?"

"Yeah, just started yesterday."

"Oh, well, I'm friends with Luke and Michael. I'm Calum Hood."




An awkward pause kept both of us from saying another word.

"Look we're uh, trying to make people feel comfortable at Hemsin. And you seem like you're pretty lost. So feel free to sit with us anytime..."

"I bet it's better than eating lunch in a corner," I didn't say.

"But on Tuesdays, which is uh, today, we're busy in the band room." He said, putting his dog back on his leash.

"Doing what?" I asked, sounding nosy. I had nothing better to do but, ya know, go to school and get an education.

"We're holding drum tryouts for our band. Me, Luke, and Michael."

"Sweet," I said, not very interested. I've been playing the drums since 8th grade in the school band, and have continued. And this year, I'm taking drumming. But a band...? A boy band...? "What are you guys called?"


Upon hearing the title, I chocked on air, and started laugh-gasping. "Bro what?"

"We're working on it. But yeah, it's pretty laughable." Calum said, smiling at me. He glanced down at his Samsung Galaxy, and looked back up at me. "We should probably get to school. Don't wana be late."

"Yeah," I said.

As we walked side by side, I thought, "I'm making friends." But something else in my mind was thinking, "Friends are making me."

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