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School passed by as quick as a track runner, and Summer took over once again. In a few months, it would be a year since I moved out here, and restarted my life... For the better.

I'm terrible at holding grudges. All I want is to glue the broken things back together, and try to forget how bad they cut me when they fell apart. I've gone back to that therapist, and he even told me so: I need to forgive. Well, he also said I should never forget, but things like that, I don't want to think about.

Callie gave birth on June 27th, 2014, at 9:56.

I was there the whole time, and so we're her parents and younger sister, but they stepped out to get her something to eat. Actually, her sister did, because her parents wanted to talk to the doctor that was helping her deliver.

I let my dad back into my life when he all of a sudden contacted me. He hadn't told me what had happened; why he didn't want me or my mom anymore. But at that point, I assumed that my parents were divorced. If my mom knew that I was in contact with him, all types of Hell would break loose.

"So how's my little girl doing?"

"My little girl is doing great."

He looked up at me, taking my comment lightly. He petted her tiny newborn head, seeing that she was still asleep. "What did you guys decide to name her?"

Callie shrugged. "We're torn between Paige, Grey, and Lee."

"Grey? Like the color?"

"Just like the color." She countered. "What do you think?"

"Lee sounds good for a child. But do you wana know what I wanted to name you if you were a girl?"

"What?" I unenthusiastically asked.

"We would have named you Lila."

"Ash, that's kinda cute." Callie perked up, and opened her arms up to get her baby back.

My dad put her in Callie's arms. And she held onto her so protectively. There was no doubt in my mind that she'd be a great mom. I wasn't too sure if I could be a great dad, but surely, I had to try.

"I was kind of up for Maven." I sneaked in, trying to voice my own opinion.

"....Middle name?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Lila Maven Irwin?" I nodded, feeling the ring of that. It just felt right, and I felt myself growing up with our baby - Lila - with eyes as wide and caring as mine, and a heart of gold, like Callie's.

"That's cute!" She cooed loudly, but mindful of the sweet baby in her arms. "I mean, that's cute, Ashton."

"Ashton... Can I have a word with you?" My dad awkwardly asked, but didn't wait for an answer before whisking me away. "What were you thinking, getting a girl pregnant?!" He whisper yelled into my face, looking like a salmon.

"What were you thinking when you left mom and I?!"

He stopped and stared for a moment. He had nothing left to say to me at all. "Very well, then." And with that, he took off into the night.

I returned to Callie and our baby, trying to get the sour look off of my face. When I realized that I couldn't, I flatly said, "He's such a jerk."

"That jerk is your father." She said back, narrowing her eyes at me.

"My father left my family and I. We were alone for MONTHS. And we'll continue to be alone, too, long after this." I stopped for a breather. "But you're my new family. And so is she. All I need are you guys."

She started to get her bright smile, just like the one she got when she took her first look at the baby. "Once we're old enough, we can get married, and move into our own house. Together." Despite holding onto Lila very closely, she managed to grab hold of my hand. "Promise?"

"Yes, I promise. But just know this," I smiled uncontrollably, and reached into my pocket for the small tiny box I had stashed away. "I'm determined to make you officially mine right when I can. We're both 18 now, Callie."

"We can get married at 18 here." She gasped.

"Exactly." With one swoop of my arm, I showed her the tiny white box, and pulled it open, revealing a 25 karot diamond ring.

"Ashton," Callie gasped again.

I proceeded to get down on one knee. "Callie, will you be my wife?"

She seemed to almost go numb with surprise and shock, but managed to snap herself out of it. She just nodded her head yes, with her hand covering her mouth.

And it was perfect. Life was perfect.

Somewhere New ~5SOS Fanfic~ (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now