♪Chapter Nineteen♪

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"You say we're both little people, and you like it that way. But, in time I'm gonna put this body to shame and grow old. Wear a suit like my old man, pack up all my things and get my ass outta town." BigCityDreams, NeverShoutNever


"Hey, mom." I yelled as I entered the foyer, stripping myself of my coat. The foyer lights were off, and I could hear a phone conversation in whispers. When she didn't respond, I tried again, "Mom...?"

After a few seconds, I heard her hang up the phone, and walk into the foyer. She flipped on the chandelier light, illuminating our faces. "Where have you been?" She asked, which was very unlikely of her. She wasn't the type of mother who was very protective over her child, but she did ask questions every now and then. But her face was red and puffy, which probably promised trouble later.

"School...?" I stated again, wondering if she had heard me or not. "We stayed after school to talk to some people, and for band practice, like always." It wasn't an unusual thing for me to stay after school. After all, I've been doing it for a while at that point. "Everything okay here?"

She blinked, sarcastically laughing bitterly. She brushed a strand of her brown hair away from her light face, saying, "Yeah, everything's just a okay here, with your girlfriend pregnant and all." She grabbed my arm, forcing me onto the living room couch, where she proceeded to scold me. "What was going through your mind, Ashton? I thought we raised you to not make mistakes like this."

When I refused to answer because I was being too afraid of what she might say if I did, she screamed, "Answer me. Now."

"I have something to confess."

"Well, now would be the perfect time for that."

"Not too long ago, a few friends and I went to someone's house. I kinda...got mad, and left...with your car. My emotions were raging, okay? I couldn't control everything I was doing. All I knew was that I had to get away from the terrible feeling I was having. And so...I did. I drank, and smoked at this one guy's party." I paused, seeing the horrified look on my mother's face. It broke my heart to see her feeling that way, knowing it was all my fault. "But - it was the first time, I swear."

She understandingly nodded, saying, "Go on."

"Well, I got so messed up and out of it that I wasn't in control of myself anymore. The only thing I remember after that was Callie talking to me. It was an accident."

"Does Callie know that?"

"She should."

"Hmph." She looked away from me, as if she was thinking something to herself. She looked at me, wasting no time: "I don't want you hanging out with those guys anymore."

"What?" I stood up, screaming at her for once. "They're my friends, and this is my life. You can't tell me what I can and can not do. Not anymore."

"You're 17. You're a minor still. Until the day you turn 18, you live under my conditions." She stopped, looking into the eyes that looked so much like hers. "That's just the way things will have to be."


"What do you mean, 'no'?"

At the time, I didn't know how the choice I was about to make would affect me. Take the road less traveled, or take the road that have been worn already? Maybe now, I still don't know. The one thing I did know was that our relationship was about to change. "No, as in I won't live under your conditions." I spat out, starring into her eyes right back. "No, as in I'm moving out."


Seriously, a car would be nice, but not everyone lives in a life where money is not an object. My door's locked, obviously to keep my screaming mother from invading my room. My throat's on fire as I rummage through my room, picking out a large gym bag's worth of clothes and whatever else I thought I'd need. Drum sticks. Picture of my dad and I. Then, I came across a picture of my mom and I. For a moment there, I seriously considered staying. Then I remembered all the crap I'd have to agree to if I did.

So I kept packing.

There was no way I was giving Up Mike, Cal, or Luke. My friends are everything.

I stuffed my life's saving into my bag, noticing that after all the years of my life, I managed to have a fat stack of cash. I'd need the money, wherever I would end up going. I just know that I can't stay here.

There was no way that I was going to go out of the window. No, fuck that. So, that left the only door in my room, which was occupied by a crazed mother who insisted that her son come out. It would probably be the last time I would see her in a while, so I had to do something witty.

I opened the door, clearly pushing past her. "Ashton, I'm not letting you out of this house. You're practically a child. You need your mother." Her face was flushed, and she started to follow me as I walked down the hall.

I didn't bother to respond until I was well on my way to the front door. The last words I spoke were unforgivable: "If I don't leave right now, I'll be stuck here forever just like dad was."


Oooo. So, I decided to take a survey. Please answer these questions. Pleaaaaase. Whenever I ask, nobody answers): So here:

1: On a scale of 1-10, how is this story?

2: What do you think will happen next?

3: What do you want to happen next?

4: If anyone, who should start dating?

5: What do you think about Harper & Olivia so far?

Thanks... :P

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