♪Chapter Twenty♪

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Special thanks to WhitneyWoods. Thanks hun!

"If home is where the heart is, then we're all just fucked. I can't remember the good old days." 27, Fall Out Boy


Of course, my options were very limited. I had to think smart, and I had to think quick. Nobody could control my future, only I could. I guess I'll just have to go somewhere new... Again. Not having a car really sucks, of course. It didn't help that it was Winter, either. Actually, it was worse because I didn't pack such heavy jackets... The struggle is real.

As I walked down the street that was in front of Hemsin, I got my iPhone out of my pocket. I dialed Callie's number without even trying, and she picked up on the first ring.

"Hello?" She asked in whispers. Her voice was cracked and weary, as if she had been crying earlier.

"Hi." I said partially nervously and angrily. "I have to ask you something."

"I know what you're going to ask already. It wasn't me, okay?'

"How did my mom find out, then? Who called her on the phone tonight?"

She took a sharp breath in, and whispered, "When I went to the nurse, I was having morning sickness. I kept throwing up for no reason at all, it seemed." She paused, then continued, "She got suspicious, and couldn't mind her own business..."

"And so...?" She wasn't giving me the whole story, just bits and pieces of it.

"And so," Callie coughed a bit, "she made me take a pregnancy test. Remember that whole 'student confidentiallity' thing they try to pull on everyone? Pure bullshit."

"But wait - how they hell did she know that I was on the other half of this?"

"She made me tell."

"Well, why did you?"

"Look, we'll talk about this some other time. I really gotta go. I shouldn't even be on my phone, I'm basically grounded for life."

"Wait - I need a ride."


"Your place...? I need a place to stay."

"Where are you at?" She asked, and I could hear shuffling in the background. "And why do you need a place to stay?"

"Hemsin." And then I scoffed, "We'll talk about this some other time."

"Alright... I'll see what I can do. No promises."

So I waited for her, almost freezing to death. But it was well worth the wait. At first, I thought she was going to be a no show, but then I remembered how long the drive from her house would take her.

I could feel the wind penetrate my layers, then attack my bones. If frost bite was going to happen to me in my life, it was going to be now, I thought. But I quickly whipped on a beaming face once I saw Callie drive up.

"...You've been here all alone for like 20 minutes?" She questioned, looking at me like I was a dirty rat, she unlocked her blue sedan, and walked over to me.

"Kinda." I shivered through my teeth. She put her warm arm around me, and helped me into the passenger seat of her car. "Wait - I'll ruin the seat,"

"It really doesn't matter, and frankly, I don't care right now." She laughed, and left me breathless with a kiss.

She walked around, and settled back in the driver's seat, turning on the engine. "What's that bag for?" She asked, starting to drive off.

"I guess it's some other time now."

"No fooling," She joked.

"After my mom got that call, she went crazy and told me that I can't see Michael, Calum, or Luke anymore." I put my head down, not wanting to show Callie my weakness. "My friends are everything."

"Just set your mind on this: once we get to my house, you can take a warm shower and sleep, alright?" She smiled, showing all of her bright whites.

"Here," Callie called, pulling up to a huge house, complete with a front garden, and fountain. "It's gonna rain soon, so lets go."

Is everyone's parents incredibly rich? Or is it just everyone at Hemsin?

I nodded, grabbed my bag, and followed my girlfriend up to the front door. She slid her key into the lock, turned, and opened the door. "Oh, by the way, my parent's mig-"

"Callie, where did you go?" I heard a masculine man yell. She stepped into the house, and shielded me.

"Nowhere." She squeaked like a mouse.

"Obviously somewhere." He yelled again. Behind Callie, I could only see a huge grand foyer, and a man dressed in business casual clothes. "...Who's that?"

I stepped out behind my girlfriend, saying, "Ashton Irwin, uh, sir."

"Son of a..." Her put his hand over his face. "Lilly?" He yelled.

"What is it?" A woman that looked just like Callie answered, entering the room. "Who's this?" She looked at me, much like the way Callie looks at me. "Is this the boy?"

"Mom, he needs a place to stay. If anyone, I thought you'd be understanding." Callie yelled, because it was the only way to he heard at the moment. "So yes...this is the boy. But he's my boyfriend. And... I love him. And he love me."

"Why do you think you can just come in here, after you gave my daughter this burden, huh?" Her dad whispered, getting right in my face. "You can't just ruin someone's life, and think nothing of it."

"Dad, stop it, alright?"

A young girl with orange-brown hair came running down the grand staircase, yelling, "What what? What is it? I heard yelling." This had to be Callie's younger sister.

"Avery, this is Ashton." Callie cooed, putting her hand in mine. "Remember him? My boyfriend."

"Oh! Ashton," she cooed like her sister. "God knows I've heard all about you."

"Avery, go back to your room." Their mother said, and Avery did it whiteout a fight.

"...We'll just be going now." Callie said, tip toeing away with her hand in mine.

"...You can stay. For the night, only. Tomorrow, I want you out." Her father said, walking away, and her mother following him.


"What are you doing?" I questioned, sitting on Callie's bed, in finally dry clothes.

"Unpacking your stuff."

"I'm not staying here. We can't act like everything is okay, when really it's not."

"Shut up. You're staying."

I rolled my eyes, and stole a hoodie out of her hands. "I don't want to be somewhere that I'm not wanted."

She snatched it back, rather aggressively. "I want you here. And I'm going to get what I want."

It was clear to me that she was not going to let up. Somehow, I had to dowse with the truth. But for now, I sat back down, and watched her unpack.

She turned around, her brown hair covering her innocent face. "I know everything is not okay," she cried. "I'm starting to retain a lot of water."

"Come here."

And she did. She sat in my lap, letting me give her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, okay?" I whispered to her.

I finally had gotten a true relationship, and I was eager to hold onto it. "But what about your father?" I asked, the thought popping into my head.

"We have a rather close relationship, and I intend on keeping it that way. He'll just have to get used to it." She beamed, squeezing my hand so tightly it could pop. "I mean, I did."

Somewhere New ~5SOS Fanfic~ (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now