the crimson thing.

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Staring at the starry skies,
Fearing of a day I hadn't seen...
Hoping for a day that would happen
I hear the heart squirming
It weeps all of a sudden
I hold it stronger
I don't know how,
But I do.
I calm the frenzy nerves
I know this too will pass by,
Darkness isn't always dark
The day will come by.
The moon will peep from beneath the smoky clouds...
And just like the moon,
With its dotted scars
Manages to stay so beautiful
I try to be.
And just like the moon
From beneath the foggy clouds
Manages to shine so brightly
That it could kiss from afar a man's eyes
And ask them to twinkle,
I could do too. Beneath the storm within,
I could smile from what's shallow
And shower love that it could disentangle the mess of reflections...
You me and everyone.
Beneath the storm there is calm
It doesn't go away.
And beneath the calm there is storm,
That too will pass by when the sun would shine bright,
Ray of hope would light
The darkness of hearts.
The light of heart shan't be found nowhere,
Not in the waves, sands or blues,
But beneath the skin that makes you,
Lies a piece of flesh so crimson,
Bleeding with something etched within
Yearning for one thing...
Acknowledgement of what you swore once upon a time...
Fitrah it is.
Let it love what it wants to love.
Whisper to it that you aren't controlling what's within...
But indeed, the heart is with the 'Turner of hearts'
And once you do that you'll know how meek you are.
A piece of flesh it is.
Vital I say vital.
Be kind to it and just.

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