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And I had been fighting.
Too long have I been doing so
If not with the world
With myself.
Tears have threatened to spill
For every time they told me
That I wasn't good enough
Either not good enough for someone
Or for myself.
But I just wasn't there.
To have loved too much had been a mistake
To have cared too much had been a mistake
And to have healed more than being hurt
Was that a mistake too?
And just like that you'd do the honours of showing me what its like to feel pain
For they presume I hadn't known
Little do they know.

For every time they utter words that gash my soul
All I whisper no matter where I am
Heal. Heal. Heal.
And my tears love the pain
That they want to fall for them
Its been a struggle to keep up,
To love,
And sometimes this mind of mine messes
Saying to be utterly selfless is a façade
And that I truly am not that noble.
Words they all spoke
Who knew what were true
After all isn't it you who would know about the inner demons
And I swear
No matter what.
A lover and a healer can't see the world in any other way
And may I ask if I deserve anything close
Anything but heart break?
God save me from people calling me desperate
I hadn't been or am not.
I wanted to reach the zenith
And simply carved my words
If you don't learn to read between my lines
And implore my soul
Then no you shan't ever call me desperate
No matter how much I yearn love.

You see world had always been talking about love
The love between the two
But little about a lover
The one whose eyes naturally light up when she sees little things that make her happy
The one who would hand over her heart and soul when she speaks to you
The one whose passion makes you want to burn for your own
The one who could just captivate anyone with the fire she is
The one who just loved everyone way too much
That she...
Just didn't feel it.

And if you love such a person
Then don't let go.
For having to love someone truly is an effort like no other for her
She loves everyone easily
But to let someone peep into her soul
Wasn't anything close to effortless
And when she loves
She loves with all her heart and soul,
Bones and nerves and whatnot...
And to even think of breaking what she had felt
Is a crime that you shan't commit.
Because if you had been strong enough to hold her heart
Then you are strong enough to carry anything of her.
Wholly and truly.

I too have been roaming around this wilderness of my spirit
Trying to learn what it truly wants
And quite truthfully it had been so hard to figure out
The beauty behind everything I do,
Think and dream
Like a porcelain glass they treat me
Emotionless or perhaps the only one who knows to smile
Little do they know that I had known pain too
That I too cry in the darkness
That I too am strangled by uncertainties
With this jagged mess of mine
The fear of acceptance still lingers within
Am I just too much?
Too much of everything even badness
That I don't deserve anything that is present here?
Is this nobility a façade as they said?

An altruist, empath, rebel, dreamer, lover
And a thief too who stole her true identity?
Exhausted I fall on the ground
Fall on my knees and forehead onto the ground
And mutter to the One above
Lord I don't know what am doing here
Show my the way. The purpose.
Show me love Lord.
And I shall merrily shut my eyes.

The journey to find love had turned into a quest.
It had become a journey to find herself
Her connection with the One above
All the while 'he' lingered behind watching all this
As this beautiful lady who took his breathe away carried her heart and soul on her sleeves
Captivated and enthralled he knew she was the one.
Yet uncertainty played around
Fear of his lows and scars
Fear of his failures
And whatnot had troubled him deeply.
But something muttered that with her
Things wouldn't ever be the same
Magic and passion will find their new ways
And to him she would be the light.
Listening and believing
He made her his queen
And the world was never same again for both.
With new discoveries and dreams
And with passion to make a difference
Their auras clashed and challenged the impossible.
A happily ever after it hadn't been
For that wouldn't be possible in this world
But everyday they prayed that the hereafter blesses them both with each other
And that was the happily ever after that the two souls worked for.
Relentlessly. And lovingly by handing their heart to the One above!
And for the love of Him.
And even then she never stopped fighting
Because she was born a warrior and would die as one.
She will never let the odds fail because she was one.


** the point of views in this poem alternates between first person and third person due to the style of poetry**
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