so soon.

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Tiny fingers curled around his long ones,
bearded chin of the father dimpled eyeing his child
Large pupils with dilated passion and ignited lights stared at
His tall father, happily and proudly.
Two children they were,
who couldn't get off the idea of their father being a hero.
And that was what he was to them.
A hero.

Passionate scent of the mother's love lingered in their uniforms,
how they felt at home in her arms!
She was a teacher whose warmth could enlighten any soul
Her smile was their world.
Her tears were their night mare.
She was a confidante and a friend to them
And a guide.
After all she had been their mother
Under whose feet their paradise lay.
But she only had been.

Laughter filled not only the rooms
When the two innocent children ran in and out
Around the corners
Just a sight of them could warm ones heart
Their presence had been a light to many
But most importantly they were a semblance of serenity
And to see them
Was to see Noor*,
To see them
Was to see fitrah*.
To see them grow up laughing and smiling
Was to see how Allah had indeed made His creations in the most perfect manner
Innocent and untainted.
Indeed only as we grow do we learn the pinnacles of worldly life
And amidst the chaos of this world,
Their smile reminded that the Lord had much better for us in the Hereafter.

They were present with us just a few days ago,
Cherishing us with their presence
Cradling us with their love and faith
But just as the Lord had Willed
They were gone just too soon,
Like a mirage they had been glimmering all the way around
And when the hands were put forth to stroke their hair
They were gone just too soon.

Tears glistened in the father's eyes
His beard drenched in the puddle of water
Shed from his eyes.
The mother couldn't think anymore
Her world had just come down shattered
And even if she tries to collect the million pieces
Scattered around this entire world,
She just can't fill the void
They had left.
All she could do was pray that she meets them in Jannah*.

But as days pass by,
Their tiny shoes would tug her heart,
Their ironed uniforms would
Burn his gaze
Their unkempt bed
Would remind him again of the moments they should have had together
Just one moment
Maybe one more kiss?
Maybe one more hug?
Maybe once you could tell me how much you love me?
But hadn't it be too soon!
They were buried deep down
Forever. And they would never come back.
Heart shatters and breaks and bleeds
It screams and craves for the soft touch
Nothing could be accepted
Their absence was like a myth.
But what happened had happened.

And to the heart that is crying I tell you,
The two children are in a much better place now
To the mother I say,
They have gone back to the Lord who loves them 70 times more than you,
And they have escaped the brutality of this world
And had gone as serene and untainted as beautiful petal
May Allah reunite us all with them in Jannah.
Indeed the fragrance of the Paradise Is what we all crave.
And let us not shed more tears for they had gone into the grave
Because they are in a better place
With Al-Wadood the Most Loving
Take care of thy heart
And pray for them.
May we all meet soon.
I know it's hard, but imagine what your sabrun jameel*
Would reward you in the hereafter.
Let us hold on. And pray until the last breathe.
May Allah take us when He is most pleased with us.


Decdicated to ZaidAkram9. A realisitic event that happened recently to the dearest family friends of the akh (brother). Please pray for the children, the family and all such children and families around the world! 


*Noor- Light 

*Fitrah - Innate Nature, Primitive nature that one is born with. Often seen as submitting to Lord. Innocent and beautiful, something so primitive. Since Arabic is a language so deep, this word can't be translated exactly into English. 

*Jannah- Paradise

*Sabrun Jameel - Beautiful Patience (adopted from Surah Yousuf) 

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