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A grey cloud looms around,
Burdened with water,
As he shuts his eyes,
A drop trickles down,
This time he felt the world mourning along with him.
In darkness when it rains, he cries,
None shall know
He shall always smile.

In there the squirming little thing weeps and sheds
tears that weren't known to him.
He had sinned, gained pleasure
But in a blink of an eye,
Everything vanished into air
And things that he held close to his heart
Burnt to nothingness in front of his eyes,
Ash. That is what it had become.
His letters of unsettled emotions,
Confessions that were spoken late into the night,
Whispered into the air
Something about it didn't feel right,
But pleasure had always been there
So he smiled and reassured himself
That he wouldn't ever let
Susceptibility get to him.
But little did he know
That pleasures such as that would never last,
Because a part of him always knew that this could be a dead end
The truth however was
it was not.

The darkness he was put through
Wasn't a dead end.
Right from there a whole new world built itself
That headed towards brightness and love
The pathway was filled with trials
But to him nothing could be greater than the destination.
He was broken, abused and traumatized in this pathway,
And he would cry
But it never hurt as much as that thing he had to let go
The looming dark cloud still was a part of him.
His new trials seemed petty however big it may have been
For now he had found the Creator by his side
To whom he would turn and confess at 2 am
And cry until he was assured that perhaps his body was put through the worst drought.

His trials would become easier as time passed by,
But he couldn't just let go.
What was supposed to be bygone
Could just never leave him alone.
Haunting memories thrashed him.
He repented and prayed
And only Lord knew why he couldn't let go.

With broken and crumbled pieces of the crimson thing
Clutched in his fists he stands,
Handing them over to happiness
And begging it to take the pieces of darkness,
So that the crimson thing which is painted in black
Could now be painted with colors.
Happiness was either ignorant or teaching him lessons,
He had to know
That no one could colour a blackened piece of his with colors
But himself.
Because scars and trials weren't anyone else's.
Then the blackness of something of which the root is unknown
Can't be repainted or stitched by someone who doesnt know.
The lesson was simple,
He had to learn to let go.

A few pleasures of this earth
Are indeed toxic.
Addictive and lovely
But in depth they could kill you.
To hold onto something that was bygone
Because you think you haven't done enough
By repenting and crying out,
Apologizing to everything around you
And even attempting to have what you have left behind, back,
You my dear should know that you are a masterpiece
Who can be the wisest of all.
Because you have done what millions couldn't
You grabbed the rope that others left dangling in the air,
And why is it that even today you hold onto the blackened pieces?
For all that you should know
You are the art
painted with the most beautiful colours
With depth and emotions
That have made you so empathetic.
If you still can't let go
Because you think you haven't done enough,
Then let me tell you,
Your Lord loves you for who you've become
Yes you are messed up and cry your eyes out,
But in fear and love of Him you've let go so many things,
Then why won't you forgive and heal yourself for the sake of His Mercy?
Don't you Oh Mu'min know that he is the Most Merciful?
Let it go. Open up your fists and breathe,
Stare at the sky,
Early morning and the sun shines bright
The specks like star dust glisten in your eyes,
And someone out there loves you so very much for the stardust in you,
But you don't know.
One day you would meet and know what those specks
Were passionately craving for.
That one hand which would hold yours
To walk on a trail
Filled with trials
But then you both together would paint
This life so beautifully
That the blackness of that crimson thing
Would never come again.
Let it go. Breathe.
Paint by yourself to meet the one
who would colour this life beside you. Together.

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