to say.

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I see white pages flipping as air caresses the book, 

I don't see enough crinkles, so I place it underneath a pile of other books, 

I see a young man waving far across the ocean, 

I don't see enough sparkles in his eyes, so I pretend that I don't see him. 

I see a man lying on the ground, with a pool of blood underneath his head, 

I don't have the courage in me to near him, besides there are a few staring, so I walk like I don't feel the pain. 

I see the green valleys, and feel the goodness of pure air, pure bliss, 

I don't feel it well enough because I might as well live another day to  feel it all. 

I see her smiling when she cooks, and humming when she wipes, 

I don't say that I appreciate her for everything, because I fear awkwardness more than anything. 

A friend of years, and now her hands lay outstretched on the table, heart wants to hold, and let her know how grateful I am, 

But I fear overwhelming her and being called cheesy, and I let it slide, only to smirk. 

Years pass by, 

I see the musty book now, it's crinkled enough. I read and read, and I realize wisdom never gets old. 

I see the same man now waiting far across, I near him and I see it in his eyes. The spark to love, embrace and live. I cry and hold him tighter. 

I see a child lying on the road, wounded and unconscious, and I lift her, and find my shirt drenched in blood. But I don't mind because I'm a savior now. 

I see the green valleys and feel the fresh air, this time I love it deeper, because I'm not running anymore. 

I see her sitting on the bed with her rosary beads, I sit beside her and finally tell her that without her I'd be no one. She smiles, and it isn't awkward, because walls had been broken. 

I see her walking with her bridal dress, happy and glowing. I walk up to her, hold her hands and say that she had made me the happiest when my world was falling apart. She smiles, and she says, 'Same.' 

Life is about living in the moment, they said. 

A few get to live until a later comes by, but some don't. 

So now is your time, they advised. 

'Tomorrow' is a word for the fearful, 

'Now' is the word of a warrior

who fights a battle between his mind and heart. 

My mind hated to admit that I had been a coward once, 

because I feared rejection. 

But now my heart won, because I fear none but my ignorance. 

Love, laughter and life is earned with utterance of words that we mean, 

And maybe heartbreaks too are made by giving too much of our heart, 

but it is all okay, because the heart merely broke,

but dying without feeling it all, 

would shatter the soul. And I know not what is worse than 

crying within my barren heart when I'm in the grime for not having lived.

At all. 

Hold the ones you love tighter, 

Tell the ones you love that you do, a bit louder, 

Cry the emotions that you feel, better, 

Feel the chimes of the Earth and walk a little longer, 

Look a little deeper 

into their eyes, 

because what resides in the heart sparkles there. 

And if you're anything like me, 

You wouldn't look into his eyes, 

for you fear finding love in there 

that you could never give back. 

But look anyway, because you may build walls, 

and the One above will shatter them all. 

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