old leaves.

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Eyes stared at the widest blanket of blue,
With the fluffy cotton embedded up there.
It gleamed with passion and craving.
With determination to gleam through the darkest of days,
It had been a ray of hope to every other mundane day
We see but never reflect,
Verily this earth is a sign and a book of lessons.

It was the time of the year
When old leaves fell to grow new ones,
It was the time for renovation, and for me...
Shutting out the world for a few moments,
I sat there on the lonely bench
Dangling my legs
Introspecting, contemplating, smiling at the dreams I had,
The passion that had captured me so warmly...
And I fell in love.
I fell in love with the moment,
Not with any other heart at that point,
I fell in love with this story.
The story of fate that the God has written,
I fell hopelessly in love with it.
Every single tear that I shed so far found its meaning,
Every moment of pain that stabbed me found its meaning,
Every moment of being humiliated by the "self" and others
Came to realize that indeed everything was a part of the divine story.
I've been looking forward to live for a long while
I had a crimson thing beating within
My eyes unfortunately lost the Galaxy it delved in,
It reflected the rocky earth,
The passion that once burnt was being blown away
By the thunderous rains spilt by the darkened clouds of sadness
But not anymore would it happen.
I pray and crave that it never does because now I've fallen in love with this story.
The flaws. The perks. The heartbreaks.
Love is universal they said,
But to me love is soulful. Love isn't just about the two.
Love is much more than the two physiques
It's not always romantic,
It's not always about the "other".
Love is always about the " one".
Love is to realize and accept anything,
Anything to be touched by even if not tangible is love.
It is the language of the heart
Reflection of the soul
A proof of the Mercy of the one above.

As the trees shed their leaves in this autumn
I let my heart wash itself in the rain of forgiveness and solitude that it loves,
Until you beat again my heart. Until you do.
I will not let the rain halt.

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