the frenemy.

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Frenemy- your friend and your enemy, in this case, your 'self'. 

Ya Nafsi  - Oh my Self! 

A ball of delusions,

Painted with strokes of brilliant colors,

Made up of emotions that trigger the point of pleasure

In any human out there.

Disgusted once they were by seeing it,

Fell once slightly,

But never did they rise from the pit of darkness.

Heart now reduced to shambles,

Soul now traded for a price so low,

That not even the filth would bow,

To such an incredulous sinner

Who not sinned,

But forgot, and despaired,

Despaired not about his state,

But of the Mercy of the One Above-

Ar-Rahman*, Al-Ghaffaar*, Al-Wudood*, As-Samee'*.

Tell me ya nafsi, what pleasure have you gained from tormenting

The gardens and rivers the flowed within my heart.

Tell me ya nafsi,

What goodness have you gained by pushing me into the soil

While you rejoiced the throne of victory?

Tell me ya nafsi, what kind of benevolence have you seen

By reducing me to a nobody?

Tell me ya nafsi, what have you earned to smile about

By making my heart a stone that now forgot to tremble for the sake of Him?

Tell me ya nafsi, why have you made me  feel like a numb and a worthless being;

While I was once proportioned so perfectly by Al-Khaliq*?

Tell me ya nafsi, what now have you got to seize away from the garden of tranquility,

Now that you have let all the sweet and ripe fruits rot away with the Imaan* you grabbed?

Tell me ya nafsi, how many more days would you torture this soul,

Who is craving to stand upright?

Tell me ya nafsi, what wrong have I done to you,

That no more, I do not know what is 'nafsi'? 

Where have you let me in this forest?

Blindfolded am I,

Trudging only towards darkness,

Hands tied up,

Can't control the limbs anymore!

What have you done ya nafsi, that I forgot

Not merely myself, but worse, the One above's Mercy.

Ya nafsi, wake up. No one is watching,

But the angels are writing.

The inks of those around you, and the words of those who love you may have been exhausted,

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