the two.

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*two POVs*

It was late into the night
The crickets chirped mercilessly
The mosquitoes stung like no tomorrow
As my window is let open
Leaving the breeze caress
I'm reminded of the sweetness of home
I was home away from home
Or so I had to call.
My breathe hitched
Every time I was reminded of the beautiful days spent
Or perhaps,
The beautiful moments where I saw her smiling
Had flashed in front of my eyes.
The moment of heartbreak
The moment of union
Betrayal, separation, laughter
And whatnot...
And now my heart feels so numb that I can't even cry.
What have you done my dearest heart?
That everything has to be so messed up?

A rope dangling in an abandoned dungeon
I run towards it
And your glowing face appears through the window
How lovely had you been up there
And as I reach out to you
You disappear and vanish
WAIT! I scream and feel my body drenched in sweat.
2 am nightmares, an everyday thing
That you left me with.
One more phone call
Just one more.
"The number you have dialed is currently switched off..."
The Rabb knew why
I never lost hope in you.
Two years
And I haven't touched your face,
Nor have seen you smile
To see the crinkle in the end of your eyes.
Oh those laughing lines!
And there I go again,
It's all dead now isn't it?
Yet again I slept on a pillow drenched in

The steam from the mug rose up
The paper talked about the pleasure of hot coffee
When its snowing out
Yet my coffee tasted like a solution of stone.
How I needed her coffee
The one she would teasingly let me sip.
And perhaps there was no sugar at times
But yet there is nothing more than that I love.
How she'd smile in the early mornings
It was a lazy day
But the energy radiated from her
Never let the passion in me settle.
Few months they were
And I can never get over it
Being so caught up
She woke me up to let me find my dream
And quench the thirst of my inner soul
And now my heart craves for her single caress
And warm smile
How near she must be
Yet I can't reach her.
Its all dead isn't it?
She was beautiful. But she wouldn't ever like me the same. She hates me.

Crap! She was late for the train again!
All because of her stupid day dreams! Coffee with him.
Stupid memory. Couldn't ever forget.
He doesn't even care! Coffee with him. Damn the coffee.
Yet, how beautiful had been those mornings
It perhaps maybe dead to him
But nothing was more alive to her than those days when he was beside her.
2 years it has been and he
Never spoke about their love.
Pay checks. Family. Money. Money. And money.
Her health? Oh yes. Take care.
One year. Just that. Once a week, just that.
Where exactly had things gone wrong?
Long distance relationships sure did work!
Then why couldn't he ever tell her
how much he loved her.
She scoffed.
Silly girl, he never did.

Oh. My. God.
He recited the shahada*. He was leaving and she didn't know.
The car had rammed hard
He was drenched in blood
Placed on a stretcher
He was taken into a room
A pair of scissors and the sound of the forceps
Cackling against one another.
He woke up to find a worried nurse by his side.
"You didn't wake up son
Two days
And your wife wouldn't stop crying".
She? Wife? She?
She wouldn't ever care, she never loved
Why would she cry?
She called? How would she know?
Struggling against the sheets he called up to hear her-
Whom his heart wouldn't stop loving
Yet couldn't feel.
'...h...h..hello' she gasped.
Him. Her. They were talking,
Don't cry he said
What a hypocrite was he!
For his voice cracked in the end
And it was 2am
They both just sobbed with each others company
In different parts of the world whilst they lay on the bed
No more could he wait,
Let the money be burnt! Let him get fired! Whatever happens,
He needs her warmth and for that he will run.

A week passed by, him healing
With a wound deep inside his heart of never being there for her,
Packing his suitcase he submitted to his vulnerability,
Crossing the seas,
He rushed to the home that was just
A pair of eyes with a glinted passion
And a teasing smile
With cold hands and knuckles
Stared at him, mouth agape,
Wetness felt in both the cheeks
And no more could the souls wait
Neither could the heart,
And that is how they were consumed by the warmth of one another
After two years
Of never uttering a slight hint of affection to the other.
Love. Love found its meaning,
And life learned to live again. Blood did the heart pump so far,
But today it thrived and lived
And smiled and fluttered
All because they had found their home on each other's arms
And the Rabb had been extremely pleased with the union of souls
That loved Him more than anything else.
'I love you' he whispered that night before shutting his eyes,
Oh! Not a need to say! Said she teasingly
As they lay beside each other staring at the stars beyond the confines of their little abode.

Money? Wealth, status, name, prestige?
Why does he need to run behind all that
When his heart won't even beat properly?
Oh the people! Let them talk the talk!
But he needed her , and she needed him.
In the few years of life that he would live in this world,
Perhaps the biggest sin he would commit is to never love her enough
And to never be there for her
To never gift her with the opportunity to experience motherhood,
What for he should run behind petty things that didn't matter leaving behind the one the Rabb gave to cherish?
Wouldn't care about what the world said,
With a wealth enough to feed the stomach,
To give a little,
And to be filled with contentment and passion for joy
Is what he wanted.
Minimalistic it maybe, but home like her cannot be forsaken.
And that was how she began to love and live with hope from then on,
Nightmares forgotten,
And emotions in check,
They built a family that praised the One above
And was extremely gleeful.
What a pity! People would say,
But he wouldn't give a crap,
Happy they were.
And that is all that mattered.
A man so vulnerable they would laugh
Wife wrapped him around her fingers
They would mock!
Oh little do they know how beautiful had they been for each other
That the heart never fluttered or gave in to the petty pleasures of the world
They grew and thrived with each other
Until the end.
Vulnerable was he to her,
After all she was his friend, confidante, love, guide, mentor and everything else.
And who wouldn't love so much except a mad man?
Yes they fought,
But smiled the next moment,
Perhaps could have argued
But wiped off the tears too.
What happens in the confines needn't be shown to the world,
All that needs to be seen is their perfection
And that is enough to burn the gazes that wish to burn another.

Laying beneath the stars the night,
They whispered
And the hereafter too,
May we be blessed with our companionship
They said looking at their chubby two year old.

And yes it was 2am.

The longest I've ever written. Just was wondering how would two loving people away from each other living across the seas feel, and thinking about a few who lost the essence of love.
If you are the one living away from him/her, just know that it is never too late to mutter your affection. Nothing is dead. :)

*shahada- a testimony said by the Muslims. Testifying that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him)  is His Messenger. Upon believing in this firmly one is a Muslim, and one recites this moments before his/her death.

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