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Locked behind the closed doors,
The smiling warrior unveils to stare at her broken heart,
The mirror reflected a petite young lady,
Who walked on trials and not trails,
She was broken
Yet the one who could fix others.

Dreaming about a gazillion stars,
Of a world discovered but unexplored,
She tucks her sheet
To let a strangled cry out
The darkness helped her
The cotton pillows became her best friend,
Broken she was.

She could crack jokes like no tomorrow,
Talk about a distant future
With hope in her words,
She grabbed the load of her
Loved one
And placed her heart out in the open
For people to know
But what the heart wants to show is never seen
So they burn us with a worldly flame.

Beyond all the brokenness that stares at her now in the mirror,
Burns an undying flame
With passion, love and hope.
With faith and laughter.
With pains that don't pain
With lessons that were learnt
When others taunted her.
The memories haunted her,
But she grew so strong
That she could laugh at those
Who claimed could harm her.

You know what she is?
Not a broken piece of glass put together,
She was a pristine glass,
Who could crack,
But wouldn't.
Because she Knows that the one above all had Written a story for her like no other,
She was daring, fierce and gentle,
Her heart whispered perhaps we must stop
Stop fighting the mess
And find an escape , pass into oblivion
But you know deep within the hearts of hearts,
Where her soul lingered
Something whispered, no growled and challenged her to read the pages of her life,
To not skip when hardships afflicted,
To not soften at ease,
Because the pages said to appreciate yusr you must know the pain of usr.
And she was the one whom the Rabb had chosen to love
Chosen to hear her voice
Chosen to plead to Him
Chosen to depend on Him
He showered love in ways unknown
Preparing her to strive for a beautiful hereafter....
As she turned the pages of Qur'an she could feel her Rabb talking to her...
He repeated Indeed with hardship comes ease. *
Indeed Allah is with the patient*
But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows while you know not,*
He revealed for the thirsty human souls,
And just like that His Verses could ease her pain,
Clear the clutter,
At least the ones in her mind.

Now her droopy eyes stared back,
Her cheeks seemed to have flamed up,
Her nose turned crimson red
Who was she?
Beneath the honey brown skin, beneath the muffled cries, stray tears,
Who had she become?
A cluster of opinions or
A master of her thoughts.
This she shall decide as she is put on a new trial,
Humans are merely two sorts
The ones who crave for yusr*
The ones in 'usr*
We help one another in becoming the ease for the other's hardship
Beyond all the cruelty,
The untapped aura of humanity pulls us together
And that girl right there
She was a part of the humanity that pulled towards goodness
She was in 'usr helping others have their yusr
And someday she would rise up to smile heartily
Because she believed when they said
Every cloud has a silver lining.
As cliché as it had become.

She craved love,
For which she would fight.
She was a lover
And an undying flame
When people threw words,
She would shed tears perhaps beneath the blankets
Wide awake in the morning,
She would become a warrior.

As she stares at the sky
And thinks how she didn't perhaps get all that she wanted
She smiled and thanked her Lord because she had all that she needed.
When she would struggle eyeing herself,
She would remember her mother's smile.
Nah. They say give up.
But she wouldn't.
Her Lord had made her strong
She was a flame of love that flickered,
But wasn't put off.

And that is who my soul sister is,
Who would fall on her knees and cry to her Lord
But would smile and joke to all.
She was a believer
In all ways.
Especially when He said,
With hardship comes ease,
When she is standing in the storm now all drenched,
She knows that not long from now
She will see the clear sky.
And she will.
If Allah Wills.
And He hates to hurt his slave,
And He will never hurt her.
Allah Knows while you know not.

Aafiaara for you hon'.



'Usr- hardship
Yusr- Ease

"Indeed with hardship comes ease" - Al-Qur'aan, Surah Ash-Sharh (94:6)

"Indeed Allah is with the patient" - Al-Qur'aan, Surah-Al-Baqara (2:153)

"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing, and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows while you know not" - Al- Qur'aan, Surah Al- Baqarah, (2:216)

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