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A smile we would offer the world,
Lovely would we treat the people,
Empathetic we maybe.
World mightn't understand why we do it,
But accepts zealously your kindness.
You have been the light to many
A guide to many
An advisor to many, a trustable friend,
You've earned prayers if not pay checks
And you have brought smile in many faces.
So if you don't get for now something you crave, something which would really add up to your status or position,
Then worry not. Keeping doing good. Don't let anger or doubt consume you. Keep praying and work hard. It will come if it was meant to be.
Just be yourself, let not anything change that. For you have been the ease to the hardship of many and maybe you weren't given thanks or experienced gratitude, but the God above will surely reward you. Don't lose hope. Ever. Keep doing good because He had asked you to, and praying and hoping. Silver lining is not far away.

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