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It's not easy to find a family that loves you without being connected, neither by blood nor by conversations that requires an onlooker.
But I have been blessed by Allah Subhana wa ta'ala to have found such a beautiful family here. This book is very close to my heart...as sometimes or most of the times I write and figure out the solutions that I never knew existed. My weapon, my relief, my escape and one of my foremost love is poetry.
I'd like to call these spoken word poetry...but I don't as I have never found in me the courage nor the talent to perform. But if you feel like you can perform these, then let me know. For I'd love to hear you guys!
Surprisingly I have male readers too...and to captivate them with poetry from soul and heart, and to convey what a girl feels to them gives me tremendous pleasure. All Praise to Him alone.
I write this book for the sake of Rabb and myself to help out people. I hope you all have benefitted so far, felt like you are not alone. Most of all believed in true love, in His Verses, in silver lining of every cloud.
Thank you so much for making it to 1K, while it may not seem much for any other author, it is for me. After all once it was a zero.
With that said, I'll try my best to send my love through better poetry in sha Allah. As the heart whispers I shall utter!
Shukran jazeelan!

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