to change.

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Hidden behind the curtains,
The empty sheets
A virtual screen.
She was a dreamer.
It was funny honestly,
Quite ironic
To be a girl in her society
And to also be a dreamer.
For those chauvinistic men who are reading this,
This girl right here isn't writing about feminism,
She isn't really fighting for her educational rights
This little hidden piece of creature,
Simply let her heart to be seen.
That is a crime too of course
To write for souls that don't read,
To speak to those who don't hear
To listen to those who don't deserve to be heard,
But keeping it all aside
The meek creature would like to speak with you.
Sometimes we understand,
That young hearts indeed are wild,
Spontaneous, reckless and adventurous,
But why is that the entire world upholds generalization so much?
As I talk about how my dreams could potentially pass into oblivion,
People laugh as they presume that my failure was fated.
Who could speak such words except the ignorant?
Am I not worthy of a consideration?
Why is this patriarchal society grabbing my basic human right to dream?
Now the judgemental brain out there screams!
Why is she speaking nonsense?
Who had grabbed her rights?
I speak not just for what the heart feels,
I speak what the heart whispers
I speak for the millions who couldn't dream!
I speak for those eyes that glint with passion,
But couldn't ever quench the thirst.
Oh and now the another one out there!
Cave woman! These don't happen now!
Well in a society where the woman runs the country,
Is a girl child who dies in the womb
Because she had been 'unfortunate'!
In a society where a woman preaches education in the Parliament,
Is a young girl whose uniforms are being burnt!
Because why shall an unfortunate go to school?
Why not let her burn in that kitchen that resembles a dungeon!
Blowing the steamy rice
And hiding behind the stained walls,
No! It hasn't changed .
Hundreds of years later,
It is still about rich getting richer
Poor getting poorer.
The girl who was supposed to uphold her body to serve the strong souls,
Sells it to some wretched man who could gain pleasure.
It disgusts to hear
Than what to live?
I cry, I pray.
But am I doing enough?
Are you doing enough?
In the end of the day,
Aren't we too amongst the one who dare not to dream
Aren't we too oppressed?
Oppressed not by other souls,
Not by growling animals
But thyself!
The one that stops you from voicing your thoughts
One that stops you from accepting the hearts sin
One that stops you from forgiving
All because of that damn thyself!
And...what shall we talk about other's dreams
When we won't accept ours?
That heart within you could do wonders,
Think about the mind that shall reason,
If only you were given a chance
If your wings hadn't been clipped completely,
If you can still soar high,
Then don't let go.
Never let go.
If thy wings hath been clipped off,
And you are caged,
Then know that the heart shall do wonders again
Speak with your mind,
Love with your heart,
Dream with your eyes closed and opened,
Let them know you are more than a wingless bird,
Let your wings grow,
Soar higher and higher
As long as your Lord had allowed to,
Fear not of the judgements
For indeed the Best of Judges will know what lies in thy hearts!
Speak for your soul and heart
Speak for the millions who can't.
You are strong. All you need to know is that you are strong.
God doesn't change the state of us until we change what is within us,
Change comes from within
From one's 'self'
Realize who you are
Love the whole of you
Know thyself. Know thyself.
Then one day you shall ignite the minds that wouldn't think
Give hope to the broken hearts
Let the passion burn once again in that girl who withered slowly with the curses of arrogance,
Dream. Not alone.
Change begins from within,
All it takes is a thought,
That shall take its turn as you act.
Again, this may be a crime
To speak to those don't hear
To write for those who don't read
To hear to those who don't deserve to be heard
But I have told what I could
And if a single wretched soul is reminded of her passion,
Or of his passion,
Then I shall merrily shut my eyes.

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