Chapter 7: Close Call

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"Let him go." I say calmly, holding my hands up in the air like people do when they're trying to show "surrender". This guy holding the gun to Dean's head looks absolutely nuts. I can see it in his eyes that anything, and I mean anything, could set him off. I panic, but I try with everything I have not to show it. A knot begins to form in my stomach and I feel sick, the fear of that gun going off and taking my baby daddy and fiancé's life away makes me want to vomit.  I'm unsure of what to do, so I begin to strike up a conversation. "Wha-What's your name? Are you here alone? Or are there others?" I ask, swallowing thickly.  The man just glares at me and doesn't answer any of my questions.  His eyes are dark and cold.
Dean looks at me, his eyes attempting to give me some kind of comfort.  After a moment of silence Dean speaks up, "Okay, let's all just-just calm down. No one needs to get hurt.  Just tell me who you are and what you want."
   As Dean says this the man tightens his grip on Dean and Dean flinches a little, trying to get out of his hands; he fails.  I have to do something.
I feel sweat beginning to form on my forehead and I nervously, slowly pull my gun out from my back pocket.  I carefully walk toward Dean.  As soon as the man realizes I'm doing this, he yells "BACK UP!"  And aims his gun straight at my face.  My heart stops for a moment and even though he is only threatening me, it's like I see my life flash before my eyes.  When he does this, Dean is able to get loose.  Dean grabs ahold of the man's wrist and takes his gun, twisting his arm around so that now, Dean has the gun aimed at the man.  I stand beside Dean, my gun shoved in the man's face.  "You really gonna shoot a pregnant woman?" Dean scoffs angrily. "Who are you."  Dean questions again, narrowing his brows in anger.  "I think the question actually is, 'What are you'?" Says a woman coming out of a room nearby. I quickly turn and aim my gun at her, afraid of what might happen next. The woman is dressed in a golden dress, her long red hair flows down her back as she stands a few feet from us calmly. Almost every finger on each of her hands is covered in rings.
As soon as I aim my gun at her, she lifts her skinny, long fingers into the air. Like magic, my gun rips away from my hands and soars across the large room, hitting the floor loudly. My eyes widen in surprise. "We're witches." The man says, his hands up in the air to show Dean he doesn't wish to fight or to be shot: like he's surrendered. "I knew a couple hunters would eventually find themselves meddling into this sooner or later." The woman says. I look over at Dean in confusion and he looks back at me, just as confused. What on earth is going on? "Of course we would. People are dying. And I'm not gonna let that happen any longer."  Dean says as he holds his gun up, aiming it at the woman.

[[Sam P.O.V.]]

"Thank you, I'll be out soon." I say to the coroner as she makes her way out of the small room.  I look around to see the bodies all laid out on the tables. The air is cold and the smell of formaldehyde is so strong that it almost burns the outside rims of my nose. I cover my nostrils slightly with the top of my hand, walking over to the first body. 
The damage is extremely gruesome and pretty hard to look at.  The whole stomach section is completely ripped open, and the insides are gone.  The entire inside of the body is visible.  It's like someone took a giant ice cream scooper and literally scooped everything out of the body.  I move my eyes up and down the body, also noticing the neck wound.  There's a huge portion of the neck missing, as if it was gouged out.  This is definitely the work of Rugaru's. I pace around the room, continuing to study all of the bodies.
As I'm standing over one of the bodies, the double doors open and a blonde woman walks in, her lower face covered up with a doctors mask. Her identity is shielded and I can't tell who it is.  Once she shuts the doors behind her, she turns toward me and looks at me, slowly taking off her mask. I watch, confused.  As she pulls it off, she shakes her head, her curly hair flowing freely.  Her identity is revealed and my eyes widen once I realize who it is.  My heart kind of drops to my stomach and I'm in utter disbelief. 
   "Cassie?  I thought-I thought that-".  She cuts me off before I can say anything else.  "Sam Winchester.  It's so good to see you again." 
Her voice is seductive and confident.  She looks me up and down, almost as if she's imagining herself ripping my clothes off or something.  It makes me very uncomfortable. 
   Something's different about her.  Her entire demeanor and her whole look is completely different.  She walks up to me, her heels clicking across the hard floor.  "Are you okay?  Where have you been?"  I ask her frantically, shaking my head worriedly.  Castiel has been looking for her for so long.  We haven't been able to find her anywhere, and now she's just here?  She just shows up at the coroner?  This is so sketchy.  She raises a brow and a wide smirk spreads across her light pink lip-glossed lips.  "I'm fantastic.  Much better than before actually.  But, I need something."  She says.  Her eyes pull away from mine and she walks around the room, looking at the gruesome, mutilated bodies.  She's strangely comfortable around them and that shoots up a huge red flag for me.  However, I pretend I'm not suspicious.  But something's definitely wrong.
   "Anything.."  I say, watching her.  She stops in front of one of the bodies and she looks down at it for a moment, and then back up at me.  "I have a message to and Elena."  As she says this, she looks back down at the body.  Okay, now something is really wrong.  I slowly begin to back up, inching closer to the door.  She has something planned.  It's almost as if her words are scripted. 
   "From who?"  I ask.  She looks back up at me.  "Katherine."  As the word slips from her mouth, she vampire speeds over to me and grabs onto my arms tightly before I can even realize what's happening and before I can even register that holy shit Cassie is a vampire now.  "You're the message."  Her eyes turn red and the veins show below her eyes.  Her jaw opens widely, her vampire fangs visible.  She bites into my neck roughly, and everything goes black.

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