Chapter 39: The Rescue Part 2

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"You just won't stay dead, will you?" I say, keeping an angry glare on her. Katherine rolls her eyes, laughing as she walks into the room, sitting her glass down on a small shelf. "I never was dead. That's the point, Elena." She spits as she crosses her arms. "Crowley tried to send me to the same place as Abaddon, but shocker, he couldn't do it. I had a witch put a spell on me. I can't leave this town. Instead of sending me to actual hell, I was sent to "hell on earth". This rusty old, run down drugged-up town. I'm stuck here, not there." She explains as she laughs slightly. I feel Sam's eyes on me as if he's studying my response. I don't think he knows what to do.

"Why are you killing people here?" I ask, shaking my head in disgust. "I'm not. I have a messenger I guess you could say. He does most of it. I got bored, and so I called him. He was all in considering his humanity switch is off again. Another shocker." She explains as she rolls her eyes once more.


Him who?

I narrow my brows in confusion once more. "Who?" I ask. Katherine's lips slowly curve into a wide smirk and she licks her bottom lip before biting it. "You'll find out. He doesn't know you're here. He's out getting a bite." She says with pleasure, knowing that she knows something that I don't.

A crash is heard from the entrance room, glass shatters and yells omit loudly. Katherine raises a brow as she lets out a sigh. "Aw, looks like your fiancé is here to save the day." She smirks as she leaves the room.

I immediately get up from the bed to rush into the room where Dean is but Sam grabs ahold of me by my waist, pulling me back down onto the bed. "Elena, no. Wait." He says. I shake my head in confusion wondering why the hell he isn't rushing out there with me.

Seconds later, Dean is thrown into the room. His face is already beat up and he falls into the ground roughly. Sam and I quickly rush off of the bed and to Dean's side.

"Son of a bitch..." Dean grunts as he rolls around on the floor a minute in pain before getting up. He lets out a deep sigh as he wraps his arms around Sam and I. "Thank God you two are okay." He says in relief.

"Did you see Katherine?" I ask in annoyance. She just never goes away.

"I did. We'll worry about her later. Right now, we need to find a way out of here. There's too many of em'. We can't kill them all on our own." Dean explains. Sam shakes his head, "There's no way out, Dean. There are vamps all around the building, and the only way out is the front door. We'll never make it out. Don't you think I've planned and thought out and tried it already a million times over?" He explains. Dean shakes his head, closing his eyes angrily as he looks down. He purses his lips together, looking into my eyes. "There has to be a way, right? There's always a way. You taught me that." Dean says.

I nod, "There always is. But Sam is right, how are we supposed to get past them all? We all know unfortunately Katharine is stronger than us. No matter how much I hate to say it out loud." I admit.
"Right. But she isn't smarter." Dean says as he looks toward the door that leads to the hallway. "She is, Dean. I really think she is." Sam admits, shaking his head as he plops back onto the creepy bed—sighing deeply.

A few seconds later a few men come to the door, slamming it up against the wall as they open it. "Come on you three." One of them says as they all begin to grab us. Of course all three of us fight it, especially Dean. But we just aren't strong enough.

They drag us into the main room—the entrance area. There are three chairs. They tie us each up tightly to each chair, the rough ropes wrap around my bare arms so tightly that I can feel the scratch ones of them digging into my skin. I groan in pain, cursing the men out the entire time as Katherine watches pleasingly in the corner of the room.

"God she's so annoying." Dean growls angrily as he glares over at her. She continues to smirk, staring at him intently. This bothers me so much. She's up to something.

"Does he know who we have?" One of the vampires asks. Katherine swallows the last of her drink, placing her empty glass down on a table. "He knows I got him a really good snack. That's it." She says shortly.

Who is this him that everyone keeps talking about? I don't get it. Why can't she just tell us who she's talking about?

"You want us to leave you here with him before he—." One of them begins to question but Katherine interrupts him. "He'll be here soon. Off you go." She says coldly as she keeps her eyes steadily on Dean.

She walks up to him slowly, holding a roll of duck tape in her hands. "You..." She says in almost a whisper as she bends down to meet his face. Her face is slowly getting close and closer to his and I feel my blood beginning to boil. "Get away from him you stupid—." I begin to yell but she interrupts me. "Can it dull face. Get it? Because you're dull." She hisses, laughing at herself in pleasure as she insults me. I roll my eyes, beginning to feel a panic rise in the pit of my stomach as her face gets so close to Dean's that her lips are almost touching his. I pull and fight against my ropes in rising anger.

I swear to God if this bitch kisses my man I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

"He's really going to hate you." She says to him, resting her hand on his upper thigh. "Who?" Dean asks first. "Don't touch me." He growls. "You'll see, you may not recognize him when you see his face but Elena will." She says as her eyes look over at me, giving me a side eye. "Who the hell are you talking about? Just tell us already. We aren't interested in your stupid, immature games Katherine. They're boring. And overused." I say with a sarcastic tone, pretending to yawn.

She rolls her eyes as she gets up and backs away a few inches from Dean, slapping a piece of duck tape over his mouth.

She then moves over to Sam, slapping a small piece over his mouth as well

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She then moves over to Sam, slapping a small piece over his mouth as well. Her heels clack against the wooden floor loudly.

And then she looks over at me. The nastiest and biggest smirk I've ever seen omit from her spreads across her excited face.

"You won't be needing this. I'm sure your mouth will shut right up as soon as you—." Her sentence is cut short as her attention turns toward car lights that shine through the windows. She smiles widely, biting her bottom lip as she makes her way to the front door.

She turns our chairs, making it so that all of us are forced to face the front door. I get a sick feeling in my stomach, thinking I could most definitely vomit right now. Who is coming? Who is this man?

It's something big, I know it. But who could it be? I have a horrible feeling about this.

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