Chapter 18: Rosewood: Part 2

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[[Sam P.O.V.]]

Caroline and I have been going back and forth for hours, debating whether or not we go after Dean. I've been calling him for two days and he hasn't answered one call. I mean he could be anywhere doing anything. He could be at some cooky bar getting drunk off his ass.......or he could be going on some crazy ass hung. Who knows.
We've talked to Elena a couple times over the phone to let her know what was going on, and she seemed fine. She even told us the name of the town she's in, but made us promise not to say anything to Dean.

"I just....I don't know if that's such a good idea, Sam. I mean Dean is perfectly capable of taking care of himself." Caroline says as she takes a sip of her glass of bourbon. I argue with her, "Yes he is perfectly capable, but not when his mind is a huge clusterfuck like it is right now. He's been making irrational decisions for like, four days now. He's gonna get himself in trouble if he isn't careful."
Caroline rolls her eyes slightly, shaking her head as she puts her glass down. "So what? We just go after him? We don't even know where he is. And even if we did, we can't hold him back, Sam. You know how he is. We won't be able to do a damn thing with him." She explains, raising her voice a little at me. I wanna argue back with her but I know that she's right. When Dean wants something, there's no stopping him. I mean we'd literally have to chain him down to a chair, and even then, that might not even work.
I let out a deep sigh, looking down at the ground. "Well we have to do something. We can't just sit here, Caroline." I say helplessly, feeling like I should start to worry.
Caroline picks up her glass, taking one last gulp to empty it and then she puts it down again. She stands up, looking as if she's thinking for a moment. "Well, we know he's going to find Elena. It's Dean. He'll find her. So.....maybe if we go to Elena, we find Dean." As soon as she says this, I raise my brows, slowly nodding in agreement. She's right about that. "Sounds about right to me. We know where Elena is right? Did she tell you?" I ask. Caroline nods as she walks over to one of the kitchen chairs, picking up her leather jacket from it before she throws it on. "Yup. I can take the address from her calls and put it into the GPS."
"All right. Let's go." I say, grabbing the keys to Caroline's car and handing them to her.

[[Elena P.O.V.]]

"Elena what is it? You gotta give me something." Bonnie begs as she glances over at me while driving back to our loft apartment. After staring out the window quietly for the past ten minutes, I finally look over at her. "I think I'm going crazy, Bon." I say, leaning my head back against the seat. I rest my hand on my stomach, groaning. "I thought.....I thought I saw Crowley. At the hospital. I was just people watching and then I saw him in the middle of the crowd. He was just watching me. And I freaked out, like I got up so fast and I turned for only a moment to see if you were coming back yet because I was so afraid of what might happen. But then when I turned around, he was gone. And so I thought I was hallucinating because my emotions are all messed up and I'm just stressed and worried. But then I ran into this woman. Like literally I ran into her. And she knew who I was. She was all creepy and the words she was saying were cryptic. And when I asked how she knew who I was and who the hell was she, she told me she was a friend of Crowley's. So, I ran. Do you think any of it was real? Because.....I feel like it isn't. Crowley wouldn't just let me go like that." I say, almost out of breath as I explain the whole story. Bonnie's eyes widen as we park on the side of the road in front of the apartment. She turns the car off, looking straight ahead as she thinks for a moment. She finally looks over at me. "Did she tell you her name?" She asks. I think back for a moment, realizing she never said her name. "No she introduced herself as 'a friend of Crowley's'. So, I don't know who she is. She had black eyes, Bonnie. She was a demon." I say, my worried eyes looking at Bonnie as I wait for her response. She narrows her eyes in confusion before looking over at me again. "I don't know, Elena. That doesn't really sound like a hallucination to me. Crowley plays a lot of games, right? I mean that sounds like something he'd do. He doesn't want you dead right now, remember? I mean, he saved you from Katherine for a reason, right? Did Dean ever tell you what that reason was?" Bonnie asks. I think for a moment, remembering when Dean came back from trying to get answers from Crowley. "No-I....I never gave him a chance to talk about it...". I say, feeling a little guilty. "Okay, well, lets not freak out or anything yet. Let's just try to have a fun, normal day. Remember what normal is? Me neither. So let's try to figure out what it feels like again." She says as she gets out of the car, aggravated.

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