Chapter 28: I Just Need A Minute

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[[Sam P.O.V.]]

It's been a while since Caroline and I have seen Dean, Elena, Cas, and Bonnie. Yesterday Bonnie and Cas came to the bunker to meet Caroline and I to update us on everything that's been going on. We've been trying to help them, mainly Bonnie, get the baby room ready as soon as possible. Elena says the due date is near which is pretty exciting but also really nerve-racking considering everything that's going on. Apparently a lot went down yesterday, and things have gotten even crazier than they already were which is unfortunate but that's just our life.
Dean called me this morning and asked me to come to them. The safe house they've been hiding out in isn't so safe anymore, so it doesn't matter if I or Caroline know where they are. Seems like every "safe house" we go to is never enough and it makes me angry. I don't know what's going on yet, considering Dean said he'd discuss it with me when I get there. He claims it isn't "over-the-phone" talk. Great. Just great.
I gather up my things and walk down the hall toward the baby room to let Caroline know that I'm going to see Dean and Elena and that I'll be back.
I walk up to the open doorway to see Caroline and Bonnie just covered in light blue paint with their hair tangled in messy buns and their clothes stained with what looks like the color of the sky.  Ahh-sky blue; they're making the walls sky blue. They both turn toward me, staring at me with guilty eyes as they freeze in the middle of their project.  "Yes?"  Caroline asks, pretending like the both of them aren't a complete mess.  " you guys know how to paint walls, or?"  I say in a joking manner with a slight serious tone-because let's be honest I am a little serious.  It's a mess in here.
  Bonnie rolls her eyes and attempts to flick paint at me.  "Hey!  You aren't doing any of the work so."  Caroline says.  I chuckle, "that's because you all have me building all the furniture.  This was supposed to be the easy part."  I say, stuffing my hands into my jean pockets.  Caroline laughs slightly but tries to hide it.  I pause for a moment before speaking again.  "I'm going to see Dean and Elena, apparently a lot went down yesterday.  I'll fill you all in as soon as I know everything."  I say as I let out a deep sigh.  Caroline and Bonnie nod as they begin to paint again.  "All right, be careful okay?"  Caroline says.  "I will."  I say before walking back down the hallway and out the door.

[[3 hours later//"A Minute To Breathe" -Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross]]

After what seems like the longest drive known to man along with a super rocky boat ride, I make it to the island where Dean, Elena, and Cas are.  I've never ridden on a car boat before.
   The skies are now turning a dark gray and the cold wind blows.  A storm must be rolling in.  I drive my car up toward the beach house where they have been staying.  It's pretty nice and big.  This would be a damn good vacation place if you weren't hiding from all things supernatural.  As soon as I pull up, I see Dean leaning against a white picket fence on the side of the house.  His back is facing me and he seems to just stare off into the ocean, the wind blowing his hair slightly.  I take the keys out of the ignition and I open the car door, stepping out quietly.  He doesn't even turn to acknowledge me.  Something's really wrong.
  I slowly make my way up to him, my boots cracking against the gravel.  I stand beside him, leaning up against the fence just as he is.  I pause for a moment before speaking to him, being careful with my choice of words.  Dean is someone that can snap or break easy especially when he's upset or angry.  I don't want to say the wrong thing to set him off.  I take a deep breath.  "What is it?"  I ask calmly, looking over at him with concern.
  He bites his bottom lip just slightly, clenching his jaw tightly with tension.  I can tell he's fighting back tears.  "Dean..". I say with more concern, beginning to worry more than I had before.  He finally looks over at me as he lets a deep sigh escape his lips.  "I just much guilt, Sammy.  It's hitting me like a tsunami right now."  He says with a shaky voice.  He always feels guilty.  This is something he struggles with all the time.  I shake my head, "None of this is your fault, Dean.  Seriously.  You and Elena have the same life.  It follows the both of you everywhere.  Hell, it follows all of us everywhere because this is the life we all choose to live.  We live it for others.  We save people, help people.  The bad that comes with it is just the price we have to pay.  And none of us deserve that, not any of it.  But it's just the way-".  Dean interrupts me, "I know..I know that Sam.  I feel bad about that too but that's not what I'm talking about right now....".  He says with a stronger voice this time. 
   "What is it?"  I ask.  Dean pauses, thinking about what he's going to say as if he's holding it back.  He looks down at the gravel on the ground, shoving his hands into his pockets before he speaks.  And then he finally does.

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