Chapter 37: Never Ending

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Thomas cries in his little crib, shouting and screaming hysterically. Dean and I both hear it from the main room of the bunker and the both of us shoot up and head toward his room. "What time is it, babe?" Dean asks, walking ahead of me quickly. "It's almost five, he needs a bottle." I say, realizing it's time for him to eat and that's probably why he just woke up crying.
Dean and I both walk into his little baby room and find his crying and throwing a little fit in his crib. Dean picks him up into his arms quickly, "I know, I know little guy. We got you." He says soothingly, rocking Thomas up and down in his arms as he holds him. I look over at him and smile warmly, holding onto his little hand as he slowly stops crying. "You want a bottle? Are you hungry?" I ask in a soft baby voice. He looks so cute I could squeeze him. "I'll go make his bottle." I say to Dean, kissing him on the cheek before I head back into the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen, opening up the cabinet grab one of the small, plastic baby bottles. I set it on the counter and open up the fridge right after to get a bag of already breast-pumped milk I had prepared earlier. I dump it into the bottle and start warming it up. I feel a sudden buzz in the back pocket of my pants, the jungle of a phone call begins to go off and I realize my cell phone is wringing. I look at the screen to see who's calling, and the screen reads:

Sam Cell#3

I immediately pick it up, holding it up to my ear. "Hey! How's it going?" I ask, watching the time slowly count down on the microwave.
"It's going great! We've already killed three of em' and we're about to kill what we think is the last one tonight. It's been an easy hunt, that's for sure." Sam says excitedly. "How's everything going there?" He asks. I smile as I answer, the timer on the microwave going off. I open the door and grab the warm bottle quickly, already making my way toward Thomas' room. "It's going pretty good, haven't slept much but I'm honestly okay with it. We're adjusting very well, and...I'm really happy. You should see Dean, he's such a good daddy." I say right before walking into the room. Dean is still rocking Thomas, kissing his tiny forehead over and over and over. Dean is in love. And it's the cutest thing ever. I think deep down he always wanted a son.
  "That's great!" Sam answers. I hand Dean the bottle and a rag to put over his shoulder. He immediately begins to feed him, not even questioning who I'm on the phone with. I'm sure he knows it's probably just Sam. He's been keeping us updated while on his hunt with one of his new hunting buddies. I walk over and sit down on the big chair that sits in the corner of the room, watching Dean in awe as he carefully feeds our son. He's so good with him.
"Yeah! Everything's going great. When do you think you'll be back?" I ask. He pauses for a moment over the phone before answering. "Probably tomorrow honestly. If we get this thing tonight, we should be back tomorrow evening before you get Thomas to bed. Keep him up for me, I want to see him for a little bit when I get back." He says. I laugh, smiling widely, "Hahah okay Sam, I'll keep him up for you."
We talk for a few minutes longer before hanging up, and I get up and walk over to Dean and Thomas. "Dang, he's sucking that bottle down quick isn't he?" I ask, laughing as I grab Thomas's tiny hand again, softly holding it in mine. "Yeah, he must've been really hungry." Dean says, grinning as he just gazes at Thomas. 

"Was that Sam you were just talking to?"

"Yep, he says he'll be back tomorrow. He wants us to keep Thomas up a little later than usual so he can see him when he gets back." I say, smiling. Dean nods, "Dang, that must've been a damn easy hunt." I nod in agreement.

Thomas finishes his bottle and Dean sets it down on the table, sitting Thomas upright against his chest to burp him. Burping him is the cutest, he gets the hiccups every time. Dean softly starts patting his back, getting some burps out of him.

[[4 days later]]

"He hasn't texted you? Called you?" I ask, rocking Thomas in my arms as I look over at a worried Dean, his hands pressing against the countertop restlessly.
"No, not since he spoke with you on the phone. It's been days, Elena. He should be back by now." He groans, I can hear the annoyance and the fear growing in his shaky voice. He begins to pace back and forth, holding his phone in front of him as he continues to hope he'll get a call or something.
  He stops, pausing as he stands behind the counter again. He takes a deep breath, shaking his head as he looks down, clearly upset.
He isn't the only one worried, I'm worried as well. Sam shouldn't be gone this long. The hunt was practically over.

"I knew it was too good to be true..." Dean mumbles under his breath. I narrow my brows, slightly confused. "What was?" I ask. Thomas lays his head down on my shoulder, beginning to fall asleep. "This. This peaceful period we've had where we haven't had anything to worry about. It's always something, Elena. There's always the next thing to worry about. I mean we just had Bonnie's funeral. What if we have to plan anoth--" I stop him as he says this, snapping at him quietly. "Don't. Don't even say that. Sam is probably fine. He isn't dead. Jesus, Dean. There will be no more funerals for a long time. Okay?" I say, my breathing quickening as I lie through my teeth. I begin to really worry, my mind taking me places that I don't like at all. I close my eyes, calming myself as I realize I snapped at him.
  "Okay, okay...fine. Maybe you're right." He says, exhaling deeply as he slowly looks back into my eyes--biting his bottom lip. He begins to shake his head again, and before he says what he plans on saying I already know exactly what he's going to say.
"I have to look for him. I'm going tonight." He quickly says, turning toward the hallway. My eyes widen slightly, hearing him say it out loud causes me to panic. "I'm coming with you." I answer. It's like I didn't even think of the words, they just spilled out of me like a reflex. The thought of Dean going out to look for Sam when he's practically missing terrifies me. Because now, we have Thomas. So, Dean can't get hurt. Because I can't do this parenting thing without him. I need him, and so does our son.

He stops in his tracks, my words hitting him before he can make it to the hallway. He turns and looks at me, shaking his head immediately in disapproval. "Hell no you aren't. That's hilarious. You're staying here, with Thomas." He argues. But I don't give up that easily.

"Caroline can stay with him, and so can Castiel. I'm coming with you. And that's that." I say, rushing past him and down the hall to put Thomas to bed. I don't give him any time to argue back.
It's nap time for Thomas after all, and perfect timing. I'll call Caroline and Cas and they can head on over, while Dean and I go figure out where Sam is.

Dean stands in the doorway of the room, watching as I softly place Thomas into his crib. He slowly makes his way over, stopping right at the side of the crib. He looks down at Thomas lovingly, and then over at me. "If you're coming, you do as I say, okay? Thomas can't lose the both of us." He explains, to which I nod in agreement, understanding. I place my hands on either side of Dean's face and pull him into me, planting a deep kiss on his soft lips.

I pull away, pulling my phone out of my pocket and begin dialing a number. "I'll call Caroline and Cas." I say, making my way out of the room quietly.

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