Chapter 33: The Biggest One: Part 2

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[["Unforgettable" -French Montana ft Swae Lee/Dean P.O.V.]]

The music gets turned up by the DJ and there are so many people here it's actually a little nerve-racking. My eyes look through the crowd nervously, a casual look on my face as I keep all my real feelings from showing. I push them down deep. I see Caroline at one doorway with a glass of champagne in her hand. She talks with a few hunters who are good friends of ours and I don't think they even notice that she's a vampire. Which, is probably a good thing because I completely forgot about the fact that hunters kill ALL vampires; normally. Everyone kind of knows she's Sam's girl and best friends with Elena, so, even if they noticed the most they'd do is let me know first.
Bonnie is slightly dancing in another corner next to Cas, the both of them have drinks in their hands. She looks like she's trying to describe some type of alcoholic beverage to him and he's just not getting it. Little ol' Cas. I laugh to myself.
Crowley of course is in hiding, only to come out for a fight.
"Thank you so much!" Katherine says in a fake nice voice to one of the guests, making her way around the room to everyone who keeps trying to talk to her. The wives of some of the hunters repeatedly touch her stomach and ask her questions about the baby. I get a few pats on the shoulder. This is so weird.
Everyone just dances and bumps along to the music, some sitting at tables together and some standing in the middle of the room with plates of food. Katherine and I go through almost every single person having fake conversations with them for at least an hour with no sign of Abaddon at all. It's exhausting and I can feel my blood beginning to boil while spending so much time with Katherine.

I take a deep breath and decide to get a scotch or something, so I excuse myself from a group conversation and make my way over to the bar for a drink. It's just a waiting game now.

"Scotch, please." I say to the bar tender. He smiles slightly, "Congrats man." He says a little quietly, grabbing a glass from under the bar table. I fake smile with a quick nod, not paying much attention to him. I've got way too much on my mind to play fake nice with this random dude. "Thanks." I say almost emotionless.

[[Bonnie P.O.V.]]

"Is that your third drink?" Castiel the angel asks me. I immediately roll my eyes, beginning to laugh. "Oh my gosh no are you kidding? This isn't an actual reception, we have a job to do. I'm not trying to get drunk when we could all be dead at literally any second. It's the same one I just keep walking around and drinking it slowly so it looks like I keep drinking." I explain. He nods, looking impressed with me. "Good idea. Maybe I should do the same. Where's Caroline?" He asks.
"Right here unfortunately." She says as she walks up from behind him, standing with Castiel and I with a tired expression on her face. "If I have to tell one more fake story to another hunter I'm going to stake myself." She groans, taking a sip of her champagne. I laugh slightly, Katherine's loud fake laugh being heard all the way across the room. "She's so annoying. I wish she'd be a little less fake happy." I say as I glare at her from across the room. "Ugh, same." Caroline agrees with me.
Castiel looks across the entire room, watching Dean at the bar. "Has anyone talked to Dean since we've been here?" He asks. "No, he's been stuck up Katherine's ass the entire time talking to people and thanking them." Caroline says. "Where's Sam? I haven't seen him for a while. He was just near the bathroom earlier. He literally disappeared." I say, looking over at Caroline. The music starts getting a little louder which is annoying because now when we talk to each other we have to yell a little. "Did you see him go into the bathroom?" Caroline shouts across to me, trying to get her voice above the music so I can hear her. I shrug my shoulders, shaking my head. "I didn't. Maybe you should go check?" I suggest, yelling over the music as well. Her expression becomes distressed and I can tell she's worried. She nods, putting her drink down on a table near us and heading over toward the men's room.

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