Chapter 36: The Funeral

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[[Sam P.O.V./"Can't Go Back" -Rossi Golan]]

I slowly open the hotel room door, watching Dean as he holds Thomas' tiny body in his arms. As soon as he notices I'm present, he puts his finger up to his mouth as he rocks Thomas softly, shushing his cries in an attempt to get him to fall asleep. I adjust my suit jacket, and give Dean a look of confusion noticing that he isn't dressed in his suit for the funeral. Dean carefully walks over to the bed and lays Thomas down between two pillows, placing a soft blanket over top of him. He's already falling asleep, meaning his cries were tired ones. He puts a tiny little binky inside Thomas' mouth before tip-toeing over to me near the door. He whispers quietly, answering what my expression was asking. "I'm not going, Elena asked if I could stay here with Thomas and I'm fine with that. This is about Elena losing her friend, not me." He tries to explain, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. I shake my head, opening my mouth to speak but Dean interrupts me. "And before you say I need to be there for her, I am. I asked her, whatever I could do for her I'd do it. And she didn't want to bring Thomas to all that sadness and be crying her eyes out while trying to take care of him. So I said I'd stay here with him while she says her goodbyes to her best friend." He finished in an even quieter voice. I pause for a moment, understanding and agreeing to what he's saying. I look over at Thomas laying down on the bed, sleeping peacefully. He's completely unaware of the evils that lurk around him. All the horrible things his mother and father battle every single day. He's so innocent, and small, and, as soon as I look at him I feel it. He may not be my child, but he's my blood. I feel that strong sense of love, a different kind. One that I've never really felt before. And I will never let anything happen to him. I can't imagine how Elena and Dean must feel.
"Promise me something.." Dean says as he catches my attention again. I nod, listening closely. "Be there for her today..while I'm not there. Do whatever she needs. Please. Take care of her." Dean asks, clenching his jaw tightly as his eyes begin to tear up slightly. I quickly nod, already agreeing before he can even finish. "Of course, of course I will." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze.

[[Elena P.O.V.]]

I swallow thickly and nervously, holding Caroline's hand tightly as we walk into the wake room. My hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail and my black dress hangs down to my knees. As soon as I see Bonnie's lifeless body for the first time, it feels like my stomach drops to my feet and I get emotionally sick. I cover my mouth, beginning to choke up with tears as I just look at her. She looks beautiful, but they put way too much makeup on her. Bonnie never wore that much.
Caroline gives my hand a squeeze as we walk right up to the casket, looking down at Bonnie. Caroline sniffles before speaking up. "She would be so mad right now if she knew how much makeup she had on." She jokes, giggling slightly as she attempts to lighten to mood. I laugh slightly, my giggle letting a small cry escape my lips right after. I sniffle, wiping a few tears from under my eyes. "You're right. She'd hate it."
Sam comes up from behind us and places his hands on both Caroline and I's shoulders. He looks toward me first, embracing me into a big, tight hug. Sam always gives the best hugs. His heart is so kind and caring, I'm so lucky to know him. For a few seconds I let myself cry into his chest, sniffling as I try my hardest to contain my sadness. My heart is broken. I can't help but feel guilty for letting Bonnie get involved. I pull away, and he hugs Caroline right after. He kisses her forehead softly while just holding her. I look over toward the doorway, seeing Cas just standing there as his eyes stare at Bonnie's body. I make my way over to him quietly as Bonnie's family fills the room. I approach him, wiping from under my eyes once more before he takes my hand in his. He looks away from Bonnie and now looks straight into my eyes. "This isn't your fault, you know." He says quietly, looking into my soul. I nod slowly, smiling as much as I can while tears continue to fall. I pretend that I agree with him, acting as if I understand. But I disagree. It is my fault. I lean up against the wall next to him, liking around the room at everyone just like he is. "They're all witches. All of them." He says, with a tone of curiosity. I nod. "I know. It's quite a sight. They'll burn her body afterwards." He looks over at me, giving me a look of question as I say this. "So no evil spirits can use her. It's like a hunter's death." I explain. This helps him understand and he nods once more.

We talk for a few more minutes before the procession is ready to start. We all take our seats, a basket of roses resting near the front door. A few prayers are said, songs are sung, and cries are heard. Each person grabs a rose, and we all get in line. The ushers inside the room shut her casket, and each one of us walks up to it. We say a few words, or pray in our head as we lay our roses down on top of her casket. I sit back down at my seat, Sam sitting down right next to me. He wraps and arm around me and squeezes my shoulder tightly, rubbing it softly in support. Even though I asked Dean to stay with Thomas, it is a little hard not having him here. So I'm thankful for Sam. I place my hands over my mouth and try not to cry anymore, trying to tell myself that she's not scared anymore, she's not in pain, and maybe she's in happier place. She doesn't have to worry anymore.

The funeral continues as some of Bonnie's family members, Caroline, and myself give a few words to everyone about our relationship with Bonnie and how brave and amazing she was.

And with that, it's over.

Bonnie is gone. Just like that.

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