Chapter 13: Hide and Seek

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Castiel stands in front of me, his body looking quite beaten. I breathe heavily, catching my breath.  "Dammit Cas, you scared the hell out of me.  Where have you been?  Why do you look like that what happened to you?"  I ask, narrowing my brows in confusion.  He's covered in bruises and his head is bleeding just slightly.  Something really bad has happened and I have a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. 
   He doesn't say much, he just looks at me with the worst, most guilty look anyone could ever wear.  Oh God.  "What is it?"  I question him again, looking at him with confusion.  He looks around a little, as if he's making sure there is no one else around us.  His body seems to shake with nervousness. I tilt my head, my eyes looking into his with concern and oncoming fear.
He leans in really close to me, softly grabbing ahold of my shoulder as he begins to speak as quickly and as quietly as he can. "Katherine sent me here to take you to some place to do God knows what and she said that if I didn't do it that she was going to kill Sam. I don't want him dead but I can't-I can't let anything bad happen to you either so I'm unsure of what exactly it is that I should-." Before Cas can finish his sentence, he bursts into a huge, blinding light, disappearing once again. "Well that didn't go as planned." Cassie says, her glaring eyes piercing into me like knives. She made one of those symbols again and sent him back to heaven just like she did before. Oh God. My eyes widen once I realize how bad this situation is. But, I'm close to the bunker door. Maybe if I scream loud enough everyone in the bunker will be able to hear me.
So that's what I do. "DEAN, SAM, CAROLINE, BONNIE, HELP! HELP!" I scream from the top of my lungs, my voice almost coming out as a horrid screech. Cassie begins to laugh at me, just shaking her head as she stands there watching me. "DEAN!" I scream again, hoping that he'll hear me and come running outside to save me.
Cassie vamp-speeds up to me, grabbing ahold of my neck tightly as she shoves me up against the impala. "Listen here miss Elena. No one can hear you. No one will be able to hear you, no one will be able to find you, and no one will be able to save you. You're done. This is the end for you." She says with such anger and rage as her hand tightens its grip on my neck. I choke, gasping for air to breathe. She lifts her hand in the air, and it come flying down, hitting me in the head and knocking me out cold. Everything goes black.

[[Dean P.O.V.]]

"Don't even think about it Dean."  Bonnie says, laughing as she watches me go for the last roll.  I chuckle, "Hey, I only had two.  Or five but that doesn't matter, making it six is a great idea."  She shakes her head, grabbing the roll from me.  "Everyone else has had maybe one or two.  You're cut off from the rolls, dude."  She says in a joking manner.  I look over to Selena's plate.  She's practically missed the entire meal.  "Where did you say Elena went again?"  I ask.  Bonnie takes a sip of her wine before answering me.  "She went to go get her phone from the car. She said she left it out there." Bonnie says, taking a bite out of the roll. I narrow my brows. "She must be having a hard time finding it then because she's been out there for about thirty minutes or so...." My voice kind of trails off. Elena has been gone for far too long. Caroline lifts her head up from her plate, looking over at Bonnie and I. Her brows narrow in confusion as well. "Ummmm....that's not-." Before Caroline can finish, all of our phone buzz and ring at the same exact time. "What the heck?" Sam says as all of us pull our phones out to see what's going on. It's a text message. As soon as I read the words, my heart drops into my stomach. "Welcome to my game of hide and seek. Elena hides, you seek. Better find her before my teeth do." Caroline reads the text out loud. We all fall silent, our eyes looking around at each other in fear. But mine in anger. Hell no. This is not going to happen.
I quickly get up from my chair, ready to go. I run toward the main room of the bunker, opening up my bag to search for my extra gun and knives. The fear instantly begins to rise within me along with the sick feeling that something could happen to my fiancé and the baby inside of her. I am not going to let anything happen. Hell no. "Sam, stay here. Everyone else lets go." I say as I begin handing out weapons to Caroline and Bonnie. "Wait, Dean-no. I'm going, there's no way in hell IM just going to sit here and wait while Elena is in trouble." Sam says, getting up and walking over to me. I shake my head, "Sam you can barely even walk. You can't do this, you can't go with us you're too weak and you're already hurt. You're only going to hurt yourself worse." I say, turning away from him and running toward the bunker door. "Not if I take Caroline's blood. If I do that, I'll be good to go. It'll heal me and I can help." As soon as he says this I stop in my tracks in the middle of the stairwell. What did he just say? I slowly turn around, looking at him with surprise. Normally I would rip his ass and yell at him for ever thinking he should put vampire blood in his system.'s Elena, we're talking about here. That's my girl and my baby is inside of her. At this point, I really don't care if Sam drinks vampire blood to heal himself or not.
"What?" Caroline asks, just as surprised as I am. Sam takes a deep breath as he turns toward her. "Do it. It's okay, I'm okay with it. You guys need me." He says as he walks up to her. "Sam, I-." Caroline is interrupted by Sam, "Caroline it's okay. I promise. Just do it."
As he says this, Caroline looks up at me, looking at me with question, like she's asking for permission from me before she does it. I pause for a moment, looking down at her. I slowly begin to nod, "It's Elena." I say.
She nods, turning toward Sam. She slowly moves her shirt sleeve up her arm, exposing her wrist. She looks at Sam, as if she's watching his reaction. I get a sick feeling in my stomach, and I turn away, going ahead on out the door.

Caroline puts her wrist up to her mouth, and her fangs bite into it deeply, blood beginning to bleed from her wrist. "You ready?" She asks Sam, holding her bleeding wrist out in front of him. Bonnie watches from behind them. He nods, grabbing ahold of her wrist. He pulls it up to his mouth and begins to drink the blood from her wrist like a vampire. Vampire blood usually tastes bad at first, but Caroline says that after a few seconds when the healing process kicks in, it tastes good to a human.

I wait outside for them, getting the car ready as quickly as I can. We have to find Elena.

[[Elena P.O.V.]]

My body feels cold around me, and my eyes slowly begin to open after what feels like a very long sleep.  I stare up at what's above me, seeing black and gray.  It looks  I forget for a moment what has happened and I have no idea where I am or why I'm here.  I'm confused.  I feel some pain on the side of my head and I raise my fingers, touching it.  It feels I put my fingers in front of my eyes to see, and I quickly realize that it's blood.  Everything begins to come back to me and I remember what happened and how I got here.  Oh God.  I slowly sit up, checking my pregnant stomach to make sure that everything is okay.  I hope the baby is okay.
   I look around me, realizing I'm inside of some kind of cave.  My hands and everything else are incredibly dirty where they just laid me in the dirt.  Why is this happening?
   "Finally, you're awake."  Katherine says, staring at me with an evil smirk plastered across her lips from across the room.  I glare at her, staying back.  "What the hell do you want Katherine?  What's with all the games?  If you're gonna kill me just do it already."  I say, my eyes slightly beginning to fill with tears.
   I'm so sick of this.  I'm so sick of these never-ending games that Katherine keeps playing.  She never stops.  I can't take it anymore.  I'm tired of being afraid.  I'm tired of hiding.  I'm tired of worrying.
   Katherine crosses her arms, her leather jacket squeaking as it slightly squeezes together between her arms.  She walks up closer to me, tilting her head as she looks me over curiously.  It always has entertained her to watch me suffer.  "Now, what would be the fun in that?"  She raises her hand up to her face, her fingertips playing with her lips.  "Agnes, get out here please."  She says, raising a brow as she looks behind her, waiting for this "Agnes" person.
   An older woman walks out, she looks to be maybe in her upper 40's.  She's dark complected, with long curly black hair that goes all the way down to her bosom.  She's wearing this long, Aztec-patterned sun dress.  Her fingers are covered in rings and she has tattoos everywhere.  "Elena, meet Agnes.  She's a witch."  She almost looks more like a voodoo queen than a witch.  But, this is a bad sign.  A witch being brought into this is not good.  Who knows what Katherine has planned this time.
   "What are you doing?  Why did you bring a witch?"  I question, swallowing thickly as I watch them nervously.  Agnes slowly begins to walk toward me.  "Cassie, make sure you're standing at the entrance of the cave.  Elena's crew might figure out where we are pretty soon."  Katherine yells over toward Cassie as she watches between Agnes and I.  I back away slightly, moving up against the rock wall.  Now I'm really afraid.  "What are you doing?"  I ask, looking at Agnes with fear in my eyes.  My heart begins to race and I breathe heavier.  Agnes leans in close to me as she crouches down on the ground.  Her hand slowly reaches out and she places it onto my pregnant stomach.  What the..hell?  I narrow my eyes in fear and confusion, just watching her worriedly.  What is she doing?  What is she going to do?  I attempt to back away from her even more but it's impossible because I'm already all the way up against the hard, cold wall.
  She then moves her hand away from my stomach, and onto my forehead.  She begins to mumble some kind of Latin, like a spell.  "What-What are you doing?  What's going on why are you-".  I ask questions over and over, but a few moments into speaking I feel light headed, and everything goes black again.

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