Chapter 14: Hide and Seek: Part 2

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[[Dean P.O.V.]]

We drive down the road as quickly as we can, I feel my heart ready to beat out of my chest. "Bonnie, have you tracked her down yet?" I ask as I glance back at her and Caroline through the rearview mirror. Bonnie has been trying to do the locator spell.  "She's trying to do the spell right now."  Caroline says as she watches Bonnie carefully, trying to help keep her still as the car moves around everywhere. "C'mon Bon." Caroline says as her nervous eyes look around the vehicle. Sam looks over at me, attempting to calm me down. "Dean, we'll find her. Everything is going to be fine. We'll get her back, I promise you." He says, his eyes heavy on me. I can tell he's talking cautiously, trying not to make me feel any worse or to set me off in any way. I choose to stay silent, keeping my panicked eyes on the road. I look in the rearview mirror, noticing Caroline worriedly placing her hands on Bonnie's shoulders. "Bonnie?" Caroline questions, slightly beginning to shake Bonnie as her eyes roll into the back of her head. Blood begins to roll down Bonnie's nose, alarming all of us. Something's wrong. "The-The spell......I'm getting blocked." Bonnie mumbles out, her eyes returning to normal as she places her fingers on her bloody nose. "There's a witch involved. She must have blocked the area so that I couldn't locate Elena." Sam quickly grabs some napkins out of the glove compartment and hands them to Bonnie. Bonnie lightly cleans the blood from her face. "Can you locate the general area? We could narrow down the general area where she is, the area that seems to be blocked off. We could just get close enough to her and figure it out from there."  Sam suggests.  Bonnie nods slowly, continuing to dab blood from her face.  "I saw the general area.  I know where to go.  We'll just have to look." 

[[Elena P.O.V.]]

My eyes slowly open once again, the darkness beginning to fade away as I can see the ceiling of the cave again.  I try to sit up, but I quickly realize my wrists and ankles are chained down tightly into the dirt ground.  I blink my eyes, looking around at the dimly lit area, noticing that Katherine and Cassie cannot be seen anywhere.  The only person I can see is the witch, Agnus, standing directly in front of me. Her hands are stretched out, and she's quietly mumbling some sort of spell in Latin.  I narrow my brows in confusion, wondering what the hell she's doing.  "Wha-What's going on?  What are you doing?"  I ask, nervously watching her.
   My entire body feels like it's beginning to heat up, like I'm standing right in front of a huge fire.  Light sweat begins to form on my forehead and I wipe it away, really beginning to worry.  What is happening?  What is she doing to me?

[[Caroline P.O.V.]]

Dean and Sam run to the back of the car, going through all of their weapons inside of the trunk, picking the best ones.  I walk a few feet away from the car, looking out into the trees.  Elena could be anywhere out there. Who knows how long this will take us. I hope to God that we get her back before something horrible happens. "I hope we get to her before-." Dean cuts me off before I can finish, "We're going to find her. There's no other option BUT to find her. I am NOT going to let anything happen to her, I've promised her that since the day I met her." He says, shutting the trunk angrily. The loud noise it makes causes Bonnie to jump. Sam notices this and he realizes that Dean acting this way will only make things worse. Whenever Elena is in trouble, Dean does erratic, uncontrollable things. He makes quick decisions that sometimes hurt he and Elena later on. He doesn't think things through, he just acts on fear and panic.

Dean hands out weapons to everyone quickly, clenching his jaw tightly and angrily. Sam finally decides to speak up. "Dean, you need to calm down. I know you're angry, but we all need to make sure our minds are in a good, calm place before we do this. We need to make good decisions, not quick erratic ones that will hurt us later on." Sam slightly raises his voice, his eyes glancing over to mine before he looks back at Dean. Dean pauses for a moment, cocking his gun aggressively. He looks around at all of us, making sure to look each of us in the eye before he speaks. He takes a deep breath. "She's my life, everyone.......Please, just.....I will do anything in my power to get her back safe. Anything. And......I hope you all will do the same." As he says this, he turns around and takes off into the dark woods. The rest of us follow after him, trying to figure out where in the world Elena is.

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