Chapter 35: Death Is Inevitable

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[[Caroline P.O.V.]]

Katherine and Abaddon begin to fight with each other, hitting one another over and over.

I hold onto Bonnie's lifeless body as I continue to cry, Castiel slowly shakes his head as he looks down at her. "Sam is on his way. We have to get out of here, Caroline." He says quietly. I sniffle, shaking my head. "Where the hell is Crowley? I thought he was supposed to be here?!" I slightly begin to yell. Castiel wraps an arm around me, shushing me in an attempt to calm me down. "Can't we just grab her? We have these symbols on our hands--no one was supposed to die Castiel!" I cry out, wiping my tears. He nods, "She won't let us get close enough to her. We had a solid plan, but-she's just too strong. This is bigger than any of us had imagined. There's no right way to prepare for this." He explains.

Suddenly, Abaddon and Katherine both scream loudly as if they're in pain. I look up to see both of them pressed up against the wall right next to each other. Blood almost completely covering both of their faces from the hitting. Crowley stands a few feet from them, holding his hands out in front of him.

[[Elena P.O.V./"Deep End" -Ruelle]]

"What's his name?" I ask, caressing our baby's cheek with my thumb softly. Dean moves a strand of hair behind my ear, just staring st our little boy with such love and joy. "Hmmm..." Dean says, thinking. He stays silent for a moment. "What about Thomas?"
As soon as he says this name, it's like everything clicks. I grin widely, laughing almost with happiness. "Oh my gosh, yes...that's perfect. Thomas Michael Winchester." I say. Dean kisses my cheek softly. "Thomas Michael Winchester. What a G." He says jokingly. I giggle, tilting my head back slightly with laughter.
Suddenly, I feel this extreme wave of weakness and tiredness come over me and I become dizzy. I blink my eyes repeatedly, noticing everything starting to split in two. "Oh God, Dean..." I say, my breathing starting to pick up. "What? What is it?" He asks worriedly. "T-Take the baby..." I mumble. Dean's brows narrow in confusion as he takes Thomas from my arms. "Elena--What's wrong?" He asks. I swallow thickly, my breathing slowly starting to become shaky. "I-I feel dizzy..." I say, trying with everything in me to keep my now heavy eye lids open. I get a small cramp in my stomach and I place my hand over it. "Ah!" I grown out loudly, sharp pain spreads throughout my entire lower abdomen. "What?! What is it?" He asks. He places Thomas between two pillow on the floor, rushing to figure out what's wrong with me. He lifts some of the blankets off of me and notices a giant pool of blood coming from my bottom half. "Oh, shit.....oh no..." he says, starting to breath heavy as well. He panics, pulling his phone out quickly. I groan, "What is it?" I ask, placing both of my hands on my stomach. "Y-You're bleeding out I think. Why are you bleeding so much?!" He asks, his voice full of fear and panic.

[[Caroline P.O.V.]]

"You realize Abaddon you've killed the best friend of Elena Gilbert, Dean Winchester's true love, right? You know what's going to happen, don't you?" Crowley says as he tilts his head. Abaddon begins to laugh. "Ugh, Crowley. The fact that you think Dean Winchester could lay even a finger on me is ridiculous. You think I'm afraid of a hunter?" She spits as she laughs again. Crowley smirks slightly, tilting his head even more. He turns his wrist slightly toward the right and Abaddon's throat closes up. She gasps for air, her eyes widening in the first amount of fear I've seen in her all night.

"Castiel, it's time for you all to leave. I can take it from here." Crowley says in his raspy voice. I look around to see the sudden appearance of at least twelve demons. All of them glare at Abaddon as she slightly chokes, gasping for air.
"Let's go Caroline." He says, trying to pull me up. "No! We can't just leave her here." I cry out, hanging on tightly to Bonnie. I sniffle, "it's not right. We can't just leave her body here." Castiel shakes his head, "Its not her anymore. You have to let her go. This is just the physical remnants of her. Her soul is gone. We need to get out of here now." He says, pulling me up against my will. I could stop him, but I just don't. Deep down I know he's right even if I can't accept it. My heart breaks as I look down at the dead body of my best friend. He pulls me along with him to the door as tears continue to stream down my face. "Wait!" Katherine yells from behind us. Castiel ignores her. The large double doors close behind us and I continue to cry, my arms and hands practically shaking.

[[Dean P.O.V.]]
I dial Sam's number, Cas's number, anyone who could help. But no one answers. A million and one thoughts begin to scramble through my mind and I feel stuck, pressured, and terrified. I don't know what to do.
"Elena?" I ask, noticing her eyes fluttering shut as she begins to lose consciousness. "Elena, no. Stay with me. Don't do this right now." I say, grabbing her shoulders as I begin to shake her.
Thomas begins to cry again which adds even more stress to the situation. I almost begin to freeze up. What do I do?

[[Caroline P.O.V.]]
Once we get outside I notice the black Impala parked right out front. Sam bursts out of the drivers side door, rushing over toward us. "What's going on what happened? Where's Bonnie?" He asks, grabbing onto my arms as he worriedly looks to Castiel and I for answers. There's silence for a moment. And I swear I can feel my heart break into a million pieces all over again. "She's dead, Sam...." Castiel sadly mutters, shaking his head as he walks toward the car. I fall into Sam's arms, staining his shirt with tears. " did this happen?" Sam asks, wrapping his arms around me as he squeezes me tight. "She's too strong, we--we just couldn't stop her. Crowley is in there with her and Katherine now along with a dozen demons. He told us to--".  Castiel is interrupted  by a loud breaking sound. The giant window above us shatters into a million pieces and Abaddon's head comes flying out of it, slamming onto the ground in front of us. We all gasp, backing up slightly almost in shock. We've only been outside for what seems like a whole twenty seconds. A large cloud of black smoke comes flowing out from the broken window and up into the sky.


Her head turns into a puff of black smoke and the double doors open, Crowley making his way out of them with a tight grip on a very beat up Katherine.
"Unlike your stupid idea of sending her to "heaven prison", I cut her into pieces and sent her to the cage. With Lucifer." He says, yanking Katherine close to him. "As for this one, I've got plans for her." He mutters with an evil laugh. She disappears into thin air.
"Have any of you talked to Dean?" Crowley asks, looking up at the sky. "You hear that Castiel?" He asks. Castiel looks up into the sky as well. "He's calling out for us---oh no." He says.

[[Dean P.O.V.]]

After getting rid of almost every single symbol that keeps all things supernatural out, finally Crowley, Sam, Cas, and Caroline appear in the bedroom. Caroline gasps, looking at my crying son. "Oh my God!" She yells. She rushes over to Thomas, picking him up into her arms. "Finally. I called for ten frickin minutes. She's bleeding out!" I yell angrily. Castiel rushes over to Elena, sitting her unconscious body up slightly. He places his two fingers on her forehead and closes his eyes. Trying to heal her. "You betta hurry. She's going fast." Crowley says. The anger inside of me rises uncontrollably and it boils over at Crowley's comment. I turn around and push him. "You bastard." Crowley let's me push him, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. During all of this craziness, I can hear "Shhh, shhhh.." Caroline says to Thomas, trying to calm and quiet his crying.

Sam runs over to a drawer and pulls out one of his old doctor kits he had kept from school. He he pulls out some kind of doctor thing that's supposed pump air into someone's mouth.
He rushes to Elena's side and sticks it into her mouth, quickly starting to pump.

After what feels like a lifetime, Elena finally wakes up and gasps for air. Her eyes open widely and she shoots up quickly, sitting straight up. She places a hand on her chest, catching her breath. Cas and Sam sigh with relief. I run over to her, placing both of my hands on her face. "Good God you've got to stop doing this to me." I say with tears in my eyes as I kiss her forehead.
Elena grabs onto my arm, giving it a squeeze as she continues to catch her breath. "Where's Thomas?" She asks with a shaky voice. Caroline smiles widely through her tears, walking him over to Elena. "He's so beautiful, Elena." Caroline says as she kneels down next to Elena's bedside. Elena smiles widely, grabbing ahold of Thomas' tiny little hand.
She looks around the room with confusion. I immediately notice just as well as she does that someone is missing. Where's Bonnie?

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