Chapter 23: Wedding Planning

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[["Before It All Falls Apart" -Mulholland/Elena P.O.V.]]

"Okay so you want red roses?  It says here red roses and a red carpet going down the aisle and-".  I cut Dean off with a loud groan, "Actually, no."  I walk up to him and take the large wedding planner out of his confused hands.  This book is literally overflowing with pictures and notes and way too many examples that literally having nothing to do with what I like. It's so full of Caroline that it's about to explode. I shut it loudly, placing it on coffee table in the living room.  He raises his brows in confusion and tilts his head to the side slightly.  I catch him off guard.  I laugh slightly, crossing my arms as I look over at him.  "I want to start from scratch.  This-the roses, the wedding's not me, it's not what I want.  It's what Caroline wants."  I explain.  As soon as I say this Dean begins to nod like he's finally seeing the light and he chuckles as he shoves his hands into his jean pockets.  I love Caroline to death but honestly she convinced me to get all these decorations and all these flowers and cakes and things that are what she would want for her wedding, not me for mine.
Dean takes a deep breath, "I figured that's what was going on when I first saw you guys planning for the wedding."  After he says this he walks up to me and once he reaches me he softly moves a strand of hair behind my ear.  He places his hands on either sides of my cheeks and looks into my eyes lovingly.  He then slowly moves his hands to my shoulders and then even slower down to my waist. "What is it that you want? I want this to be perfect, but perfect for you." He says with a warm smile spread across his lips. I look up at him and just grin. I love how understanding he is. "Simplicity. I want simplicity. I feel like there's so much more beauty in know? I feel like that's us." I say. Dean leans in and kisses my forehead and then bends down just for a moment to kiss my pregnant stomach. I giggle, grinning even wider at him. I love it when he does this. "I think you're right about that. We aren't very extravagant about anything that we do. Whatever you want, I'm okay with." He says as he kisses my forehead once more before walking back over to the coffee table. He picks up the giant wedding planner and throws it into the garbage can in the kitchen. My eyes widen with surprise and I bust out laughing. He knows me so well. "Let's start fresh." He says with a loving smile on his face.

[[Sam P.O.V.]]

"They still haven't answered any of my calls or text messages. Do you think they're okay? I'm really starting to get worried." Caroline says as she stares at the screen on her phone. I let out a deep sigh, watching the road ahead as we continue to drive down the highway. "I honestly don't know. I'm worried too. But, I feel like we would know if something had gone haywire, you know? Bonnie's good-she's good at what she does, you know that. You've known her much longer than I have. I'm sure they're fine. Maybe they don't have any way to contact us from where they are yet?" I say, trying to comfort her even if it's all lies. Caroline sighs, nodding. "Maybe you're right. I mean, you probably are right. I'm just gonna give it some time." She says, her eyes panning over to the window as she looks outside. Her window is down just a little and the wind blows her blonde curls effortlessly.
I look back toward the road, staying silent. There's so much on my mind. I'm worried about Dean and Elena, and I really don't like not knowing where they are.
Oh and let's not forget about the fact that Caroline and I literally had sex the night before last and we still haven't talked about it. We've been on the road since the situation with Abaddon and I guess the conversation just hasn't come up.
"So....are we gonna talk about what happened the other night?" Caroline ironically asks as I'm just thinking about this. Wow. That was crazy. I swallow thickly, my mouth slowly starting to curve into a smile. I look over at her and begin to grin. "What about it?" I ask awkwardly. She immediately notices my smile and her cheeks begin to blush a light pink. She smiles right back at me. "I mean....what's-". I interrupt her, my eyes turning back toward the road. "It was great. And by great I mean..really great." I laugh slightly, squeezing the steering wheel a little bit. "Yeah, it was. It really was." She says back as she laughs nervously. " do you think Dean would feel about that?" She asks. I narrow my brows in confusion, laughing a little. "About what? Me having sex with a really pretty girl?" I ask semi-jokingly but it's really not a joke. "No, about you having sex with a vampire."
Once she says this, my giddiness and my laughing smile fade. Reality sets in, and I realize that she's kind of right. Dean probably wouldn't be too happy about this, even though Elena's supernatural friends have grown on us, and especially him. I stay silent for a moment, unsure of what to say at first. She stares at me, waiting for my response. "Dean doesn't really get to dictate who I want to be with. If he gets upset with the way we're becoming towards each other, he won't just have me to deal with, he'll have Elena to deal with. I don't think he wants to upset her again." I say, which is true. Dean won't go against Elena when it has to do with her best friends. Especially after everything Caroline and Bonnie have done for him. I think they've proved themselves more than enough.

[[2 hours later/Elena P.O.V.]]

I stand in the kitchen area with Bonnie, watching Dean and Cas talk in the living room. The both of them actually seem relaxed, and it's so good to see considering no one has been relaxed for weeks. It's just been go go go go 24/7. "You feeling okay?" Bonnie asks as she hands me the onion. I look over at her and smile. "Yes, I am. I'm actually feeling much better." I say as I open the drawer to get a cutting knife, starting to chop up the onion she gave me. Bonnie and I decided that we're gonna make a big dinner tonight for everyone and then we'd all take our food down to the beach and have a nice picnic sort of thing. "Have you guys picked out all of your wedding stuff yet?" She asks as she gets the oven going for the soup. She takes the large metal bowl out from a bottom cabinet and places it on the counter. "We've gotten most of it done and picked out, but we just need the location of the wedding, his suit, and my dress. And Bonnie I am so worried about picking out a dress. I totally forgot about the fact that I'd be huge in my wedding dress. It makes me so self-conscious." I admit. Even though I know I'm pregnant and Dean makes me still feel beautiful all the time, it's just not an ideal situation. I'm almost 8 and a half months pregnant now. "Oh my gosh Elena hush. You are just as beautiful as you were before if not more beautiful. You have that pregnancy glow. You're like what...8 months pregnant? People don't expect you to be tiny I mean come on." She says reassuringly, comforting me. I smile as she compliments me and it honestly makes me feel so much better. "Thank you Bon. I seriously love you so much." I say warmly, starting to feel a little relief. Bonnie starts to cut up some potatoes. "I'm getting so close to giving birth. So much is about to change, and I don't think Dean and I are even ready for it. We aren't prepared at all." I say nervously, continuing to cut the onion. Bonnie shakes her head, "No one is completely ready for parenthood. The both of you will be such good parents, I can promise you that. The way you both protect each other and look out for each other will carry onto your child. He will be just fine." She says. She's right about no one being prepared, but I feel like we shouldn't have to protect each other all the time-like that's the point. We shouldn't have to worry about him it being safe all the time. I continue, "Bonnie we don't even have a baby room or anything, though. We don't even have a for-sure safe place. I'm so worried about all of it. It hasn't really become real to me until these past few days.....I've really started to realize that a real live baby is going to be in our hands. It's crazy." I say, putting the knife away as I finish the onion. I take the pile of them and I drop them into the big metal pot. "You haven't had any time, Elena. You've been so busy with everything that's been going on, you just haven't had time. You know what, though? Why don't you and Dean continue to stay here, and after tonight I'll make Cas take me to a bunch of places and we'll make a baby room for you all in the bunker. Don't even try to tell me I can't and that I don't have to do it, because it's already set in stone and I'm gonna do it. You and Dean need to have some quality one-on-one time spent together anyways." She says, smiling widely at me as she dumps the chopped potatoes into the pot.  My jaw drops but quickly turns into a huge smile as I look at her thankfully.  Wow, she would do all that for me?  "Really?"  I ask.  She nods, "Of course! Are you kidding?"  I immediately wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly.  "Thank you so much Bonnie, thank you so so much."  I say over and over, just hugging her tightly.

*ring ring ring*.  Someone's cell phone begins to go off.  "Who's phone is ringing?"  Bonnie asks as she pulls away from the hug, walking over to the fridge to get some cheese.  Dean gets up from the couch and he walks over to the small end table close to the deck doorway.  It's his phone that's ringing.  He picks it up into his hands and looks at the caller I.d., and his brows begin to narrow.  His expression quickly turns from happiness, to confusion, and then to anger.  Without saying a word, he quickly walks out onto the deck, answering it.  I look over at Bonnie and then over toward Cas, all of us looking pretty confused.  "Dean?  Is everything okay?"  Cas asks as he quickly gets up from the couch, making his way over toward Dean.  I put down the kitchen utensils that are in my hands, and I do the exact same.  Bonnie follows behind me.  Once I reach him, Cas stands in front of him, waiting.  Bonnie stands beside me and Dean continues to hold the phone to his ear.  "Who are you talking to?"  I ask, whispering.  His eyes begin to widen slowly, and his expression begins confused once more.
  After a few more seconds, Dean pulls the phone away from his ear, hanging up.  He stares at the ground for a moment, beginning to shake his head.  "No......". He says quietly.  Bonnie looks at me with fear and confusion.  "Dean?  What is it?  What's going on?"  I ask.  "Who was that?"  Cas asks.  Dean takes a deep breath, placing his hand on his forehead before looking back up at all of us.  "It was...........

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