Chapter 34: Til' Death Do Us Part

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[[Caroline P.O.V.]]

We all race into the ballroom, shards of glass flying everywhere as people run through doorways to their escape. I look over at Bonnie who is already across the room. She raises her hands in the air and begins to say some type of spell, just trying anything to slow Abaddon down and to injure her even in the slightest. I watch as Castiel rushes to the doorways, helping people to get through and escape from the wrath. It feels like I'm spinning in circles as I try to think of where to even begin. I look over and find Abaddon standing in front of the main doorway.
I flare my fangs, hissing violently as I make eye contact with her. I use my vampire speed to surprise her from behind, but it's no surprise to her at all. Before I can even hit her she grabs my arm mid air, and punches me in the face with my own fist. Although I didn't harm her, this distracts her and it stops the flying shares of glass and makes the chaos seem less violent. She's too focused on me to hurt anyone else. So I fight back. I head butt her pretty hard, causing her to fall back ever so slightly. I kick my leg up in the air, nailing her right in the stomach. She groans, beginning to fall back, but she catches herself. She hits me in the face again, this time my nose makes a crunching sound and I can feel the blood immediately begin to run down onto my lips. Before I can fight back she hits me a few more times before grabbing ahold of my neck and holding me up against the wall. "Disgusting vampire. You are no match for me. You're wasting your energy. You should've ran like the others. Pretty pathetic, blondie." She snarls at me.

"Obados, nostrum.." Bonnie begins to mumble from behind Abaddon. Suddenly she lets go, her hands rush to her head as she begins to scream in pain while Bonnie continues to mumble a spell. Her voice gets louder and louder. I drop to the floor, wiping the blood from my face as I look at Bonnie with slight relief.
But then Abaddon stops screaming in pain. She moves her hands away from her head and she crosses her arms, smirking evilly. "You're gonna have to do much better than that, Bonnie Bennett." Before we can react, Katherine comes out of no where in her fake wedding dress, grabs ahold of Abaddon's neck and then bites into it. We all gasp, Bonnie takes a few steps back and I run toward her. Abaddon screams out slightly before flinging Katherine off of her. "UGH! You nasty bitch!" She screams at her, placing her hand over her bloody vampire bite. The fake pregnant stomach appears to be out of Katherine's dress and she seems ready to fight. "Time's up sis." Katherine spits through her bloody teeth. Abaddon clenches her jaw in anger, rolling her eyes at Katherine. "Seriously Kat? You rounded up these barn animals to kill me? Are you kidding me?" She says as she begins to laugh sarcastically. "You're as pathetic as you've always been. You know, I thought you'd do slightly better than this. You were always such a disappointment to the family." She makes a fake sad face at Katherine. This angers Katherine even more, and she attempts to hit Abaddon again but Abaddon stops Katherine and grabs ahold of her, slamming her down onto the ground. "You've gotten so weak." She spits. Katherine groans as she starts to get up. Abaddon grabs ahold of Bonnie and Bonnie yelps in fear. "Don't you dare." I scream, flashing my fangs once again. "If you take one step closer to me you're dead. Got it blondie?" Abaddon snarls. I glare at her, fearing for what she's going to do next.
"This is only going to go one way. My way. If anyone tries to change that--you're dead." She continues, grabbing Bonnie by the neck tightly. Bonnie chokes in Abaddon's grasp, gasping for air. "Let her go!" I scream. Abaddon just smirks, continuing to hold onto her neck tightly. "Abaddon--".  Katherine spits blood out of her mouth as she quickly gets up using her vamp speed. "Ah ah ah." Abaddon says. She sticks her hand in the air and uses her magic, closing up Katherine's throat--she begins to choke. Bonnie looks over at me with pleading eyes. I know I have to do something.
I clench my fists in anger, hissing with my fangs once again as I get ready to pounce.
  Castiel comes out of no where and stabs a large knife through Abaddon's stomach, causing her to drop Bonnie to the floor. I rush over to Bonnie before Abaddon can react and I use my vampire speed to quickly pick her up and move her out of the way. "C-Castiel." Bonnie chokes out. "Your hand--use the symbol on your hand." She manages to mutter. Abaddon rolls her eyes, pulling the large knife out of her stomach slowly. Castiel runs toward her again, ready to press his hand against her forehead which will send her straight to the prison in Heaven. But before he can reach her she uses her powers to send him flying against the wall, his body slamming into it roughly.
Katherine begins to go unconscious and Abaddon looks over at Bonnie with a wide smirk. "Awh poor baby. Your body is too weak to perform the spells you've been trying on me. It's pathetic, really." She says as she twirls her fingers in the air, bringing Bonnie up to her feet. "Let me put you out of your misery." Abaddon says.
She snaps her fingers and Bonnie's neck snaps. Just like that.

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