Chapter 28: Hello Sister

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[[Katherine P.O.V./"Coming For You" -REMMI  & Mig50 ]]

I swallow thickly as I stand outside of the massive mansion that stands before me.  I'm slightly nervous, but I know she won't kill me right now.  She's too curious, and she'll try to use me to her advantage against Crowley first. 
   Of course she picks the biggest house out of the whole neighborhood to stay at.  Not surprising at all.  The demon that brought me here stands beside me for a moment before leaving.  "She already knows we're here."  He says with a pathetic shaky voice, fear in his eyes.  Ugh, annoying.  I roll my eyes.  "Of course she does demon."  As I say this, he disappears quickly.  Such a scaredy cat these demons.  I thought they were supposed to be big and bad.
  I pull all my curls in front of my shoulders and get myself ready to make an entrance.  I haven't seen my sister in at least nine-hundred years.  It's been a while.  With good reasoning, too.
  I make my way up to the huge, tall front door.  I grab ahold of the door knob and notice that it's locked.  I just barely grip it tighter than usual and I break it, busting the lock right open.  I slowly swing the door open, and I take a step up into the house, closing the door behind me.  It's a little dark inside, but there are red and black candles lit literally everywhere which gives some dim lighting. I hear footsteps in the room to the left of me and I walk forward, peaking in.  I see about 5 different guys who are almost completely naked, boxers on only.  This doesn't surprise me either.  On the table in the middle of them all is a bottle of bourbon and a few glasses next to it.  I casually prance in and pour myself a glass of bourbon.  I look around the room, watching the guys just wander around as they drink.  I take a sip of my bourbon, and I wander back into the hallway and into another room.  I stand in the middle of the room, just waiting for a second.  Five, four, three, two.....

"Katerina.  What a surprise."  Abaddon says in the open doorway behind me.  I knew she'd appear fairly quick.

I take another sip of the glass of bourbon, and I slowly turn around to face her.  I place the glass down on a small table next to me, and I cross my arms.  I glare at her.  I'm silent for a moment, just looking her over with carefulness.  I try to look unafraid, but I also want her to think I'm trying to be brave and that I'm actually afraid.  She won't expect me to take any actions against her. 

"Abaddon."  I say coldly, taking a deep breath.  She raises a brow, looking me up and down.  "You got prettier."  She says with a smirk, attempting to insult me.  I shake my head, standing my ground.  "I was always pretty.  I'm the pretty one, remember?"  I say, snapping right back.
   "Ha."  Abaddon laughs sarcastically, lifting her hand in the air.  She raises one finger and the glass of bourbon I sat on the table floats in the air quickly over to her hand.  She grips it softly and raises it to her bright red lips, downing the entire glass.  She barely squeezes it and smashes the glass in her hand, the pieces falling to the hardwood floor.  "I assume you know why I'm here."  I say, unshaken by her current actions.  I'm not impressed.  She tilts her head, fake smiling.  "To cover your ass, per usual."  She rolls her eyes after she says this.  I immediately begin to shake my head and before I can say something snappy back she talks over me.  "Don't worry Kat, I'm not here for you.  I'm here for The King of Hell."  She explains, snapping her fingers in the air just after her words slip from her lips.  Immediately one of the men I saw just a few seconds ago comes walking into the room with a platter of chocolate covered strawberries.  He places them on a table beside Abaddon.  "Thank you handsome."  She says with a smirk as she picks up one of the chocolate strawberries.  "So then if you aren't here to cover your ass, what are you here for?"  She asks me as she takes a bite out of the strawberry.  I sigh, uncrossing my arms.  "I'm here to help you.  I know you've already met Elena."  I begin to explain.  "Yes, wonderful girl."  She says with an evil smirk, taking another bite of the chocolate strawberry.  "She's getting married next week to one of the Winchester's.  I'm sure you've done your research on them already, as well.  Anyways, Crowley is going to be there.  I want to help you get rid of him."  I say, lying through my teeth but I do a good job of it.  I continue to pretend to be afraid of her...which isn't very hard anyways.  I let my voice shake a little.  She tilts her head, giving me a confused expression.  "You want to help me?"  She asks, already suspicious.  She laughs slightly, grabbing another strawberry.  She picks up an extra one and tries to catch me off guard, throwing it at me roughly.  I catch it mid-air, surprising her a little.  I take a bite of it.
  "What's in it for you?"  She asks.  "You leave me alone.  That's what's in it's for me.  I'd like to get rid of him too, that would also be nice for me.  I've had my own share of experiences with him."  I explain.  She crosses her arms, finishing the strawberry she had in her hand.  "Hmm...". She says, still suspicious of everything that I'm saying.  "I want him dead."  I say with disgust, finishing my strawberry.  She narrows her eyes at me, thinking for a moment before answering me.  "Okay, fine."  She seems to believe me.  "But this will be done all my way and my way only. You will do everything I tell you, okay?  Then maybe I'll let you be."  She says.  I nod in agreement, just going with everything she's saying.  "The wedding would be a perfect time to get him because he won't be expecting it.  None of them will.  Foolish humans having a wedding while the baddest of the baddest is after some of them.  It's hilarious to me how humans waist their time in such nonsense."  She spits evilly, rolling her eyes.  I stay silent, just watching her. 

That seemed very easy....... a little too easy, maybe.  Let's hope that's not the case.

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