Chapter 27: Heros and Villians

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[[Elena P.O.V.]]

"You're kidding."  I say in shock, having a hard time believing Crowley.  "I'm not kidding at all I'm afraid."  He says as he leans up against the wall outside of the doorway. "How do you even know this?" I ask, narrowing my brows as I cross my arms. "A group of demons that I sent out yesterday saw her last night going into a building of some sort that was only a few blocks away from the area where we met up with Abaddon. I have demons out everywhere trying to keep an eye out and lock a current location on Abaddon because, well, we both obviously know why. My demons have been doing research on her for me just so that I can better understand her personal life because you never know when I might be able to use that against her, and they discovered that she had siblings. Out of them all, the only one to live as long as her in her lineage with no documented death is her "undead", meaning vampire, sister.....AKA Katerina Petrova.....our very own Katherine Pierce." Crowley explains.  My jaw just drops open and it stays there in shock. My head begins to hurt as my mind tosses and turns in confused circles. does this mean that I'm also related to Abaddon?  I'm Katherine's doppelgänger.....we're from the same line.  She's basically my ancestor.  So doesn't this mean that Abaddon could be related to me?  Crowley reads my mind, literally.  "Yes, that would make sense wouldn't it.  Maybe that's why she's so intrigued by you." He says as he raises his sharp brow, crossing his arms tightly in his black suit. I rest my hands over my now very pregnant stomach and I let out a deep sigh.  Crowley opens his mouth to say something else, but before he can speak Castiel literally appears out of no where jut outside the door.  His surprised eyes widen and his brows narrow in confusion as he sees Crowley standing there.  "What are you doing here?" Cas asks in an angry tone as he walks toward Crowley as if he's going to grab him.  I speak up quickly.  "Cas it's okay, he's not here to cause any trouble." I attempt to calm Cas down.  He clenches his fists as he slowly shakes his head.  He exhales deeply, "How did you even find this place?"  Cas asks.  "I'm the King of Hell you bloody idiot, did you really think you all were hiding that well?  Maybe from your average monsters Sam and Dean hunt down but not from me."  Crowley spits.  "I'll deal with you later.  We have a much bigger problem on our hands...."  Cas says as he turns toward me, his expression changing from anger to almost sadness and disappointment.  He sighs, "Dean lied to us, Elena."  He relaxes his clenched fists and begins to shake his head. As soon as he says this I quickly nod, already knowing this.  "I know, that's what Crowley just told me.  He also dropped another bomb on me that-".  Before I can finish my sentence Cas speaks over me with worried and panicked eyes.  "Katherine and Abaddon are sisters, I know." He says casually. I look at him with confusion. "How do you know that?" I ask. "That's what I came here to tell you. Dean left me a message about it and told me to meet him here but it looks like he isn't here yet."
I sigh with annoyance. I don't know how many times Dean and I have had the conversation about just being honest with each other. I mean seriously. We're about to get freaking married. I'm about to have this baby. He can't be running off doing dangerous things and not telling me. What if something were to happen to him? I wouldn't have any idea what happened to him. I wouldn't be able to find him.....or maybe even worse. I've told him over and over not to keep things from me. Not even to "protect" me. It never works out that way.
"Where do you think he went? And how do you think he found out?" Cas asks me as he crosses his arms. Crowley answers before I can, "Katherine. I bet he met up with Katherine. Abaddon is the real deal......maybe Katherine is afraid of her. She's probably just as scared of Abaddon as I am. Bad blood maybe? They probably don't get along considering Abaddon is basically Katherine on crack. They both like to be the boss. That doesn't mix well. She's probably already making plans and making deals to protect her ass."
This is very, very true. Crowley is probably right. And that's definitely what Katherine has done. She's made some type of deal with Dean to protect herself-but what Dean doesn't understand as much as I do is that her deals are bogus. All of them are. Katherine never keeps her word; it doesn't even exist in her book. She'll manipulate him and tell him whatever he wants to hear to get what she wants. "No no no, there's no such thing as a real legitimate deal with Katherine. That doesn't work. She'll just lie and manipulate and run. That's what she does best. She's probably already got two more backup plans if this one doesn't work." I try to explain, starting to get upset the more and more I think about it.
As we're discussing this, Dean pulls up in front of the house, the tires crunching the gravel underneath the car.
"Oh, look. Here we go." Crowley says in a smart ass tone. He knows things are about to get crazy.
We all stand there looking at him with our arms crossed like parents waiting on their teenager who's home too late. Dean gets out of the car, his dark shades sort of covering his face while he looks down. He obviously knows we know considering Crowley is standing right next to me. He stands still for a moment as if he's unsure of what to say. He doesn't even look up at us yet. He isn't gonna get away with this one. Hell no.
"Seriously Dean?" I say in an angry tone, uncrossing my arms as I begin to walk over toward him. I hold one hand in the air, making hand motions as I yell while resting my other hand on my pregnant stomach. I'm so mad at him for lying to me--again. I clench my jaw slightly as I begin to really yell at him. "For the billionth time, we have talked about this lying thing. We promised we would be honest with each other always and you-." My sentence begins to fade out and I slowly stop speaking as I'm interrupted by the passenger side door opening. Who the hell?
Shiny, sleek, black high heels step onto the gravel loudly before a hand with bright red nail polish grabs ahold of the top of the door.

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