Chapter 26: The New Deal: Part 2

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[[make sure you click on photo above so that you can see the entire picture/Elena P.O.V/*warning~short chapter!*]]

"It's simple, do you want the walls to be sky blue with little white painted clouds, or just a baby blue with no clouds?"  Bonnie asks over FaceTime with me.  I begin laughing as I notice a very confused Castiel in the background of the camera.  They're both in some paint store trying to pick out what color to paint the baby room for Dean and I, and Cas is literally picking up paint cans and looking at them like he's never seen anything like it before. "Look I really don't care that much, surprise me. I trust you with picking out things and matching them. Whatever you want, Bon." I say with a slight laugh, distractedly looking over towards the open doors to the balcony as the beach waves crash.  Bonnie rolls her eyes, "Okay fine, I don't even know why I asked honestly. This is an answer I'd expect from you." Cas laughs a little when Bonnie says this in agreement.  They're both right.  I just don't care as much about stuff like that.  Not when we have bigger problems at stake.  I'm trying to make it more important but I just can't.  I can't stop thinking about all the bad.  And Dean being gone makes this even worse because I don't know if he's really even okay or not.
"Well, I'm gonna make some food because I'm actually starving.  And after that I might do dishes or something.  I need something to distract me while Dean is gone.  I can't stop worrying."  I explain as I take the iPad into the kitchen with me.  "Elena, don't worry yourself.  Dean is definitely capable of protecting himself.  Besides, he just went to talk with Crowley.  While that used to be scarier, Crowley needs Dean right now and he isn't going to do anything to compromise that."  Cas says, trying to comfort me in any way possible.  I let out a deep breath as I rest my hand over my pregnant tummy.  "All right.  Yeah, you're right.  I just need to calm down.  Everything is fine.  You guys are picking out cute baby stuff.  Life is good."  I say, trying to convince myself that everything will be fine.  "We'll call you later to check up on you, okay?"  Bonnie says with a smile.  "Alright, talk to you guys later."  I say with a smile before hanging up.
   I begin to make myself some food, pulling out basic sandwich materials from the fridge.  I'm kind of in the mood for a peanut butter sandwhich....but I'm also in the mood for fried pickles.  Oh yeah and some chocolate.  My pregnancy cravings are so weird.
   I pull out the bread and I slap it onto one of the red, glass plates.  I walk over to the cabinet, grabbing the peanut butter from the second shelf.  I then make my way back over to the countertop and I begin to fix myself a peanut butter sandwich.  I stand a pretty good distance from the counter, but at this point I'm so pregnant that my stomach still touches the countertop even though I'm a good distance away from it.  I honestly can't wait to have this baby.  I don't want to be pregnant anymore.  It makes me feel helpless and weak, like I can't control or protect myself.  I also just really wanna met Dean and I's son.  All the time off and away from all of this craziness would be amazing too.  If this does turn out to be the safest place we could be, we might have to stick around here for a little while with the new baby.
  As I'm thinking of all this, I suddenly hear a few knocks at the front door.  My heart kind of stops for a moment and I narrow my brows in surprise since I definitely wasn't expecting anyone.  Who the hell could that be?
  I slowly and carefully make my way towards the front door, battling back and forth with my mind as to whether or not I should even be walking up to the door.  I walk slowly, my body starting to get cold and my nerves and heartbeat rise.  I get to the door, and I quietly grab ahold of the doorknob.  Maybe it's just Dean?  Maybe he's back already and everything is fine and I'm freaking out for no reason.  That's probably what it is, right? 
   I finally get the courage to actually open the door, so I swing it open, ready for whoever is behind it.

Except I wasn't ready for who's behind it.  "Hello, love.  Long time no see, am I right?"  Crowley says in his strong, British accent.  My eyes widen and my jaw slightly drops in completely and utter confusion.  Why the hell is Crowley here?  Where's Dean?  How did Crowley even figure out where I was?  "Crowley? W-What the hell are you-".  Crowley interrupts me before I can finish.  "Doing here?  Good question.  But I think the better one is why are you here alone."  Crowley asks as he places both hands on either side of the doorway.  He looks around, rolling his eyes as he attempts to get inside but is blocked by some kind of invincible wall.  "This place is crawling with symbols to keep things like me out.  Clever....very clever.  But it won't keep everything out."  He almost kind of spits out in an annoyed tone of voice.  "What are you doing here?  Where's Dean?"  I immediately begun to question.  Crowley sarcastic and annoyed expression slowly begins to change to confusion.  "What do you mean?  Isn't her here with you?  That's why I came by."  Crowley explains, looking around past me.  I tilt my head, confused.  What?  What does he mean he thought Dean was here?.....That doesn't make any sense.
   "What?  He said he was going to talk with you, you called him yesterday and told him you needed him to come talk."  I say, crossing my arms.  Crowley slowly shakes his head.  "I may be the King of Hell, and I'm definitely a liar, but not in this situation.  Looks like your boy lied to you."  Crowley explains, causing my worries and anxiety to expand again.  Was Dean tricked?  Or did he lie?
   "Oh God...great..this is just great.  Abaddon probably tricked him again or something.  Who knows where the hell he is.  "Can you find him?  Can't you do some kind of spell or something to locate people like you located this house?"  I ask, beginning to panic just a little bit.  "I could try, know what I'm just going to tell you what I was going to tell him.  We have a big-actually HUGE problem......".  Crowley says, completely changing the subject.  I let out a deep sigh, my heart starting to race with more and more worries.  What could it be now?  What's any worse than us having no idea where Dean actually went?  Why does this always happen?
  "Katherine isn't dead.  Not only is she not dead, but she has a very close relation to Abaddon......". Crowley begins to explain.  As soon as the words 'Katherine isn't dead' slip from his lips, my heart completely drops to the floor and my stomach turns in knots.  Before I can even react or think he throws another big bomb in my face. 

"Katherine is Abaddon's sister."

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