Chapter 25: The New Deal

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[[Dean P.O.V./"Running Up That Hill" -Placebo]]

I look at what stands before me, my mind moving a million miles an hour. My heart seems to stop instead of race and I hold my breath. It's still completely insane to me how she's identical to Elena. It's like I'm staring at Elena and it makes me so uncomfortable.
I place my cup down on a small end table, completely in shock that it's actually her. I thought she was dead. I watched her die. She was dead. When she called I heard her voice over the phone, but...I thought it might be Abaddon just tricking me, trying to lure me in or something.
She twirls her dark brunette curls with her manicured fingers as she prances over to the small table with a large jar of bourbon sitting on it, ready to be poured. She pours herself a glass slowly, but she keeps her eyes creepily on me as I also keep my eyes on her. She gives me this look...I can't even describe it. It's like her lips are permanently formed into a smirk and her eyes are always piercing evilly into your soul. She's cold, but she's also inviting. It's hard to explain. She knows how to draw and lure you in. She keeps you in a constant state of nervousness and intensity.
I swallow thickly, keeping myself grounded and calm. My fists are closed and I clench them tightly, sweat beginning to form on the top of my forehead. I'd like to pounce over and just rip her head off after all of the problems she's caused for Elena and I. She tried to kill my son and my future wife. She tried to take everything from me...and she almost did.
She quickly takes a sip of her glass of bourbon before walking over to the couch that's right across from me. She quietly takes a seat, crossing her skinny legs. Her eyes begin to stare, piercing into mine once again. "I'm surprised you came, considering you've left Elena completely and mistakenly alone." Her lips perk out once she finishes this sentence and she raises the glass to her mouth again. I begin to narrow my eyes angrily and surprisingly; I'm taken back. "What?" I ask. How does she know that?
"I didn't leave-". I begin to lie, trying to cover up the truth. I don't want Katherine to know Elena actually is alone. Katherine interrupts me, rolling her eyes. "Don't try to lie to me, Dean. How did I know? I always know. I will always be one step ahead of you. Remember that." She spits at me, continuing to stare. The room gets more and more intense and I begin to sweat even more. My blood is boiling, and I'm getting so angry that my top lip is beginning to twitch just slightly. I have to think, not act. I have to deal with this the right way, otherwise I could get us all killed. I try to take deep breaths, attempting to calm myself so that I can figure out what's going on and how the hell she's alive. I have to take care of this.
I take a deep breath, picking up my glass casually. "So...why aren't you dead." I ask, putting emphasis on the word dead. I take a sip of my bourbon, waiting for her response.  My phone begins to buzz in my pocket, but I choose to ignore it.
  "I never was."  She simply responds, taking another sip.  I narrow my brows in confusion, tilting my head to the side slightly.  "I saw you die.  I watched were dead."  I explain.  Katherine begins to laugh slightly, shaking her head at me as if what I'm saying is a joke.  "Really?  Did you really think I didn't have any kind of plan B?  Especially if I was getting involved with the King of Hell.  There was no way I was going to blatantly put myself in a position of someone bossing me around like he did and then get myself killed if I didn't do everything that he said.  I protected myself."  She begins to explain.  "I will always have a plan B.  And a plan C, and a plan know how the alphabet goes."  She gets up, keeping her glass of bourbon in hand as she begins to pace around the room.  She stays silent for just a moment, and I watch her.
   "I have a witch, just like you all do."  She says, drinking the last bit of her bourbon.  She walks back over to the table, pouring herself another glass.  The bourbon trickles into the glass, and her eyes dart back over to mine.  It feels like I'm looking at Elena; an evil, psychopathic, manipulative bitch Elena.  I just continue to look at her with anger and confusion as she explains everything to me.
   "It was a spell.  Don't bother asking what kind because I'll never tell you.  We can't have you using my own tricks against me now, can we?"  She says as she walks back over to the couch she was sitting at.  She looks at it for a moment as if she's thinking long and hard about something, smirking as she sips her second glass of bourbon.  She licks her lips as she pulls the glass away from her mouth, and she prances over to where I'm sitting.  She plops down right next to me.  Of course.
   I move away from her slightly, trying to keep my distance safely.  She could snap and kill me at any minute.  "Ugh, and Bonnie with that pathetic cloaking spell.  Did she really think that absolutely no one would figure out you all were hiding out on that island?  Ugh."  She laughs a little at herself when she says this, crossing her legs as she looks over at me.  I take a deep breath, just glaring at her.  "Something tells me that my witch is better than your witch."  She says as she takes a smaller drink of the bourbon.  I look at her with hatred and deep anger.  "What do you want." I demand.
  She smirks at me, putting her glass down on the table behind her.  When she turns her attention back to me, she takes my glass out of my hand, and then places it on the table also.
   "I wanted you dead.  I wanted all of you dead.  But, after watching you and Elena struggle with each other after you chose to save Elena instead of the baby was fantastic and so entertaining to watch.  It was so damn satisfying to watch her hate you."  She says as she leans in closer to my face, so close that I can smell the bourbon in her breath.  When she says this, the anger inside of me boils over and I can't hold myself back anymore.  I clench my jaw tightly and I snap, grabbing onto her neck tightly.  "STOP."  I growl at her.  She immediately gets out of my grasp and she vampire speeds, slamming me up against the wall with her hand wrapped around my neck.  "I think you need to learn just exactly who you're dealing with.  Sure, Crowley is the King of Hell.  But I'm worse."  She begins to angrily whisper into my ear.  "You people have no idea what I'm capable of.  Not even Crowley."  Her lips brush up against my ear and I grab ahold of her hand, attempting to break free.  My breathing gets heavier and heavier and I squirm in her grasp.
   "I've really noticed how Crowley has this weird wishy washy relationship with you guys that I don't understand.  First he wants to kill you, and then a few minutes later he doesn't. He decides he wants to use you or whatever his excuse is for keeping you alive.  You see, that's where I come in.  Because I will get the job done.  If I honestly wanted to, I have people who could get to Elena and rip her apart in seconds, right now."  She spits evilly at me, which just fuels my rage even more.  I grab at her hand again, pulling as hard as I can to get free.  I choke out, "I swear to God if you touch her-."   Katherine cuts me off by letting go of my neck.  She hits me in the face, getting my nose pretty hard.  I hear it snap.  A sharp pain shoots through it and I groan in pain, instinctively putting my hands over it.  Blood slowly begins to drip from it.
  "Don't worry, my plan at the moment isn't to hurt your poor, precious Elena.  I wanted to meet for another reason."  She says.
My phone begins to buzz again, and I ignore it once more.  Katherine notices this and she tilts her head, narrowing her eyes at me.  She crosses her arms, beginning to smirk.  "Who is that?"  She asks.  I just glare at her, staying completely silent.  I don't even take my phone out to check who's calling me.  "Does Elena know you're here?"  Katherine asks.  I continue to stay silent.  I look away from her for a moment, almost feeling a little guilty as I remember I've kept this from everyone.  "Oh my God she doesn't."  Katherine says as she begins to laugh.  "Let me guess.  No one does.  Right?"  She says as she picks up her glass of bourbon from the small end table.  She giggles.  "I don't want her involved.  Just, leave her and everyone else out of this, okay?"  I say, clenching my fists tightly.  I swallow thickly, wiping the sweat and blood from my face.  "Ohhhh typical Dean.  So predictable."  She groans as she rolls her eyes with a smartass smile.  "I'm here to talk about Abaddon."  She says, shocking me once again.  What the hell?  What does she know about Abaddon?  And why does she want to talk about Abaddon?
"You know who Abaddon is?"  I ask.  She rolls her eyes for what seems like the tenth time.  "Yes Dean, I do.  I know everything.  Is this really a surprise to you?  I mean c'mon.  Everyone's talking about Abaddon."  I narrow my eyes at her.  "What do you know about her?"  I ask. 
   "I know that she almost killed you a few days ago.  And I know that she wants Crowley dead."  She says, which yes that's true.  But I still don't understand what this has to do with her.  "And?  What does this have to do with you?"  I ask.  Her expression quickly begins to change from a smirking, joking face to a very serious face and she gets quiet.  It's like she's holding something back.  I study her expression and demeanor and I realize exactly what she's holding back.  Fear.
   "Ohhh, I see what's going on here.  You're afraid of her."  I say as my lips begin to curve into a wide smirk.  I slowly start to walk towards her.  "She's bigger, badder, stronger than you are.  She scares you, doesn't she?"  I say, starting to regain my confidence back.  This is fantastic.  We know someone Katherine is terrified of.  We could use this....we could use it to our advantage in some way.
   Katherine continues to stay silent, and I can tell she's becoming angry with me but she doesn't deny any of the statements I'm making toward her.  "I want her dead.  Just like Crowley, just like you and Elena.....just like everyone else.  She needs to be rid of.  And that's why I called you.  That's why I came to you.  I want to make a deal."  She explains as she puts her glass down onto the table with the jar of bourbon.  I shake my head as I begin to chuckle, realizing that I have some of the power in this very moment.  She is coming to me, to us to get rid of something she's afraid of.  This is hilarious.  "A deal?  Really?  That's funny."  I say as I pick up my glass of bourbon, sipping it confidently.  I roll my eyes.
  "Dean, think about this.  If I'm afraid of her, me, me Dean.  If I'm scared of her, don't you think that means something?  I can do whatever I want.  I can kill whoever I want whenever I want because I'm capable of that.  Hell, I could get rid of Crowley if I really truly wanted to.  It would take some work, but I could definitely do it.  But you need to trust me when I say that I know what she's capable of."  Katherine explains, her eyes becoming wider as she tries harder to convince me to listen to her.  I shake my head, chuckling harder this time.  Now that is funny.  "Me?  Trust you?  Wow, I think that's the most ridiculous thing you've said all night.  And you've said a lot of ridiculous things tonight."  I say, turning around as I walk toward one of the windows in the room.  I down the rest of my bourbon and I move the curtains slightly, looking outside into the night.  Trust her?  Wow.  She's crazy for even thinking about saying that.  And what does she know about Abaddon?  Demons don't get mixed in with vampires.  This doesn't make any sense.  "I know what I'm talking about."  She says angrily.  I turn back around to face her, my expression changing to a joking manner.  I laugh, "Oh really?  You know what you're talking about?  What does Abaddon got to do with you?  She's a demon.  Demons don't get involved with vampires.  You're practically irrelevant to her."  I say, just shaking my head.  Katherine stays silent for a moment, taking a deep breath as she gets more and more aggravated with me.  "I highly doubt you have any idea of what she's capable of."  I say, glaring into Katherine's eyes.  She swallows thickly, crossing her arms again. 

"Oh, I have every idea of what she's capable of."  Katherine spits angrily.  "Oh really?  How so?"  I ask.

"Because she's my sister."  Katherine says quietly but aggressively, releasing all of the anger that was boiling up inside of her.

Excuse me, what?

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