Chapter 30: No Emotions

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[[Sam P.O.V./the next morning]]

I walk downstairs early in the morning, waking up before everyone else which isn't a rare occurrence for me.
My mind is focused on one thing right now. It was the last thought that floated into my head last night and the first thought that popped into it when I woke up this morning.


All I want to do is be with her right now.....isn't that crazy? Never in a million years did I think I'd start to catch feelings for a vampire. A vampire. Dean and I kill vampires.
I guess that's just one of the many things that have changed since Dean and Elena got together. Half of her friends aren't only human, or even human at all.
But Caroline being a vampire doesn't bother me. There's just something about her.......she's...she's so kind, selfless, and strong. She's beautiful.
I would never do anything to hurt her.
As I'm realizing and thinking about all of this, I walk into the kitchen to fix myself some coffee. I pull out my cell phone, and pull up Caroline's contact.

"Everything going okay?"

I type, hitting send immediately after.

I would do anything to protect her, for Elena, for herself, and for myself. My feelings toward her have grown significantly in the last week and its like I can't even control it at all.

It takes about ten minutes for the coffee to brew, and as soon as it finishes I pour some into a mug. I like my coffee black, so I don't add any sweeteners or creamers.
I then walk into the living room that has the balcony in it and I open the double doors, stepping outside into the fresh air. It feels so nice out. The warm air pushes against me, blowing pieces of my hair out of my face.
I look up at the sun, beginning to let myself sink into my thoughts until I hear someone come up behind me.

"Caroline, huh?" Katherine asks with her arms crossed as she leans up against the doorway.

  Great.  Katherine.  Just what I wanted first thing in the morning.  Why is she even up?
  It's also very clear she was listening to my thoughts which makes me really angry.

"Stay out of my head." I say angrily, glaring at her immediately. She rolls her eyes at me, taking a few steps closer to me.  "How does Dean feel about all that?  Considering...he hates vampires."  I narrow my eyes, "We don't have a problem with Caroline.  What are you getting at here? Because I'm really not in the mood to play your games this morning, Katherine."
  "You'll never have anything with her.  You know that right?  She's a vampire."  Katherine says successfully attempting to anger me.  I ignore her words, trying my best not to let them affect me.  "She doesn't die or grow old, she can't have kids, none of that.  You won't ever have that with her.  You won't ever have what Dean and Elena have as long as you're with Caroline." She tilts her head to the side as she says this, beginning to prance around me. I try to contain my emotions but she's starting to get to me. I clench my fists.
"What makes you think that's what I want?" I ask with an angry tone. "It's obnoxiously obvious what you want, Sam." She spits as she circles back around to face me. She looks up at me and narrows her eyes into a glare.
"I'm going to offer you a deal." She begins to say. Oh great, here we go.
"Umm, no. I'm not making any deals with you. I don't need anything from you and you're sure as hell not getting anything from me." I spit, moving to walk past her. Her hand grabs ahold of my arm tightly and she pushes me back, not allowing me to pass her. I rip my arm away from her.
She leans in closer to me and looks up at me, walking her fingers on my chest slowly just like she did to Cas last night. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to Caroline. You know, since you care about her so much and all.......All it takes is a stake to the heart and its lights out for her." She says in a smart ass tone with her bottom lip pushed out; wearing a fake sad face. Now my blood boils over and I can't hold it in anymore. I grab ahold of her hand tightly and I push her away from me. "I swear to God if you touch her-". Our conversation is interrupted by a confused Dean who walks up behind Katherine. "Woah woah what's going on?" He asks as the force from my push throws Katherine into him.
"This manipulative, psychotic bitch is trying to make some deal with me and she's threatening Caroline." I say as I clench my jaw tightly almost with rage.
Dean's expression quickly changes from confused to angry and he grabs ahold of Katherine's neck, pushing her up again the wall. "Now you listen to me-". Dean is cut off as Katherine uses her vampire speed to grab ahold of his neck and switch spots with him, Dean now being held up against the wall.
"No! You listen to me. I don't care how many of you there are up against me. Of course I'm trying to make little deals with you idiots around here because just in case you haven't noticed, I will always try to protect myself. This stupid little plan you've thought up may sound nice and sweet but guess what, Abaddon is smarter than that. She's stronger, smarter, faster, and more dangerous than all of us combined. Do you really think this plan is going to go through?" She yells in his face.

"What the hell is going on?!" I hear Elena yelling from inside as she walks down the stairs.

Dean stays silent, looking at Katherine with anger and a little bit of surprise in his eyes. His hands stay on hers, attempting to get out of her grasp continuously.

Elena rushes her way to the deck and grabs ahold of Katherine's arm.  "Let go of him, now!"  She yells.

Katherine waits for a moment before letting go, looking around at all of us as she slowly shakes her head.  "I hope you all have some sort of back up plan because with what we have now, we're all doomed."  She spits as she storms away.

"What the hell was that all about?"  Elena asks as she pulls Dean closer to her, checking to make sure he's okay.  He coughs a few times as he leans into her arms. 
  "Katherine was threatening Caroline, trying to get me to do something for her per usual."  I say as I roll my eyes in anger, crossing my arms over my chest.  "She's scared as hell."  Dean says as he clears his throat.  I nod in agreement.  Something is telling me in the pit of my stomach that if Katherine is this scared, we should be too.  Deep down I feel like Katherine really is right, and we need to make sure we have some kind of back up plan in case everything goes to hell.  Which is very possible in this situation.
  I groan to myself just thinking about everything that's going on.

We still have a lot to figure out.

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