Chapter 32: The Biggest One: Part 1

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[[Dean P.O.V.]]

And all of the sudden, the day came like a thief in the night. Even though we had a plan, none of us were ready at all. At least I wasn't. I tried my best to stay strong in front of Elena to make her feel less afraid, but the truth was that this ordeal was a much bigger deal than any of us had imagined. We weren't prepared. But we had no other choice. Abaddon had to be destroyed.

My good luck and just in case goodbye with Elena and my unborn child was definitely one of the worst things I've ever had to do. She cried, I almost did....I tried to hold it together best I could. Per usual she kept trying to get involved; unable to keep down her selflessness. She worries about everyone else like we worry about her and she thinks it's okay for her to sacrifice herself all the time, which I obviously don't want.

I stand in front of the mirror, adjusting my bow tie along with the collar of my suit. My thoughts torture me with so many what ifs and worries and the fact that even though Elena will be in a protected room she will still be alone which terrifies me.

"Well aren't you dashing." I hear a familiar, sarcastic voice from behind me. A voice identical to the love of my life, but definitely different. Isn't that crazy? They're the same person physically, but emotionally and personality wise they are completely different people.
I see Katherine standing behind me in the reflection of the mirror. She's all dressed up in a long, strapless wedding dress. Her hair is curled into tight swirls and she places her hands over her fake pregnant stomach--she looks identical to Elena. "I'm about ready to pop, am I right?" She asks as she pretends to be extremely pregnant. "Convincing?" She asks with an annoying fake laugh. I roll my eyes slightly, nodding in agreement with her even if I don't want to. This is going to suck.
"Aren't you going to tell me how beautiful I look? And how long you've waited for this day...blah blah blah....". She says with a wide smirk on her face as she walks closer and closer to me. "I mean I am completely identical to Elena, she would look the same as I right now." She leans in way too close to my face and I roll my eyes as I step back away from her, "You're more like the knock-off version of her." I spit, letting out a deep sigh as I shake my head, making my way towards the door.
Katherine laughs, crossing her arms as she watches me. She gets so much pleasure out of making me squirm. "Crowley and Castiel wanted me to tell you Elena is safe in the bunker. Caroline and Bonnie along with Castiel are already at the reception building preparing for the lovely husband and wife to come running in. Caroline said something about Sam inviting a bunch of hunters?" She asks. I stand in front of the doorway, turning my attention to her. "Yes. They were told that Elena and I had a private wedding and a public reception. They don't know what's going on, but if anything happens we could use their help." I explain. She raises a brow, rolling her eyes slightly with her arms still crossed. "You know there practically useless, right?" She says. I chose to ignore her. "You ready you stupid bitch?" I ask her as I give her a fake smile. She laughs slightly, shaking her head at me as she walks up to me, locking arms with me. "Aren't you such a gentlemen, sweetie."

[[Elena P.O.V./"Six Feet Under" -Billie Eilish]]

I pace back and forth, my sweaty fingers brushing against one another over and over as my anxiety really hits an all time high.
"Look I know it's easier said than done but you've got to calm down, Elena. We got this. Everything's going to be fine I promise you. I won't let anything happen to anyone." Sam says in an attempt to calm me down. He stands inside of the room with me, just in front of the doorway with his jet black suit, ready to go. He looks so handsome, Caroline is going to die.
  "Are you kidding me? How could I possibly calm down?!"  I shout out slightly. Sam shakes his head at me, letting out a sigh as he walks up to me. He places his hands on my shoulders. "We have everyone on our side. We can manage, we always have. We will get through this no problem. But for this to really work, I need you to please...please calm down. Everything could get all sorts of screwed up if you do something stupid and try to save everyone like you always do. You're 9 months pregnant Elena you need to stay out of this. We both know how right I am about that." He says with a serious tone. I roll my eyes, slowly shaking my head. "So I'm just supposed to sit here all alone while everyone goes out and risks their lives for me?" I argue.
  "It's not just about you anymore Elena. It affects all of us. It's safer for you to stay out of it. Do you really want to risk something happening to the baby?" He argues back.  I shake my head again, walking away from him as I sit down onto the small bed in the corner of the room. Sam glances down at his phone. "All right, it's about time for me to go." He says as his glance directs toward me. He looks at me for a moment just staring.
  "What?" I ask. He takes a deep breath, letting out one last deep sigh. He slips his phone into his pocket and makes his way over to me quickly. He sits down right beside me, looking over at me intently. "If you need anything, anything at all call me immediately. I'll be on alert the entire time and I can come back here if there's an emergency. I don't play that big of a part in this plan for a reason. Dean trusts me to protect you if needed and I can come back here at any time." He explains, his eyes becoming dewy. I smile warmly, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. "Please be careful, Sam. Don't just watch out for everyone else, watch out for yourself too." I say, getting a little teary-eyed as well.

My mind plays flashbacks of when Sam and I went on hunts after Dean disappeared. The drinks we shared, the food we ate together, the car rides.....he made everything better when Dean was gone. My mind replays the moment Sam and I saw Dean again for the first time, and all the other times Sam and I got to bond and save each other and help Dean together.

"Don't do anything stupid." I say to him, wrapping my arms around him to hug him. He hugs me back immediately, tightening his grasp on me. "Be safe while we're all gone okay?" He answers, pulling away as he looks at me one last time. "We're going to be fine." He exhales. He gets up, walking over to the doorway slowly. "Call me if you need anything at all. Okay?" He says. "I will."  I say, watching him nod as he walks out of the room and down the hall.

I feel my stomach drop, a large lump forming in my throat as I fight back tears. I could easily lose everyone at once during this. And there's absolutely no way to prepare myself for that.

I take a deep breath as I look up at the ceiling before closing my eyes as I exhale. I place a hand over my pregnant stomach, praying with everything I have that everyone will be okay tonight. I can't lose anyone else. Especially Dean......I can't.

[[Dean P.O.V.]]

Katherine and I make our way down the steps and toward the doors that lead to the room of the reception. We're a little late, so Sam, Cas, Crowley, Bonnie, and Caroline should all be in the room waiting for us with all of the guests. We have no idea if Abaddon is already here, if she will disguise herself, or if she'll make a grand appearance and kill everyone in sight. We don't know what's going to happen for sure. All we can hope is that there will be as little death as possible, and that we can get rid of her once and for all.
"Ready?" Katherine asks, raising a brow as she grabs my hand. I look down for a moment, taking a deep breath as my mind plays flashbacks of all things Elena. I remember the first time I met her; when I saved her. I remember her sternness to hunt with Sam and I, her selflessness before she even really knew me. I remember the first time we kissed, the first time we made love. I remember her talking me out of my rage, and leaving her that night in that hospital bed.  When she professed her love to me in the rain after I'd left her....when I found out she was pregnant...when she almost lost our baby....her laugh, her smile, all of it. I remember when I proposed. Most of all, her stubbornness to sacrifice herself constantly to save everyone else. She's the most amazing girl I've ever met......and I can't bare the thought of never seeing her again.

I snap out of my thoughts, swallowing thickly. "Ready." I say, putting a fake smile on my face.

We push the heavy doors open and it's as if everything starts going in slow motion. We run out into the room with our fake smiles and laughs like we were just happily married, fake giggles with our hands intertwined. Everyone in the room immediately begins to clap, yell with happiness and congratulate us. Bonnie and Caroline throw confetti over us.
Katherine grabs ahold of me and gives me a big nasty smooch on the lips. Gross.

I wrap and arm around her, placing my free hand on her fake pregnant belly. I look around the room, checking all of my surroundings.

And so it begins.

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