Chapter 20: Save Him

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[[Sorry this is a very short chapter!! More coming soon!!]]

[[Sam P.O.V.]]

I hold my phone up to my ear as I watch Caroline and Bonnie trying to figure out a plan of action with Elena. I dial Crowley's number repeatedly, trying my very best to get ahold of him. This is the only way we can get Dean back in a "safe" manner. I think our biggest problem is that we don't know this girl.  We have no idea how bad she is or what we're up against.  All I know so far is that we just need to give the crazy bitch what she wants and hopefully she'll then give us what we want. She definitely could be lying about the whole exchange though, so we need to be prepared
Crowley doesn't pick up the phone once again, and I dial his number for what seems like the 900th time now. My heart races and I can feel myself beginning to panic. I don't even know what I'm going to tell Crowley. It's not like he's just gonna drop everything to save Dean, he doesn't give two shits about him. Although, there does have to be some reason as to why he's saved Dean and Elena on multiple occasions......
   "Geeze how many times are you gonna call mate? I've got a life, you know." Crowley says in his strong British accent as he finally answers his phone. I try to calm down for a moment, clearing my head as I hurry and try to think of what to say.
"Crowley-uh, it's Sam."  I choke out, making up something that could hopefully convince Crowley to make a trip to where Dean is.  "Yes I know, there's this thing they've invented called Caller I.D. " he says back in his smart ass tone.  I roll my eyes to myself as he says this.  "Dean has contacted me...and he wanted me to tell you that he's found something that he thinks you'll be pretty interested in. He wouldn't tell me what it was, but he wanted me to send you his location."  I say.  I hear Crowley take a deep breath on the other line.  He's already suspicious.  "Okay, and....why couldn't he have just done that himself?"  He asks.  I freeze up for a moment, trying to find another way to make my story sound true.  "He had to call me originally to check in on Elena since I'm with her and he's not because they got in a pretty big fight the other night, and his phone was about to die so he just asked me to deliver the message for him."  I speak quickly.  Crowley is silent for a moment after I say this as if he's deciding whether or not to believe me.  "Okay.  But you don't have to send me his location, I already know where he is.  I am the King of Hell, remember?  I can just zap myself there."  He says, chuckling with himself annoyingly.  This alarms me.  Me, Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline need to be there at the same time as Crowley.  Anything could happen to Dean if we aren't there.
I let out a deep sigh, interrupting Crowley before he hangs up.  "Actually, could you do us a favor and zap us there with you?"  I ask.  Wow.  Who ever thought I'd be asking Crowley for a favor.  I wait for a few moments for him to answer, but Crowley immediately hangs up.  Oh.  Whelp......that was a waste of-".  My thoughts are cut off when literally two seconds later we are all standing in the dark in front of a huge ass abandoned building.  I guess he that answers my question.  He definitely zapped us here.

[[Elena P.O.V.]]

It seems like all I do is blink and then suddenly we are all zapped to a completely different place.  It's dark and a little cold out.  I look past Bonnie and Caroline to see an enormous abandoned building.  "What the hell just happened?"  Caroline questions as she looks around.  I get ready to ask the same thing, but when I look over toward Sam I see a pretty ugly sight standing right next to him and I freeze. 


"Elena.  It's so good to see you again."  Crowley says as he slowly begins to walk toward me,
the gravel crunching underneath his feet.  Caroline and Bonnie become nervous just as I do when they see him walking toward me, and they attempt to stand in front of me.  Crowley just barely lifts a finger and they both get shoved backward away from me.  Once he finally reaches me, he stands in front of me quietly.  He places a hand on my pregnant stomach, and he looks down at it.  "That's a very healthy baby boy you've got in there."  He says as he pulls away, just looking at me.  I get a warm, happy feeling throughout my body once I realize what he just said.  A baby boy?  Am I really having a baby boy?  "A boy?  It's a boy?"  I ask.  Crowley nods, walking back over toward Sam.  Oh my gosh it's a boy!  I want to smile and cry with happiness but I can't help but still feel a hole....and guilt...because Dean isn't here. 
   "Well, you got me here Sam.  Congratulations."  Crowley says as he crosses his arms.  "I know this was a set up.  I'm not stupid."  Crowley begins to pace back and forth as he looks around at all of us, glancing up at the large building a few times.  "Let me guess. Dean's in there, and she cut you a deal.  Me for him, am I right?"  He asks.  Sam's eyes widen as he cautiously keeps his distance.  "How'd you kn-."  Crowley interrupts him, "I know she's in there.  I can sense her."
   I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly.  I feel like this is all going to blow up and go completely wrong.  Nothing good ever comes from working with the devil.  "Well, It's your all's lucky day."  Crowley says as he pulls out a sharp, silver knife.  I look at him questionably.  "Just the other night I made a deal with Dean.  As long as he agrees to help me get rid of Abaddon, I'll keep you all safe.  That deal also includes himself.  I need him as of right now.  He's no good to me dead."  He explains, turning toward the huge building.  "So let's get him back, shall we?"  He says as he begins to walk toward the building.

Caroline, Bonnie, Sam and I all follow behind Crowley.  "Don't you think it would be best if Elena stayed behind?"  Sam asks, looking over at Crowley before glancing back at me.  "Are you kidding me Sam? No!"  I sort of yell at him.  "Safer?  Yes.  Smart perhaps?  No.  We may need to use her as some kind of leverage."  Crowley explains.  "That's a horrible idea."  Caroline says as she walks behind me.  Crowley ignores her comment, beginning to walk faster as we get closer to the big rusty doors.
  Once we reach the entrance, Crowley lifts his hand in the air and the rusty doors fly off their hinges, opening.  "Be careful."  Sam says as he looks back at all of us while we walk in.  There's glass, papers, and garbage everywhere.  This place is trashed. 
Crowley stops in his tracks for a moment, looking over at a set of stairs that lead to the next floor.  "What is it?"  Sam asks.  "They're up there.  You all go first."  Crowley says, stepping back for us to go ahead.  Sam gets angry, not liking that idea at all.  "What?!  No."  Sam yells in a loud whisper.  Crowley rolls his eyes, "I know what I'm doing you Moose.  Just follow my lead."  He growls.  Sam takes a deep breath, shaking his head as he looks back at us.  "Just stay behind me you guys, okay?"  We all nod, following behind Sam as we slowly walk up the metal stairs.

When we reach the top, we walk into a huge room.  There's trash and glass all over the floor.  As soon as my eyes move up from the floor, I see Dean sitting in a chair in the middle of the room.  "DEAN!"  I scream.  I attempt to run toward him as fast as I can but Sam grabs ahold of me and pulls me back, stopping me.  A group of large men, I'm assuming demons, walk out from another doorway across the room.  They surround him, standing him up from the chair roughly. I feel my heart beat faster and faster and I don't try to get away from Sam's arms as he holds me back. Dean looks at me, his eyes guilty and broken like before. He tries to get out of their grip but one of them grabs ahold of his face tightly. "Don't even think about it, Winchester." One of the demons spit out disgustingly.
"Well well well, you all came. Let's get this party started, shall we?" Abaddon says as she prances out into the room with her black stiletto heels, a wide smirk spread across her bright red lips.

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