Chapter 40: Surprises Keep Coming

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[["Wicked Game" -Ursine Vulpine ft. Annaca]]

I sit there for what seems like hours rather than minutes. My eyes just stare at the door fearfully, wondering what the hell is about to walk through it.

I feel Sam and Dean's eyes on me, but I don't turn to look at them. I can't seem to turn my attention away from the door. I feel it. It's like something inside of me that I've been forced to forget was bursting through but I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

"Elena." Dean mumbles through his tape, looking at me with concern and so much love. He shakes his head, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

Oh God. Dean is afraid.

Maybe this is the end for us. For all of us. Thomas is going to lose both of his parents and there isn't anything we can do about it.

My entire life begins to flash before my eyes as I look into Dean's green eyes. I see our son. Our beautiful son. I see Dean's eyes in his. He has my smile. He has Dean's personality even as a baby. I remember the first time I kissed Dean.

I remember when he wanted me to be his, and when he proposed. I remember when I told him I was pregnant.

I remember our laughs, our tears, our fights, our loving moments...all of it. It's like I think back at snippets.

I smile at him warmly, my eyes beginning to fill with tears as well. I begin to speak with him, saying everything I feel like I haven't said that I should.

"Dean, I love you. I love you so much. Thank you for everything. For giving me love, our son, a purpose...for everything we've achieved together in order to save people. You helped me to become that person. To save other people. To make up for every single bad thing I'd ever done or been involved with. You've redeemed me. You've redeemed my entire life." I begin to explain, sniffling as I watch a single tear roll down his cheek. My heart breaks, shattering into a million pieces.

Sam looks over at me apologetically with tears in his eyes also. "You too Sam. Thank you for protecting me and my son and everyone I care about just as Dean would himself. And for being there for me when Dean....when Dean couldn't be." Now this...this is when I begin to break down. I choke up mid-sentence. Tears begin to stream down my cheeks uncontrollably and I can't stop.

I sniffle, my attention changing toward Katherine as she opens up the front door. "Surprise, surprise.." She says to a black figure in the darkness of the night.

I listen as boots walk up wooden steps and then onto the porch, the figure becoming visible as the person hits the light of the room. He steps inside, freezing completely in his tracks once he hits the doorway. His eyes look all around the room, at Sam, Dean, and then finally at me. His eye make contact with mine, and shock begins to cover his face as his entire demeanor changes to a softer, confused one.

"Elena?" He questions quietly in complete and utter shock. His face softening along with his voice, his body relaxing as he gets only one question out.

It's been years since I saw this familiar face. My eyes widen and I sniffle back my tears, my jaw drops in shock.

 My eyes widen and I sniffle back my tears, my jaw drops in shock

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To be continued....

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