Chapter 19: The Age Of Abaddon

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[[Caroline P.O.V.]]

I slowly begin to wake up in the passenger seat of my car, letting a big yawn escape from my mouth.  I got tired of driving so I let Sam drive for me.  We're now about an hour and a half from Elena and Bonnie's loft apartment that they're staying at in Rosewood.
I stretch my arms out as my eyes open, and I look out the window realizing how dark it is outside. "Damn, what time is it?" I ask, my voice is a little hoarse from just waking up. Sam takes a deep breath, "Almost 10:30."  As he says this, he pulls into the parking lot of a little diner.  I look around, checking it out. It's super cute-there's a place to eat inside and outside.  Outside of the diner are cute little lit up lanterns.  It kind of reminds me of something you'd see in New Orleans.  "We're getting food?"  I ask excitedly.  Since I'm a vampire and all I eat is blood now, it's nice to actually get to eat real food sometimes.  I miss it.  Sam chuckles, "Why are you so excited it's not like you need it."  I sarcastically pretend to get angry at him and I playfully slap him.  "Hey!  I still like to eat real food.  I miss it.  I can't even remember the last time I went out to eat at a restaurant."  I explain.  Sam takes the keys out of the ignition and puts them into his pocket.  I get out of the car, walking toward the door.  "You wanna eat inside or outside?"  Sam asks, placing his hand on my lower back as we walk inside. Oh shit. I instantly react, getting goosebumps on my body but in a good way. "Outside, it looks super pretty." I say once we get inside. A waitress comes up to us with a warm smile, "How many? Two?" She asks, grabbing menus for us. We both nod, smiling back at her. "What'll it be, inside or out?" She asks. "Outside." Sam says.
We follow her outside and she sits us at a table. On the table is the cutest little candle with a rose laying next to it. "My name is Sarah, I'll be your waitress tonight. What would you guys like to drink?"

[[Dean P.O.V.]]

My eyes pop open as if I've just woken up from an intense nightmare.  My skin is sweaty and I breathe heavily as I realize there's duck tape over my mouth.  My hands and legs are tied down to a chair.  Well, looks like I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.
I pull at the ties roughly, trying to escape but I can't. I look around the dark room, noticing that I'm in the same place where I met Abaddon. Great. For a moment I don't remember what happened, but after a few seconds everything comes flooding back to me.  This bitch is gonna get it as soon as I get out of here.
   "You're awake."  The familiar female voice says from behind me.  I turn my head slightly, trying to look over my shoulder so that I can see her.  I try to say something back but the tape over my mouth only allows muffles of my voice.  "Don't even try wasting your energy honey, I'm a lot better at this than Crowley."  She says as she slowly walks around me before standing directly in front of me. I narrow my eyes at her, glaring angrily. "Seems like he's got some kind of soft spot for you." She says as she slightly rolls her eyes, slowly walking up closer to me. She leans in, getting closer and closer and closer to my face until our foreheads are almost touching. She whispers seductively, "But guess what? I don't." *WHACK* Her fist comes flying into my face, hitting me pretty hard. My face stings as I groan slightly in pain, but I continue to look at her with disgust. I hold my ground. She pulls away from me, beginning to prance around me again with her arms crossed. "So this is obviously going to work my way. No deals, no exchanging. Just you and I, talking about what I want." She says as she giggles a little, pulling a knife out from her back pocket.
"We both know Crowley's the king of hell. Which to me is a complete joke. It's pathetic, really. Anyway my point is, I want it. I want the throne, I want it all. And you seem to have a close connection with Crowley quite frequently. You're working together to get rid of me, aren't you?" She asks with a smile across her face. She takes the knife and looks at it for a moment before her eyes lock with mine.  "You didn't answer the question."
  She stabs the knife into my thigh, and a sharp pain shoots throughout my entire body.  I scream out, squeezing my eyes shut in pain.  She just laughs, getting enjoyment out of this.  *WHAM* her hand slaps me across the face.  I groan again. How the hell am I supposed to answer any of her questions when she has my damn mouth taped shut?

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