Chapter 17: Rosewood

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[[Elena P.O.V.]]

"Gosh isn't this place just so cute!" Bonnie squeals as she hands me my coffee. I grin, laughing at her. She's right though. This little town is so quiet and adorable. It's peaceful....

Bonnie and I scope out the shops in the little town, making a plan of where we think we're gonna go after my doctors appointment. The clothing shop seems like a good idea considering they have baby clothes in there. Once I figure out the gender, I'll need to get some baby clothes. I smile to myself as I think about this, it's so exciting. And for another moment, everything feels content and happy. I forget about the problems I left behind last night and I forget about the fact that Dean, the love of my life no matter how pissed I am at him, and the father of my child isn't going to be present when I find out the gender........That's so wrong, isn't it? It's not right of me to do this without him, right? Suddenly all of my worries come flooding back into my mind, causing my stomach to feel sick. I begin to walk slower, not even realizing that all of my thoughts are causing me to accidentally lose touch with reality. "Elena?" Bonnie says, grabbing ahold of my shoulders as she stands in front of me. She notices my sudden mood change.
I snap out of it, looking at her with rapid blinking eyes. "Yeah?-Sorry-I-I was just thinking about a lot at once. We should get to the doctor." I say, taking a quick sip of my coffee casually as I turn around and head back toward the car. She follows behind me.  And I don't mention my thoughts to her.

[[Dean P.O.V./"Does It Offend You Yeah" -Wrong Time Wrong Planet]]

"Thank you so much for the help, man. I really appreciate it. You have no idea." I say to Byron, the bartender who is basically a hacker god. He can do amazing things with electronics and the internet. I take a sip of my whiskey, pressing my lips together slightly as the liquor burns my throat.
"Of course, I understand your need for this. That's pretty messed up dude....she just up and packing a few things and leaving..." Byron says as he cracks open a beer for himself.  I let out a deep sigh, taking another drink.  "I pissed her off, though.  I mean I hurt her....pretty bad.." I explain, trying myself to understand what she's feeling. I still don't agree at all with her leaving like that. We've been over this.....we've talked about this so many damn times. It's just-it's not fair. I understand what I did and I understand how wrong she thinks it is. Don't get me wrong, I will love that kid with everything I got. I love that baby with everything I got. But in that moment.......She had a much higher chance of surviving than the baby. I was selfish, I know. This is just hard for me I guess, because I'm not really that sorry. I can't apologize for something that I'm not sorry for.

After a few minutes of chatting with Byron and explaining some parts of the story to him, his computer starts binging like crazy in the back room. His eyes widen and he quickly puts his beer down. I get up as fast as I can and follow him into the small back room to check his computer.
The lights are off in the room and the only light is the computer screen that lights up on our faces. On the screen is a red dot that's moving slowly. "Found your girl, Winchester. She's in a little place called Rosewood. That's maybe about.....three hours away from here? Looks like..she's going into a hospital or something." Byron says, narrowing in on the dot to see the exact street names. Oh God. The hospital? This makes me nervous, and I can feel myself beginning to worry. "Why the hell is she going into a hospital?" I ask out loud to myself. Byron just slowly shakes his head, clicking on another option on the screen. The computer makes all kinds of noises. Suddenly, a list of places pops up on the screen. "What's that?" I ask, narrowing my brows in confusion. "This is everywhere she--well technically her phone has been. Looks like they're staying in some loft apartment in the middle of town. It's on.....Greenebrook Avenue. Here, put it into your GPS on your phone." Byron says, watching me as I immediately pull my phone out. My heart beats quickly as I hectically put the location into my GPS.

Found her.

I exhale deeply, feeling a little relief. I look at Byron with a thankful expression. "Thank much. You don't understand how much this helped. If you ever need anything at all man, don't be afraid to ask. I owe you big time." I say, looking at him with relieved eyes. He shakes his head, "Anytime, that's what I'm here for. If I ever need ya I'll give you a call. Hope this works out for you." He says. I shake his hand firmly, smiling at him and nodding before I quickly make my way out of the bar.

[[Elena P.O.V.]]

"Stay right here, I'm gonna go get information and a doctor for us." Bonnie says as she walks down the hall. I stand next to some couches and chairs, waiting on her.
I feel so bad about this....Dean should be here. Am I making a mistake?
I look around, just watching as people walk by. It's crazy to think that none of these people....they don't know about any of the strange and horrible things that walk this earth. They don't know about any of it. It's like.....they still have their innocence or something. They just have smaller problems......"normal" problems.
I sit down on one of the couches, resting my hands on my pregnant stomach. I feel kinda out of breath which is totally pathetic. I'm just so pregnant and I'm so tired of it.
I glance through the crowds of people again, people watching. But suddenly, I see a familiar face standing in the midst of all the busy people walking. He stands with his black trench coat, just eyeing me.


My eyes widen and I gasp as I quickly get up. Oh God. Oh no.
I look behind me toward the direction that Bonnie went off to to see if she's on her way back so that I can get away, but by the time I turn back around, Crowley is gone. What the hell? I hectically look around everywhere, searching for him. I begin to walk through people, going to the spot where I saw him. But nope. No Crowley.
I begin to think.....was he even there? Was that real or did I just imagine it? Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me because of everything that's been going on. My emotions are so heightened right now because of the pregnancy anyway. So maybe he wasn't even really there, right?
I let out a deep sigh, sort of relieved. I turn back around to go back to my seat but I stop in my tracks, practically almost running into a woman. She was literally standing as still as a rock right behind me, like my face almost hit hers. I gasp, jumping back a little. "Oh, you scared me. I'm so sorry." I say as I give her a fake smile, trying to walk past her. She puts her hand on my chest, pushing me back. Okay that's weird. I shoot her a confused look, wondering what the hell is going on.
She's got dark red hair, and her plump red lips slowly stretch into a smile. It seems like a very fake smile.  I take a deep breath. "You must be Elena." She says calmly, tilting her head as she looks me over. Who the hell is this girl and how does she know my name?

"Ummm...yes. I am. How did you-?" Before I can finish, she speaks up again. "I wasn't aware how pregnant you were." She immediately places her hands on my pregnant stomach which makes me extremely uncomfortable. I watch her awkwardly, feeling really not okay with this. "Uhhh, woah....". I say, moving away from her a little. Boundaries is a thing in case she forgot.  "Who are you? And how do you know who I am?" I ask, so completely confused.  She swallows thickly, crossing her arms as she smirks at me.  "I'm a friend of Crowley's."  She flashes her full black, demon eyes at me.

As soon as this statement slips from her mouth and I see those cold eyes, I freeze.  I must have actually seen Crowley...which means.....

I need to get out of here.  Now.

I don't dare say anything to her.  I turn around and walk as quickly as I can, trying to figure out where the hell Bonnie is.  I rush around the corner, looking behind me to see if she's following but I don't see her.  When I turn back around to face forward I bump right into Bonnie.  "Woah, dude.  What are you-".  I quickly cut her off, my breathing starting to quicken as the fear rises inside me.  "Bonnie we need to get out of here.  Now."  I say as I grab ahold of her arm, dragging her with me to the door as quickly as I can.

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