Chapter 31: The Night Before

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[["Terrible Love" -Birdy/ Elena P.O.V]]
*warning: very short chapter*

The remainder of the day was spent planning and plotting, trying to figure out a way to have a fake wedding without getting Dean and Katherine actually married, trying to figure out how to get away with sending Abaddon to heaven with symbols on everyone's hands, and lastly where I will be in all of this.
Dean won't let me take any part it in because the baby could be here any day now, and he says we can't risk Abaddon getting ahold of me.
I completely understand all that, but...I can't just sit around and wait during all of this. It scares me to death knowing what danger Dean will be in the entire time. And the fact that he'll be spending the evening pretending to love and be all over Katherine makes me sick to my stomach.
   This whole fake wedding takes place tomorrow.....which is honestly scary.  Are we really ready for this?
   Dean walks over to me while I clean the dishes in the kitchen, and he slowly wraps his arms around my stomach from behind.  "How are you feeling?" He asks in a sweet tone.  I smile warmly, "Physically, I feel fine. Emotionally......". I stop what I'm doing for a moment before grabbing the wash cloth to dry my hands off. I turn around to face him.  "Do you really think we're ready for this?" I ask him.  His smile fades into a more serious look. As does mine. "Elena...we can't hide forever. We have to get rid of her. That's the only way."  He says, placing his hands on either side of my face.  I look down, letting out a deep sigh. "I have confidence in us.  We have Crowley, Cas, Katherine. They are all pretty damn powerful even if we don't want to admit it sometimes. We got this. It's going to be okay, babe. We have to stay strong."  His words beat into my head, and I force myself to believe them because it makes me feel a lot better thinking about all of this in that way.
   I place my hands over my stomach, "Our son is going to be here any day just makes me nervous with all of this going on. What if I go into labor tonight or something?" I ask, the anxiety starting to get to me. I hadn't even thought about birth yet. We've had so much going on, we haven't even discussed the birthing process. That scares me....being unprepared.
"We will all be here with you. I promise you if you go into labor at any time, I will not leave your side."
"Okay but what about tomorrow? Where am I going to be tomorrow?"
"We're gonna have you staying in the bunker. Cas is going to write all kinds of protective symbols around and throughout the bedroom to keep you safe. No supernatural being can get in or out. And it can only be broken by Cas." Dean explains. I slowly nod, letting out a deep sigh with little relief.
  I guess I'm just going to have to go along with all of this whether I like it or not. I don't really have any other choice. This could be our only shot, and we have to take it.

A few hours go by and the day is almost over. With every second I feel more and more sick to my stomach, knowing exactly what tomorrow brings and what that means. Dean and everyone else decide to throw a fake wedding reception, rather than a wedding last minute, so that the real wedding will be special for Dean and I.

As I lay down in bed with Dean, I stare at the ceiling for hours as my thoughts completely flood my mind. I toss and turn, unable to sleep with so much anxiety that I feel as if I might puke. I can't lose him and I can't lose anyone else right now. I just can't.

Tomorrow is going to be a very big day. And I don't think that I'm ready for it at all.

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