Chapter 38: The Rescue

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I look out the side of the window, the rumbling of the impala is almost comforting as Dean drives us down the long, dark highway. I look over at him worriedly, trying to keep my expression as calm as I can. I have a horrible feeling about all of this. I grab one of his hands from the steering wheel and hold it up to my mouth, placing a soft kiss on his palm. He looks over at me, his green eyes gazing into mine. A small smile appears across his face and he nods. "I love you." He says before turning his attention back to the road.
"I love you too. Everything will be fine, okay?" I say in an attempt to comfort him. He just nods, tilting his head as he stares at the road ahead of us.
  I reach over and turn on the radio, hoping that this will ease our nerves a little. "Break Me Down" comes on, and I turn my attention back to the outside of my window. My eyes try to keep up with the trees as we pass them, and I find myself getting lost in the lines on the road.

After driving for about an hour, we get to the small town in which Sam had been staying—where his hunt was located. He'd been going after a pack of vampires that were ripping this small town apart. There were ten bodies found brutally murdered in less than a week. Vampires were normally an easy kill for Sam on his own. He had a partner this time, so it didn't make sense for this to be something he had any problems with. That's why Dean and I are so worried. This is unusual.

"I'm assuming they were probably staying at the cheapest motel in town, and that should be easy to find considering how small this area is." I say as I look out the window, studying each and every building we pass. "Definitely." Dean says, keeping an eye out for a cheap-looking motel just as I am.

"Once we find it, we can check ourselves into a room and try to track his phone. All three of them." Dean explains. I nod in agreement.

After a few minutes we pull up to it—a tiny, sketchy motel. "How much you wanna bet this is it." Dean says, pulling into the gravel parking lot. "You're probably right. There's only two cars here. That's weird...right?" I ask.

"Maybe. It is cheap. And it's a very small town, maybe they just don't get good business?" Dean suggest as he parks into a spot close to the entrance. "I'll go get us a room, go ahead and start unloading while I'm inside and then I'll come back and help you carry stuff in." Dean says quickly as he opens up the impala door and jumps out, jogging toward the entrance.

He's in a rush—which I understand considering Sam could be in danger. This isn't any occasional hunt. This is Sam we're talking about here. I get out of the car, opening up the trunk and beginning to grab our luggage, electronics etc. I set them down onto the gravel one at a time, trying to be careful with our laptop.

[[Dean P.O.V.]]

I rush into the motel, walking up to the person working. "Hey, I'd like a room, please." I quickly say, placing cash onto the counter immediately. "For how long?" The man working asks. "Just one night, hopefully." I say nervously as I begin to think about this entire situation.

Hopefully, this ends tonight. Or tomorrow. If we're here for more than a day, then I'm really going to get worried. One thing that's true is, Sam most likely stayed here. So if he did, I wonder if this man saw him?

"Hey, uh, was there someone staying here that went by the name Sam Winchester? Super tall guy with longer hair?" I decide to ask, giving him a quick description.

He pauses for a moment, thinking as he places my cash in the register and gets a room key from the box hanging on the wall. "Yeah...yeah, real tall guy. He's been staying here for about a week or so. I haven't seen him come back for at least three or four days. Why? He isn't some vigilante or something is he?" He questions nervously as he holds out the room key for me to grab.

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