Chapter 8: Sam: Part 1

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[[ "Elena Turns Her Emotions Off Season 4 Music Score"/ Elena P.O.V./click photo above to see the full picture]]

I run outside of the room as soon as Dean hangs up, in fear of what he'll do.  He doesn't do well when he acts on panic.  Fear of losing the ones he cares about the most is a weakness of Dean.  He goes crazy and irrational instead of staying calm and rational.
   He comes barging into the coroner, walking up to the front desk.  He frantically begins to ask the guy way too many questions.  "Hi, did you see the agent that was just here leave recently?  Did he leave with anyone?  Or did you see anyone at all walk in here and go back into that room besides him?"  He asks, aggression is heard in his voice.  I quickly walk over to them, trying to put a handle on the situation.  The man at the counter is very confused and he looks slightly afraid of Dean's approach.  "Um-I don't-I'm not sure, I've been working."  The man nervously answers, looking around us.  He notices me and he tries to ask me what's going on.  Before I can even answer, Dean starts yelling.  "What do you mean you DON'T KNOW?!  How can you not know?  You've been standing here the whole time.  It's a damn building filled with dead people you HAVE to know when someone walks by you!"  My eyes widen and I grab onto Dean's arm, trying to pull him away as he inches closer and closer over the counter.  The man's eyes fill with fear and his voice shakes.  "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or I will be forced to call security.  I don't even know who you are."  The man backs away from us, slowly.  "HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING?  Are you kidding me?!"  Dean yells even louder this time, moving aggressively toward the man.  I hold him back, narrowing my brows in shock as I try to calm him down.  "Dean, stop it!  It's not his fault let's just go.  He doesn't know anything, we'll figure it out okay?  Calm down."  I say loudly over him.
   Dean rips himself out of my grasp and he angrily walks away, bursting out of the doors toward the car.  I cover my eyes and forehead with my hands, rubbing them slightly in embarrassment.  "I am so sorry."  I apologize before running out after Dean. 
  It begins to sprinkle as I run outside to the car.  Dean quickly gets inside and slams his door shut.  I get in the passenger side.  He hits the gas as hard as he can as I start to yell at him again.  "Dean, please, you have to calm down.  We've got to be rational about this so we can figure out where he is."  I say, trying to convince Dean to stop the car and pull over.  We need to talk about this and think it through so that we can figure something out.  Dean ignores me, his jaw clenched in anger as he drives, speeding like crazy onto the highway.  I don't even know where he's going, I'm not sure if he even does.  He quickly pulls out his phone and dials Castiel's number.  While it rings, I pull out my cell phone and text Caroline.  I let her know what's going on and that we need help.  Cas doesn't answer, so Dean dials him again. 

Caroline texts me back: send me your location and I'll be there as fast as I can.

"Dean, why don't we call Bonnie.  She can use a locator spell and we can find him the fastest way we know possible."  I suggest as he holds his phone up to his ear.  Once again, Castiel doesn't pick up.  Dean screams out in anger and aggravation and throws his phone to the back seat.  I jump slightly at the loud crunching sound it makes. 
   He needs to calm the hell down. 
My heart beats faster and faster and without getting Dean's approval, I dial Bonnie's number.

After a few rings, she picks up.  "Hey what's up?"  She asks.  I put her on speaker so that Dean can hear the conversation.  Even if he isn't saying he wants to hear it, I know that he does.  "Bonnie, how fast can you get your things out and do a locator spell to find someone for us?"  I ask, impatiently waiting her answer.  I'm sure she's very confused, but I just don't have the time to explain. I nervously tap my shoe on the floor of the car over and over.  I hear her take a deep breath as she thinks, "Hmmmm......Well, lucky for you I'm home.  Who do you need me to find?"  She asks calmly, not understanding the urgency of this situation.  "It's Sam, Bonnie.  We need you to find Sam.  And fast."  Dean says, his voice more calm than before.  He takes a deep breath as he squeezes the steering wheel, hard.
Some noises are heard from Bonnie's line and I can tell she's quickly getting her things out.  "The only problem we have is I don't have anything personal of his.  Is there- wait."  Bonnie says as she interrupts herself.  "I still have that picture with all of us in it.  I can use that.  Hang in there you guys, I'll text you the location as soon as possible."  She says before quickly hanging up.  I look over at Dean with slight relief, "See, it's going to be fine okay?  Pull over, Caroline is meeting us.  I need to send her our location."  I say, looking down at my phone.  "What's she gonna do?"  Dean asks with a smart ass tone, the anger returning in his voice.  I roll my eyes, slightly shocked with the way he's acting toward me, "She's going to help.
   Dean is angry.  I understand why he's acting the way he is, but it's still bothering me the way he's talking to me.
   Dean finally pulls over and I use my iPhone to pinpoint our location, and send it to Caroline.  I'm not sure how she'll be able to get to Connecticut so quickly from the bunker, since she's been staying at the bunker with us and that's pretty far from here.  "What's taking Bonnie so damn long.  We don't have time for this."  Dean says impatiently, the fear very visible in his sparkling eyes.  It's only been a few minutes.  He's really starting to piss me off.  I let out a deep sigh, "I'm sure Bonnie is going as fast as she-".  My phone buzzes and I finally get the text from Bonnie.  That was pretty fast.

"3114, Moon Crescent Road.  Looks like some kind of farm.  I'm on google earth right now and it's showing me a ginormous cornfield.  Please be careful.  Let me know if you need me, okay?" 

I read this text from Bonnie out loud.  The very minute my words finish slipping from my lips, Dean quickly puts the car in drive. We speed off onto the highway. Almost seconds after he does this, Castiel and Caroline both literally appear out of thin air in the back seat.  You'd think after experiencing Castiel do this so many times I would be used to it by now, but, I'm definitely not.
I jump, frightened and surprised. "What the hell?!" I screech with surprise. "You scared the hell out of me!" I scream at the two of them. Everything seems to be happening so fast.  "Well look who finally decided to show up. You didn't answer your damn phone, Cas." Dean says angrily as he steps on the gas even harder.  Caroline's eyes widen as she looks at Dean in surprise.  He needs to get ahold of his emotions.  "He was busy, I got ahold of him, he popped us in here."  After she explains, she looks over at me.  "Okay.  Do we know where Sam is?"  She asks.  I nod.  "Bonnie used a locator spell and figured it where he is.  It's some huge ass corn field...." Caroline rolls her eyes once I say this, "Perfect. Just perfect. How far away are we from the location?" She asks. Castiel looks at Dean and then makes eye contact with me. I give him a look of worry, trying to clue him in on Dean's unstableness in this situation. This isn't good, the way he's acting. Something could go horribly wrong if we aren't careful with him. He could do something crazy without even thinking. "We're only five minutes away now." Dean says, speeding down the highway even faster. He's going at least 85 mph.
Thunder cracks loudly and some lighting is seen in the sky ahead of us. It's a super dark and dreary night.
The rain starts to pour instead of sprinkle and Dean quickly flips on the windshield wipers. We get to the end of the highway and turn down this country road that's embedded in large amounts of trees. It looks as if everything is just getting darker and darker and we're going deeper and deeper into the woods. It's scary.
Finally, we pull down a road that leads to a huge open area, except it's not necessarily open, it's full of corn crops. I swear though, the corn field looks as if it goes on forever: it's never-ending. "Wow....uhhh.....This is even creepier than I had imagined in my head.." Caroline says nervously as Dean swings off the side of the road, all of our bodies getting violently jolted to our sides. He carelessly parks in the grass. Without a single word he quickly gets out of his car, slamming the door behind him. We all get out after him as quick as we can, trying to keep up with him. He opens the trunk to the Impala and grabs himself a gun and a machete. The rain is really pouring now and Dean's hair is soaked, water droplets drip from the tips of his hair. Thunder cracks loudly again and there's a bolt of lifting not too far away from us. This is so dangerous. He slips the gun into his pocket but keeps the machete out in his hand, ready to go. He turns around and takes off running into the corn field. He's so determined to save Sam that it's as if nothing else matters. I shake my head, starting to panic. What is he doing?!?! He can't just take off like that without even saying anything?!
"Dean-Dean wait!" I scream from behind him. He doesn't answer my calls, he's already running deeper and deeper into the corn field. Caroline looks over at me and notices my terrified expression. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm pretty pregnant, I can't just take off running without hurting something. "Cas, you help Elena. I've got vamp speed, I'll catch up with Dean." Caroline says as she takes off after him.

My heart races and I'm scared. What if Sam's hurt bad? Or what if-what if he's already dead? Or what if Dean gets hurt trying to save him? Or what if he dies in the process? All of these thoughts flood into my mind and I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. My brain feels as if it's just going to literally implode.
It's almost as if Cas is reading my thoughts, because he places a hand on my shoulder softly and comforts me. I snap out of my mind prison. "Elena, Elena look at me." He says, moving my head up to face him. Thunder cracks loudly once more, my entire body completely soaked from the pouring rain now. His voice is slightly hard to hear because the rain is beating down so loudly onto the ground and road. "Just take a deeeeep breath. Everything is fine, just calm yourself down. He will be fine. You will be fine. We will be fine. Let's get ourself some weapons and head out after them, okay?" He says very calmly and reassuringly. He makes everything seem easy, like this is no big deal. I mean, it's a HUGE deal but the way he's making it seem makes me feel better--more comfortable and confident.
I take a deep breath and slow my thoughts down, calming myself. "Okay, okay." I say as I turn around to the trunk of the Impala again, grabbing Castiel and I our own guns.
"Stay behind me." He says, signaling for me to follow him as he walks into the corn ahead of me.  I grab a flashlight quickly, switching it on as I walk into this mess.

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