Russia x Reader Killer Picture

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You were going through the pictures of your trip to Rome with Ivan, when something caught your eye.
"What is it sunflower?"
A tall blonde Russian man enters the room, a childish look playing on his face.
You gestured him to get closer to you. He plopped himself down on the couch and wrapped his big, strong arms around you.
"Well.." You softly began, "Look at this picture." Your camera displayed a picture of the two of you in front of an ice cream shop, both of you smiling happily into the camera. At least you were. "Look." You pointed to Ivan's face in the picture. Ivan leaned forward to get a closer look. "What about it?"
You sighed. "Ivan.. The way you smile is.." You tried to think of a better word, "... Scary." Clearly, he was shocked. "What do you mean..?"
You tried to be gentle on him. It must be hard to face the truth. You felt like a true bitch saying something like that to your sweet boyfriend.
"I'm sorry Ivan, but just look at the picture. When you smile the aura around you is murderous. But I never noticed until now."
"That is just one picture!"
You quietly pressed 'Next' and showed Ivan all of the pictures where he was smiling. His cream colred skin paled to a flash white complexion. "It's true.." He stammered, "I'm terrifying.."
You pat him on the back. "THAT'S not true, Ivan! You're a sweet guy. We just need to fix the way you smile!"
You notice he was about to smile but quickly refrained from it. That's when you realized something.
"Ivan! Smile again!"
"I know I'm scary, sunflower, I'm not going to do it again."
"No just do it!"
He paused for a second and smiled. He didn't look horrifying at all. You snapped your fingers.
"Ivan, you're only terrifying when someone takes a picture of you!"
"Really? That's gre-- Actually *nyet, it isn't."
"Actually it is! That just means you're not photogenic! You can learn how to be photogenic."
Ivan's natural color returned and he looked as happy as when you baked him a sunflower cake for his birthday.
"That's wonderful! You will teach me how to be photogenic, da?"
A pink color dusted your cheeks. "I would.. But I'm not photogenic myself."
"**Khuinya!" Ivan yelled, his violet eyes twinkling, "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen!" Your cheeks were then glowing a hot red.
"Well then," He took your hands in his, "teach me please!"
You giggle at the innocent look he put on. "Alright, alright. Anyway.. I'm pretty sure that the key to smiling beautifully in a picture is for it to look natural," You scratch your head, "don't force it. I guess you should think about something that makes you happy when you're about to take a picture. Let's try it out." You grabbed your digital camera, as Ivan prepared himself. "Smile for the camera in 3, 2, 1~"
"Hey, the result's not bad!" You were impressed. "Let me see!" He rushed to see the result.
It was pretty good. Ivan didn't look like he was about to murder someone. "What did you think about that made you so happy, anyway?" You ask him, satisfied with your teaching skills. He chuckles. "What else? You, of course. To be precise, you in a field of sunflowers." You turn away from him, to hide your piping red face. "You really know how to make a girl embarrassed, don't you."

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